I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 637 This Is The Road That Belongs Only To You

"My business...ah, my business."

Bell, whose brain began to feel sluggish for a moment, finally came to his senses. He came to Freya this time to talk about his affairs.

"Freya, I have been thinking recently, how far do I need to grow?"

"Where's your goal?"

"I will definitely stand on the Lv.10 one and take in the scenery. For my purpose, Lv.10 is an inevitable condition. But what I am thinking about now is, is Lv.10 really my future? The path above Lv.10 Is there really any more?"

Freya couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha~ So is this what you are thinking about?"

"Well...I...know that my own idea is a bit too stupid, I..."

Bell couldn't continue what he said because a lip had blocked his next words.

This situation made Bell unable to recover for a moment. By the time he focused his gaze, Freya had already hugged his neck and buried his head deeply into her chest. Listening to Freya's gentle voice ringing in my ears.

"This is not a stupid idea. All the shackles in the world are not against you. What you need to think about is how to break through them."

"Lv.10 is only a restriction for ordinary adventurers. There is still the possibility for you to continue to grow. However, subsequent growth also has great restrictions for you, because only you can explore the road ahead. "

"This is your path only."

Freya didn't expect that Bell had been thinking about these questions. Looking at the child's confusion, she couldn't help but want to laugh. Maybe it’s because the child doesn’t see where his future lies, or because the child doesn’t know how much potential he has.

"The road that belongs only to me..."

With Freya's words murmuring in his mouth, the confusion in Bell's eyes dissipated a little.

He is indeed a little different from everyone else. He has a second life, and there are steps that can help him grow. It can be said that it is only natural that he has reached the highest peak. But just because it was too natural, he didn't think it was the result of his efforts.

"Maybe a talented person with my conditions can reach the top." That's what Bell thought. So it also gave Bell another thought, "Is there something I can do that others can't do?"

It is because of this idea that Bell is confused about the future.

He doesn't know if his path has been arranged there, he doesn't know if the top is the highest point he needs to reach, and he doesn't know if he will have a direction to continue after reaching the top.

This state of being so confused that one cannot see the way forward actually existed a long time ago, but to be more specific, it should be after setting the goal of Level 0.

But after that, Bell met the black dragon.

Although his conversation with the Black Dragon revealed many secrets, including the possibility of world upgrading. But Bell always feels that upgrading the world cannot be achieved by challenging a black dragon. Perhaps it is because the process of upgrading the world after this challenge ceremony feels too rough to Bell.

So after returning from that time, Bell often thought about what kind of things he could still do. What kind of things should I do to upgrade the world?

It seems that from that moment on, Bell felt that his goals had become blurred.

But now Freya says he has his own path.

He should probably go his own way.

But there is another problem. There is no guide in front of this road, so he can only explore it by himself.

But this is not a bad thing for Bell. On the contrary, finding a way forward makes Bell feel suddenly enlightened.

"My own path."

Immersed in this state, Bell's confused consciousness grasped the hope of moving forward, and all the way forward hidden in the fog was exposed to the light.

The road in front of me became brighter.

Bell slowly opened his eyes from Freya's arms.

"Freya, I'm ready."

"Ah, you can continue to sleep on me for a while."

Just now Freya felt like a mature and charming big sister to Bell, but now the atmosphere has changed. It's a bit like a big sister who wants to tease a little boy, and she's also a bit perverted. It's missing some important elements that make people's hearts beat.

Bell sighed but still supported his body with his hands and got up from lying in Freya's arms.

What he needs now is to continue to grow and then start exploring further opportunities.

"Now I need to figure out how to move on."

"This is simply following Huawei's path."

But if you want to go further, you have to take that step.

At this moment, Bell's eyes have seen the road to the future, and what he has gained now may be the key to opening up the real path. The power gained from the "gift system" is the foundation for building a new path in the future.

"Thank you, Ye Ya."

"It's just like JOJO, using your own courage to give up all your past glory. Only with the courage to complete everything can you gain further opportunities. I admire you."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Bell knows very well that as long as the "Gift System" has the basic ability to digitize one's abilities, then the "Gift System" will still be the best choice for the majority of adventurers.

Freya was a little overwhelmed by the sudden initiative, and the sound that tickled her ears now made her ears red.

The "Gift System" is actually a very good growth catalyst for adventurers. Its function itself is to allow each adventurer to grow better and faster. This kind of digitized data has a system where you can clearly see your own growth, which will allow adventurers to work harder. struggle.

"What a seam."


"Now I know how to move forward."

Then the next step that needs to be considered is how to better integrate the power obtained from the "gift system" so as to transcend the scope of the "gift system".

The fire in Bell's heart is temporarily suppressed. Even if he chooses to abandon the "Gift System" in the end, he still needs to reach the limit that the "Gift System" can achieve.

This situation made Freya startled for a moment, and she heard Bell's voice in her ears.

Looking straight at Freya sitting in front of him, Bell reached out and held Freya in his arms.

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