I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 636 Mature Big Sister Is Very Attractive


The only sound in the bathroom is the sound of hot water running down the tree trunks.

Bell, who had not enjoyed hot water for nearly half a month, was leaning on the edge of the bathtub with his eyes closed, letting the warm water take away his fatigue. Every time after a long workout in the dungeon, Bell would choose to take a long bath alone to relax his body after returning home.

"The growth of "Sword Princess" has slightly exceeded my expectations. I didn't expect that it would be affected by my Seven Deadly Sins. "

Bell, who does not have the ability to predict the future, naturally cannot know such things in advance. If he had known such a thing in advance, then he would definitely control the Seven Deadly Sins and prevent them from functioning at will.

"But the influence of the Seven Deadly Sins is not without reason."

The Seven Deadly Sins have always been his power. As a power, he will not lose control for no reason, and Ais's situation cannot be said to be out of control. If she loses control, I'm afraid "jealousy" will instantly devour Ais's heart and turn her into a doll dominated by "jealousy".

Now that Aisi is in good condition, it shows that he has controlled the power of the Seven Deadly Sins very well.

However, Ais was still affected by the Seven Deadly Sins.

"Is it really because of my thoughts 27? The subconscious thoughts caused the seven deadly sins to start on their own and I had an effect on the person I thought about."

But this kind of effect that can promote the growth of others is really terrifying. Once this news is exposed, he will be in big trouble. Bell was glad that Loki was the one who discovered this problem.

But from this perspective, the Seven Deadly Sins are indeed very special powers.

If you collect them all, you might be able to unearth a more special aspect. But that's only after the other major sins can be collected.

"It's not that easy to put together the other major crimes."

"Lust" is in Freya, "sloth" is in Loki, and "anger" is in Dionysus.

The first two were relatively close to him, but the latter one was already on Bell's death list.

Especially since Dionysus himself is the mastermind behind the design of Orario, his ending will not be easy no matter what.

"Anger" cannot be obtained, even if "Lust" and "Sloth" are obtained, it will be useless.

Moreover, Freya and Loki are not the kind of people who would just give him a big crime casually. There may be something behind this.

Freya... Freya...

Bell, who was leaning on the edge of the bathtub, was chanting Freya's name in her heart.

"Maybe go talk to Freya."

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that he has not taken the initiative to find Freya.

If it was in the past, it was because of the antagonistic relationship. The less contact he had with the other party, the better, so as to prevent the goddess from developing any abnormal symptoms.

But now, why do you feel like he is a scumbag?

They obviously decided to accept it, but they haven't had any personal contact with Freya for such a long time.

Good guy, I am indeed a scumbag. Bell sat there in slight embarrassment for a long time without moving. He didn't stand up until he couldn't stand anymore.

After struggling in the bathroom, Bell walked out of the bathroom wearing a change of clothes.

The bathroom was on the first floor, and Freya's room was on the second floor. Bell walked towards the living room, where there were stairs leading upstairs.

So while walking, Bell was doing some ideological work for himself.

After all, this was a knock on Freya’s door at night. Well, okay, even if he knocked on Loki's door, Bell would be extremely nervous.

Even though he was no longer the first brother, Hestia and Hephaestus were the only ones who had experience with women, and he chose to stay away from the others. No matter how hard he thought, he had to knock on the goddess's door and talk to the goddess about something. He didn't have that experience.

"Isn't it too late today?"

While standing at the door of Freya's room, Bell suddenly thought of time. It was already very late when he came back, and now everyone has freshened up and gone back to their rooms to rest. Isn’t it a bit inappropriate that he came to find Freya at this point?

Before Bell could make a decision, the door was opened, and the person standing inside to open the door was naturally Freya, wearing a nightgown.

After being pulled into the room, Bell sat on the sofa in the room, and Freya was sitting next to Bell thirty centimeters away.

Freya began to wonder why Bell was looking for her. She took a step forward, took Bell's hand, and pulled him into the room.

"It would have been better if he had chosen my family from the beginning."

However, this also made Freya understand this point more clearly. Bell would not succumb to her charm under any circumstances when standing on the opposite side. Only in a harmless capacity can one see Bell's cute appearance.

Her long silver-gray hair is tied into a braid, and the braid is placed on her right shoulder. She is much gentler than usual and makes her look more eye-catching. At this moment, Freya didn't look like a goddess, but more like a mature and beautiful woman. It made Bell's eyes wide open.

"First tell me what you want from me."

She could see Bell's discomfort, so Freya spoke first.

Freya was seen looking at Bell outside the door with a smile on her face.

This has to be said to be Freya's biggest disappointment, especially after seeing Bell in a daze, she felt even more regretful.

"This is really rare. Come in first, it will be troublesome to wake them up outside."

"Freya...well, I have something to ask you for."

When Bell came back to his senses, he was really embarrassed. It's not like he's never seen Freya before, but this is really the first time he's been so embarrassed in front of Freya.

Seeing Bell standing there as if he was stupid, Freya's mood suddenly became very beautiful. How should I put it, this child is the person she hopes to charm the most. There was no sign of attraction in the child's eyes when he looked at her before, but now his eyes are extremely attracted.

This distance allowed Bell to feel Freya's breathing clearly, which made him somewhat uncomfortable.

It was like a cat being pinched by fate's neck. For a moment, Bell couldn't say anything.

It’s not like I’m unattractive in this kid’s eyes. This alone made Freya happy for a while.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"What are you doing standing outside my room so late?"

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