I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 629 Delaying Time Is Also A Tactic

After laughing, Finn's tangled and heavy mood eased a lot.

Looking sideways at Loki today, I have to say that the goddess still has a bit of a goddess image. Perhaps it is because of this personality that the Loki Familia can gather so many core members.

"A talented person, but Bell's situation should be much more serious than what we see, right?"

These words made the smile on Loki's face diminish slightly.

"People with different talents need to face different things. For him, this series of things is just the opening scene for him to step onto the stage.


The jealousy in Finn's heart was reduced a lot at this moment. After the jealousy passed, his rational mind took over.

"He thinks so himself, so he has been growing stronger slowly. The purpose of doing this is just to avoid the influence of the surrounding environment and cause more trouble in his growth process?"

So accurate!

After Loki heard this, he couldn't help but secretly marveled. His captain's brain speed was quite good, and he guessed it right away after clarifying the situation.

Finn didn't care that Loki didn't answer this. In fact, he didn't need Loki to give an answer. He already understood the answer. He just wanted to express it in a way of venting at this time.

"Looking back at Bell's series of actions in the past, it is not difficult to see. The reason why he has been helping our family is just because he wants to hide behind the light of the Loki family. As long as we continue to make progress, we can help him attract everyone. Partial attention."

"The rune stones he created were intended to be dumped in large quantities on our family members from the very beginning. The reason is also very simple, because of your relationship with God Hestia. With the help of this relationship

Let him do our business without worrying about being exposed by us.

Loki coughed slightly and added:

"Actually, it's also about making money."

Finn's face twitched. Is it so easy for them to make money? But when he thought about the use of those rune stones, Finn instantly felt really good.

No problem, the effect of those rune stones is too obvious. No one in the family knew the function of the rune stone and could not let it slip away before their eyes.

It's not my problem, it's definitely not my problem. Finn could only comfort himself in this way.

"Before, Bell has been working hard to enhance the strength of our Familia, also to make our Familia have the ability to compete with the Freya Familia. But because of the alliance, there is no need for us to fight against the Freya Familia now, so in our The investment here is also much less."

"But he has started to have more frequent contact with Ais recently. Is it really because he saw some advantages in Ais?"

But is there anything in Ais that can be plotted? Is it necessary for Bell to be so concerned about her?

Finn had no idea why.

Loki naturally knew the profitable part, so he gave Finn an answer directly.

"Ace's parents."


"He wants to use Aisi's parents to cross the hierarchy?"

Finn immediately understood Bell's intention, but it was a little too big. But what surprised him even more was that Bell's intentions were a little bit far-reaching.

"Is he preparing to cross over to Level 8?"

Loki shook his head slightly, but still corrected his captain's judgment.

"Finn, you are underestimating him. He has judged that both Aisi's parents have Level 8 strength, and the combination of the couple will probably produce stronger power."

"Isn't that Level 9?"

It was really hard for Finn to imagine that a person at Level 6 had already started thinking about tickets to enter Level 9.

"He wants a ticket to enter Level 9 so early?"

"Isn't he Level 6 now?"

This series of questions only showed Finn's shock and panic. Loki just smiled and said the following words in passing.

"Because he has absolute confidence and can do things that ordinary people can't."

“For adventurers in this era, ‘great deeds’ are a difficult problem to overcome, because if you want to achieve ‘great deeds’, you need to kill monsters that are stronger than you, thereby showing that you can move forward. In the past, there were three major commissions hanging out, giving adventurers of that era the opportunity to cross over "great achievements" together. But now all the opportunities are in the underground city, and it is difficult to have opportunistic opportunities. "

"Great cause" can be said to be the biggest obstacle in front of all adventurers.

…Please give me flowers…

A capable person can use his own strength to remove this blocking stone or even break it directly.

People with slightly less ability can work together as a team to remove the blocking stone.

The current situation is that the blocking stone is still one kilometer away. Before people want to move the blocking stone, they still need to form a team to get in front of the blocking stone.

It is not easy for people nowadays to even walk in front of the blocking stone, let alone move it away.

“Others may have a headache with ‘Great Cause’, but Bell has enough confidence in himself. Otherwise, he would not give up the ticket to enter Level 7 to Ais.

Loki's words once again gave Finn a heavy blow.

Well, he remembered the enchantment incident in Ais's room half a month ago. When Ais came back that day, she explained that she was going to kill the monster that was devouring the gods, and she actually achieved a "great cause" that time. But now that I think about it, it doesn't seem so strange. After all, Bell's goal is Level 9.

Then, Finn finally figured out why Aisi, who had been quiet for several months, suddenly started to be troubled again.

"So, it's Bell's fault that Ais has been going to the dungeon all this time?"

"Well, there must be part of the reason."

As for the other reason, Loki didn't hide it either.

"In the past half month, Aisi was not too excited and kept wandering around the dungeon, but she kept attracting the attention of some people before the 50th floor of the dungeon.

Finn's brows furrowed, he was worried about this decision.

"Let Ais do such a thing?"

"Because only Aisi is the most suitable."

Finn thought about it carefully and it seemed true.

In the entire Loki Familia, Ais is the only one who is very suitable for going to the dungeon and tossing around non-stop, because the news that "Sword Princess" often exercises in the dungeon is not something that has spread in the past two days, but has been like this for more than ten years. Rumor has it that everyone in Orario knows about it.

"Now that Aisi is tossing around in the dungeon, the rats can calm down a little bit. At least it can be delayed for a while, so that they won't enter a full-scale war so quickly.

PS: Please collect and send flowers...Please give me a review and a big price.

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