"Total war...?"

When Loki first heard the news, he thought there was something wrong with Ouranos's brain. However, after learning that Hermes had investigated something, Loki confirmed that this was not a joke.

"Ah, we've only had a break for two days and those guys started acting like monsters again."

To be honest, Loki is really annoyed by the kind of guy who messes around with nothing.

Specifically referring to those idiots from the dark faction.

Now Loki really doesn't want to pay attention to those troublesome things. After all, her own affairs have not been settled yet, so she has no time to deal with such things. Fortunately, Ouranos did not ask her to deal with this matter, but reminded her that she needs to pay attention to the activities around her recently.


Finn's shout caused Loki to stop spinning around on the couch.

"What to do now?"

"Well... just leave the investigation work to Hermes. We don't need to waste too much time on the investigation. But now Hermes is probably also having a headache.

"Did God Hermes hit a wall in the investigation?"

"He must have hit a wall!"

Loki didn't need to think twice to know that the errand boy was definitely in trouble.

"If he can investigate more detailed matters, then the news he passed on is not just that those guys are acting evil. At least he should explain clearly what those guys prepared, where and what kind of things they did Prepare for 043."

"Destroying the enemy's facilities before the war begins is the normal thing to do. Do you think that Hermes guy wouldn't think of this?"

"That guy definitely investigated the specific situation. He thought that randomly destroying the other party's arrangements might make those people jump over the wall, so he made a compromise arrangement. He didn't investigate those guys' preparations more deeply, nor did he investigate the locations of those guys. ."

These situations are the routine operations of the old oil man, and Loki is not surprised at this moment.

Since Ouranos has made such a decision, he has no intention of doing anything else before taking action there.

"But I can't do nothing."

Although most of the information is unknown, it is still possible to do some harmless trouble.

With this thought, Loki sat up from the sofa and looked at Finn, who was still holding his chin with his hands.

"Finn, have you, Riveria and Grace been exercising on the 50th floor?"

"Well, after the upgrade, the speed and strength became difficult to control. It took more than a month of hard work before the condition got a little better.

"Is the physical span so big?"

"It's much bigger than I thought. Now I understand a little bit that Bell said before that Level 7 (chca) to Level 9 are advanced adventurers. Maybe this is the fundamental reason."

Finn remembered that it only took him three days to adjust his physical condition after crossing to Level 6. But now it has taken an unimaginable time, and even the physical condition is still quite sleepy.

Seeing Finn trapped in a complicated tangle, Loki casually reminded:

"The higher the level, the more obvious the gap between classes. This kind of thing should be clearly felt among monsters of the same level. Goliath at Lv. 4 and Amphis at Lv. 5 How big is the gap between Bina? Finn, you should also know very well."


"As for the gap between Lv.7 and Lv.8, those of you who have experienced the expedition should know it best.

That's really too big.

Finn had a look of helplessness on his face. The gap was so obvious and so despairing. Even though more than a month had passed, it was still engraved in his mind.

Then the figure of that person appeared in Finn's mind, which made him ask:

"Loki, how big do you think the gap is between us and Bell?"


Loki had a strange look on his face, obviously he didn't expect Finn to ask such a question. But soon there was a hint of embarrassment on her face. Good guy, the gap is really huge.

"Well... there must still be a gap between you. After all, he is not as strong as you now, and he has not reached your height.

"I want more than just polite words, Loki."

Finn knew immediately when he heard that Loki was trying to be polite to him, but he didn't need these polite remarks. With a serious look on his face, he asked Loki again.

"Loki, what I want to know is the truth."

This made Loki feel very embarrassed. He knew Bell's strength, and he also knew how obvious the gap between Bell and his own children was. But Bell's side is hard to tell, but Finn's side is even harder to fool.

"Really? Finn, I don't want my children to lose their fighting spirit because of being hit.

...So, is the gap between Bell and us big enough to make me lose my fighting spirit?”

Although Loki hadn't fully said it yet, to Finn it sounded like he was telling the most realistic and cruel truth.

But with Loki's words as the foundation, Finn was already prepared.

"Tell me Loki, I'm not so fragile that I lose my aggressiveness just because I know the gap."

Seeing that Finn was serious, Loki's attitude became more serious than before.

Although it's not easy to explain clearly what happened to Bell, after all, Bell's growth rate and growth space are not comparable to those of ordinary adventurers.

In the face of Bell's growth, even talented players like Ace and Ota can only barely reach the average level.

But once these facts are revealed, they may have an impact on Finn. After all, this gap is really too big for any enterprising adventurer.

The two people looking at each other laughed involuntarily. At this moment, the relationship between the goddess and her family became more pure, more like the relationship between friends.

"Hmph...Loki, you really look like a goddess at this time."

"Finn, don't be jealous of other people's achievements. You have your own pride and dreams you want to realize. Comparing other people's achievements cannot affect you.

Even after enduring the oppression caused by this difference, Finn still looked bad.


The voice was filled with disbelief and some reluctance.

"The gap is really huge."

Loki, who sympathized with his captain, stood up from the sofa with his little feet, walked gently to Finn's side, and put his hand on his head.

"Your life is not about comparing yourself to others, but about achieving yourself."

"Ha! I am!"

“In less than a year, we have accomplished what we have barely accomplished in more than ten or even twenty years.

This is not a distance that is within reach, but a distance that is truly untouchable.

Even Finn, who was mentally prepared, felt that these words were like a heavy hammer, which severely shattered his cognition and concepts, suppressing him to the point where he could hardly breathe.

Fortunately, Loki's previous reminder still gave Finn a shot of vaccination, preventing Finn from falling into such cruel cognitive despair.

The words of the gods seemed to have magical power, soothing the jealousy and incomprehension in Finn's heart. Turning around and seeing the concern in Loki's eyes, the defense line that was defeated by the cruel reality began to be recast.

"All right.

"Now he has reached Level 6."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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