I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 625 The Story About Moon God

“Let’s sit down and talk.

Hephaestus' brain quickly calmed down, and now she needed to think about many issues. However, everyone needs to be in a calm state before the formal discussion, otherwise there will be no need to discuss anything.

Under Hephaestus's appeal, even though several goddesses present were very excited, everyone still sat down.

The safety of the Hestia Familia would serve as a good place to talk.

Of course, the same goes for the other goddess parasitic in Artemis' body at this time.

Hestia calmed down and stood up without hesitation.

"Artemis, are you sure you're okay now?"

"Yeah. Although the Scorpio incident shocked me to some extent, and my children were all killed by that guy while he was protecting Zero Three Zero, but at least I'm calm now."

Although she said that, Hestia could still see the regret and sadness on Artemis's face. Obviously, the death of the family members is a pain that Artemis will never forget.


In fact, Hestia can also understand Artemis's mood at this moment. If she encounters such a thing, if Bell dies in front of her...

Just imagining Hestia made her heart feel like it was about to hurt.

"Artemis, at least you are alive now. We finally rescued you, but you can't think about returning to heaven now."

In fact, you can't blame Hestia for having such an idea. With Artemis's previous attitude of taking the initiative to die, it is difficult for people not to know that she just wants to die and return to the heaven.

"Don't worry, Hestia. Even if I still have such thoughts now, she will not agree. Once I really have such thoughts, she will be the first person to stop me.

As the words fell, a bit of moon-white light appeared around Artemis. When the light faded, [Artemis's appearance had undergone a huge change.

A goddess with long silver-white hair and a hot figure appeared in front of the four goddesses.

Proudly, she pushed her long hair back, hugged her chest, and said in a matter-of-fact tone:

"Hmph, I don't want to be dragged down by your thoughts after finally finding Darling."

Then, "Moon God"'s eyes were locked on Hestia, and finally it turned into a helpless sigh, even with a little disgust in her voice.

"Hey, why is Hestia here such a dwarf? Our Hestia over there is obviously a gentle and generous big sister, so the difference is too big."

"S-little dwarf!?"

Hestia jumped up from her seat. She was quite concerned about her height. After all, among all the gods, her height is considered to be among the lowest. Now that Artemis from another world said this, it made her heart hurt.

But the "Moon God" was not at all like what she said. Instead, she came to Hestia with great interest.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Oh~ What a pink face.

"Moon God" pinched Hestia's baby-fat face with excitement on her face, and the plump and tender hand felt great. If this were applied to the eldest sister Hestia, it would be like making trouble. Poseidon and Hades would probably jump up from the ground and give her a flying knee kick.

"Hmm~ Hestia in this world is much cuter than the serious elder sister over there. How can this face be so soft?"

"Moon God" couldn't control her interest in Hestia's face.

"Uh uh...what are you doing!"

Hestia, who had her face pinched, puffed her face angrily [she didn't like having her face ravaged like this at all.

But Hestia's angry look made the smile on "Moon Goddess"'s face grow a little wider.

Although Hestia here is a dwarf, it has to be said that this dwarf and her eldest sister are the same god. This feeling of ravage is just like ravaging the elder sister's face.

However, "Moon Goddess" does not dare to torment her eldest sister, otherwise she will definitely be beaten violently by the main gods on Mount Olympus. Even her unlovable brother may not be able to block all the pressure... …..…

"Phew~ It feels much better."

"Moon God" let go of Hestia's hand and immediately retreated behind Hephaestus, her eyes revealing her fear of this woman [but "Yongshen||" was very interested in this.

But her eyes also shifted to others, especially Hephaestus in front of Hestia.


That rough guy who always strikes iron with a hammer would turn out to be such a tall goddess with perfect curves in another world. The contrast is really too big.

"Although they are all blacksmiths, you are actually a goddess."

"Hey, am I a male god in another world? It's a little surprising.

"The surprise was mine."

"Moon God" himself was quite surprised by this. Her mood was still a bit complicated, but at this moment she could barely save her life from that chaotic world.

Release your divine power to feel the world, but your divine power is severely restricted.

"Is the divine power still limited?"

"It's really strange. I'm obviously not using her divine power, so why is my divine power still restricted?"

"Moon God" knew that the gods of this world would be restricted after she came into contact with Artemis. But she is also restricted from using her magical power, which is very strange.

"Isn't the reason very simple? You will appear in this world 4.1, so the world you were originally in will be connected with this world. Do you think this is normal?"

"Moon God" was stunned for a moment, then covered his face and laughed.

"So that's it, let me tell you how Darling rescued me from that desperate situation.

There must be a lot of secrets here.

I don’t know what “Moon God” is exactly, I can only say that the two worlds have been connected. The connection between the two worlds was the Darling who saved her.

"Artemis...can I call you that?"

"Whatever, I'm Artemis anyway."

"So, what did you say about saving you just now?"

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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