I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 635 The Influence Of The Seven Deadly Sins


Bell had just finished decorating the "White Palace" and returned home when she heard a melodious call. It's ups and downs, especially boring. As soon as he focused on his face, he was hit hard by two balls, which even made him smell a hint of sweet fragrance.

When he came back to his senses, his body was already being hugged by someone.

The body knows who this person is, so his defensive counterattacks have no effect. But Bell felt that his body had dropped its guard when he heard that sweet voice.

...Artemis, I told you not to pounce on me when you see her. "

After all, he is still a boy. He is completely unable to stop his mental ape and tie up his willful horse. He comes back every day and pounces like this. Even the most enlightened monk would probably shout, "I can't stand it."


"Who made Darling leave me for so long?"

Artemis pouted with an unhappy look on her face. Living here in "837" is quite comfortable, but there are also some disadvantages, that is, Darling often goes to the underground city.

Even though he understood mentally that Darling also needed to gain strength, when he thought of Darling contacting other girls, the jealousy in his heart couldn't help but burn.

Fortunately, Artemis also knew that Darling was preparing for his future promotion, so she put out the jealousy herself.

He put his hands under Artemis's armpits and put her down from his body. After being away from the pressure of those two goals, Bell felt that his emotions were much more stable.

"You should be more careful. After all, you and the God Artemis of this world share the same body. Although there are slight differences in image, the feeling should be common.

Artemis sulked, the mention of shared feelings made her unhappy. She really likes to stick to Bell, but there is another person sharing this feeling of racing heart with her. It is a kind of selfish behavior no matter how you think about it.

It's just that her body and that world have been destroyed. Now she can only appear in this world by grafting her soul into Artemis of this world.

Putting Artemis aside for the moment, Bell focused on Hestia.

"I'm back to scare Heuer."


Hestia jumped directly towards Bell in excitement. It wasn't until the moment she fell into Bell's arms that she could ease some of the longing of not seeing him for half a month.

In fact, the other goddesses looked quite sour looking at such a scene, especially Loki, whose eyes were about to burst into flames. She was also the first to stand up and stop Hestia's subsequent act of coquettishness.

"Okay, okay, Hestia, you can stop."

"Ah, Loki, don't interrupt my ceremony to welcome Bell home!"

Hestia was pulled out of Bell's arms by fate's neck. Facing Bell who looked puzzled, Loki directly stated the problem he had discovered.

"As soon as Aisi Tan came home, she asked me to update the data. Aisi's growth far exceeded my imagination, but it was a little too much beyond my imagination."

Bell was slightly startled, and then he understood the meaning of Loki's words, which was referring to the problem of "Sword Princess" growing too fast. He held his chin, unable to give an answer for a while.

"This time the "Sword Princess"'s ability value has increased a lot?"

"Well, it's a bit too much. In the past, she couldn't grow so much in half a month. y

"So, you think it's me?"

"Who do you think the problem of rapid growth is in this Orario besides you? And you have been helping Ais train for the past half month. Who do you think is the most likely person for her to have this symptom? "

There was no need for Loki to continue speaking. Even Bell himself felt that he would answer "It's me."

But Bell also frowned.

"It should be me. But I have never used any method of accelerating growth on "Sword Princess". Moreover, external forces cannot make people grow quickly. At most, they can only increase their age.

Those rituals can only be used on himself, and cannot be used on other people.

And Bell wouldn't be so demented. Just because he wanted Aisi to grow faster, he gave his gift to Aisi to use.

Therefore, Aisi was affected unconsciously.

Thinking like this, Bell suddenly thought of the "Seven Deadly Sins". It seemed that among all his skills, this was the only one that could affect even gods.

"The Seven Deadly Sins...I really didn't expect this."

Although Bell knew that the "Seven Deadly Sins" would affect all gods, in fact, the "Seven Deadly Sins" had not affected anyone else since Hephaestus.

Loki also opened his eyes inexplicably. Others may not know, but she knows best that the child has a cold personality and is the type who cannot speak. Although it's a bit boring, you definitely shouldn't be jealous of others casually.

"Probably not. Before sending "Sword Girl" back, I noticed that she was always in good condition and didn't seem to have any obvious reaction. 5.1. "

..Who would have thought that the "Seven Deadly Sins" are still waiting for the "Sword Princess".

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"So, it's...jealousy?"

Bell wasn't sure, but he felt it was pretty close.

"I understand, I will go to see the "Sword Lady" later to check on the situation. "

Bell gradually understood the final answer, but this answer also made Bell think.

"Maybe it's because of some of my influence."

"There really wasn't that much of a reaction from Aisi's side. But what I'm more worried about is the problem behind it."

"Jealous? No way. Will that child still be jealous?"

"It's not arrogance, neither is gluttony or greed. The reactions of those three are too strong. "Sword Princess" is dangling in front of my eyes every day. If so, I won't not react.

"Jealousy" is not a very light thing, but compared with the other three deadly sins, the sin of jealousy is obviously much lighter. It's just that jealousy is more likely to cause psychological distortions, and it's not a good situation once this thing occurs.

Loki's worry is not without reason. Even the gods will be affected by the seven deadly sins. If they are placed on children from the lower world, they may have a greater influence.

"Hephaestus was also affected a bit last time, but it shouldn't be a big problem. As for whether the impact on ordinary people is greater...

As the owner of the Seven Deadly Sins, Bell will not be affected by the Seven Deadly Sins. But the aura escaping around him can easily affect many people.

Bell recalled that Ace had always been normal until just now, except for the last time she gave him a hug when she said goodbye. This is indeed not like the impression Aisi gave him in the past. Is this also the influence of "jealousy"?

Bell couldn't give an accurate answer to this. After all, the influence of the Seven Deadly Sins is indeed great. If it has the ability to pollute a person's soul, then Bell can give a positive answer, and even say that this kind of pollution is not very troublesome.

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