I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 623 Completion Of The Soul

After ending the conversation with God Artemis, Bell began to guide the divine power in the divine core into Artemis' original body.

The majestic divine power forced the guided Bell to concentrate on controlling it, otherwise these divine powers would not be able to calmly enter the body of God Artemis.

And the divine core, which has had a large amount of divine power extracted, has lost its original brilliance and has become dim.

Considering that the divine core can only be used as an energy storage organ in the body of a god, this divine core that has lost a lot of divine power may only be used as an exhibit for research in the future.


Bell put away the divine core with a trace of pity. It was rare for a god like Ikelos to seek his own death. He might not be able to encounter another one in the future. He didn't know how long it would take for such a resource to be available. Only then can I collect another one.


There was a slight stagnation when the divine power that was guided into the body of Artemis entered the divine core.

"It's stuck."

"God Artemis, why do you feel that way?"

"Eh? You ask me?"

"Since you are the self-awareness of God Artemis, you should be able to discover some situations, right?" 537


Artemis felt a headache after being asked like this, but in order to continue to stay in the lower world, she could only work harder to sense what was going on.

Put your hand on the heart of the body and directly connect with your own hands to feel the problems in your body.

"Hmm~ It seems that the main body has lost part of its consciousness.

Lost part of the consciousness? Bell thought for a while and immediately understood that this was because the devouring of the monster created a physical connection between the monster and the soul of Artemis. With the death of the Warcraft, God Artemis lost part of her connected soul.

"This is really troublesome."

"Although a god will not die completely because of the loss of part of his soul, the situation of God Artemis in this situation is indeed not good."

The missing part of the soul is not a serious injury to the gods. At most, it can only be recovered after a period of cultivation.

But now the subjective consciousness of God Artemis is comatose, and the missing part of the soul has also affected the input of divine power, which is troublesome.

God Artemis is in good physical condition and has not been devoured, but part of her soul is missing due to being implicated by the monster.

The missing part of the soul can be replenished, but Bell also clearly felt that there was another soul stored in the divine core. Once it is guided into the body of God Artemis, it may cause another soul to enter the body of God Artemis.

Bell's eyes glanced at Hestia, who had just smiled and then looked worried. He had already made a decision in his heart.

"It seems we can only take a risk."

But the appearance of another divine core is too noticeable.

Before, Bell could take out the divine core at will because everyone knew that he had a divine core. But now the divine power of that divine core is used to pour into the body of God Artemis to supplement the divine power that Artemis lacks.

After the divine core lost its stored divine power, it had lost its original glory. If a new divine core was taken out, it would cause a lot of trouble.

With this thought in mind, Bell immediately placed a barrier around the body of God Artemis, temporarily stopping the flow of time inside.

"Hestia, I need to get ready."

"oh oh!"

After saying that, Bell immediately turned around and went to his room.

Looking at Bell's leaving figure, Freya's eyes flashed with light.

"Hestia, please sit down and calm down. Bell has his own ideas. Artemis can definitely be rescued (chbf)."


Hestia also worked hard to calm down. She believed in Bell, so she also believed that Bell could beat Artemis back.

Artemis herself, who just understood what it meant to lose part of her soul, was not relaxed at all.

"The missing part of the soul is because of the connection with Scorpio."

If Scorpio's death had continued to devour her divine power and even connected itself to her body, perhaps she would have also died forcibly at the moment Scorpio died. Now just destroying some of the attached souls together is considered the lightest damage.

In order to make Scorpio even more distracted.

The soul in the divine core is still asleep, with no sign of waking up just like at the beginning.

“If you want to return the divine power of God Artemis to the divine core, you can only make up for her soul first.

The loss of this part of the soul should not be a big deal to the gods, but the biggest problem is that her body has put almost all of her divine power on the line in order to resist Scorpio's devouring, or even slow down Scorpio's reaction speed.

But that’s all that can be done now.

But now he can only take one risk in order to save God Artemis.

The look in Artemis's eyes dimmed a bit.

"Now the only way to complete my soul and wake me up from my coma is to return the divine power to the divine core and allow me to recover."

Although the main body has won the bet, some unpredictable situations cannot be avoided at the moment of Scorpio's death.

After all, the soul in the divine core may not be moving at all now, but once it is used as a part to complete the god Artemis, this soul may wake up immediately. Once this soul starts to riot, he will be in trouble.

In Bell's room, he had already taken out the divine core from the four dimensions.

"The soul of a god from another world... it should be said to be the moon goddess Artemis in Fate."

This should be considered the first time for Bell, but it is also the first time that he has made such a risky move.


That part of the attached soul had completely dissipated in that blow. The destructive power of that blow was much stronger than imagined, so there was no way to retrieve the missing part of her.

At that time, Scorpio couldn't distract himself from suppressing the divine power, so in order to prevent Scorpio from doing more excessive actions, he put everything on that one blow. Dissipate all your divine power

PS: Please collect and send flowers.........Please comment.

I don't know if it will be useful to take out the soul sleeping in the divine core bit by bit and add some cognitive barriers to the outer layer.

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