I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 624 Another Artemis

"I'm back.

Bell had returned to the main hall with his soul, and all his eyes were focused on the body of God Artemis floating in the air.

After untying the barrier around the god Artemis, I observed with my eyes that the divine power around the god's core was stagnant. Seeing the still comatose state of God Artemis, Bell knew that as long as the soul was not allowed to recover, this situation would continue.

Therefore, we can only act.


"Next, I will try to repair the missing soul of God Artemis. Hestia~, please stay back as much as possible."

Because there is no way to guarantee whether the sleeping soul will become violent, all that can be done now is to minimize that threat.


With some worry, Hestia took a few steps back.

Several other goddesses also took a few steps back, with only the remaining consciousness of God Artemis still standing nearby.

After confirming this, Bell slowly began to introduce the sleeping soul into the body of the god Artemis bit by bit. Use this complete soul to complete the shortcomings in the soul of God Artemis, so that the divine power can return to the divine core and stimulate the awakening of the original soul of God Artemis.

"I woke up."

Bell, who had always been nervous, stared at the God Artemis when he heard this.

Artemis, who had kept her eyes tightly closed, slowly opened her eyes. Her emerald-like eyes instantly brightened up and locked onto Bell in front of her.


As the original body, Artemis is awake, and as the remaining will, Artemis has returned to the original body.

The awakening of her brain and the return of some memories allowed Artemis to face deeply and realize what she had experienced.

Although what she saw before her consciousness stagnated was the Loki child, the remaining consciousness told her the whole rescue process, and also made her understand that the child in front of her was the key to saving her.

Of course, what concerned Artemis even more was another reason.


Bell coughed lightly and took a few steps back after a brief moment of confusion.

He still needs to keep a certain distance from other goddesses. If there were one more goddess among the four around him, maybe the home he was in would explode.

"God Artemis, you can rest for a night and observe the situation."

"You should have a lot to say to God Artemis, so I'll take my leave now."

Without giving God Artemis any chance to speak, Bell turned around and disappeared.


Artemis Bell disappeared instantly, showing no intention of speaking, which made her unable to help but feel a little disappointed.


But before Artemis could feel lost for too long, her friend's thankful call interrupted her state. Then a figure rushed directly towards her.

Just when Artemis was about to catch Hestia who was coming towards her, Freya's hand pinched the back of Hestia's neck, preventing her from completing the leap.

"Ah, what are you doing, Freya?"

"I was told to wait."

Facing this idiot Hestia, it was difficult for Freya to speak clearly. Freya pulled Hestia behind her, but she stood in front of Artemis.

"Artemis, are you really still you now?"


This question shocked the other three goddesses present.

But only Artemis herself was not surprised that Freya would ask this question.

"That's right, Freya, you can see it."

"Artemis, it's not a problem that you can't see right now."

While Freya was speaking, her eyes also looked towards the back right side of Artemis, where there was an awake soul of another god standing over there.

That goddess had long silver hair, blue eyes, and a figure that was even hotter than hers. There was a faint smile on his face, but the jealousy, jealousy and murderous intent in those eyes were very obvious.

It's almost like a jealous little girl.

The overly straightforward emotional expression allowed Freya to easily judge the character of this soul.

"Do you think it's a good thing that another god's soul is inhabiting your body? Even if Bell had to do this to awaken your consciousness, what about now?"

...Please give me flowers...

Freya took the first step to get rid of Bell's responsibility.

No matter where Bell dug out this strange god's soul, Freya only needed to know that Bell did it for Hestia, otherwise Bell's character would not have done such a risky thing. So, the responsibility does not lie with Bell.

"Are you an idiot? Can you shout out such things casually? If this was not "outside the world", "what you just said would be known to all the gods in Orario."

Hestia couldn't understand why there was another world, and then she realized another problem.

The most surprised person is undoubtedly Freya. Look at "Artemis" in another world. Are big breasts, long legs, and a charming face the standard features of a virgin goddess? Isn’t it too unreasonable!?

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me reviews.

"Wait, another world? Why is there another world???"

This news shocked the four goddesses present.

Although Hephaestus was quite surprised by this, she still maintained a certain degree of reason.

In the past Hephaestus would have been very interested in another world.

"If it were other gods, maybe this kind of parasitism would have a great influence on me, but she is the only one who doesn't have to worry."

But now, she is more concerned about Bell's safety.

"It's okay for the five of us to know. Once outsiders know that Bell has found a god in another world, do you think Bell can still hide behind it?

"Besides, you yourself should know best what kind of people our colleagues are."

"Where did Bell find the gods of another world?"

Artemis naturally knew that the soul parasitic on her body was also a god, but she also knew better who the other party was.

Hephaestus looked at the startled Hestia helplessly, and raised his hand to hit her on the head.

"She is Artemis just like me."

"But she is also different from me. She is Artemis from another world."


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