I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 644 The Reason Why Gods Are Not Enough

"Listen, I'm not jealous!"

Loki couldn't help but emphasize it again, letting everyone confirm that she was not such a narrow-minded person, and then sat down on Bell's lap.

She leaned her back against Bell's arms without any worries, crossed her legs, and seemed to be sitting on her own throne, with a "disdainful" and "satisfied" smile on her face.

It's just that this child-like behavior made the goddesses present temporarily put aside all their opinions. At least everyone understood that Loki was really jealous this time, otherwise she wouldn't behave like this. So strong and proud.

After feeling proud, Loki did not forget that Freya's business was business at this moment.

"So, what did you, the female fox, do last night to make this dead wooden board sleep in your room?"

Dead wood?

Bell's eyelids kept twitching, and he didn't know when he got such a title.

And "dead board" should mean that his thoughts are relatively rigid, right? But his thoughts are not so rigid.

"It's just that Bell ran into some trouble and came to talk to me yesterday."


This topic aroused great interest among the goddesses present.

They all knew that since Bell became an adventurer, he rarely encountered problems that he couldn't solve. Even if she encounters this series of problems, in most cases Bell will find solutions to the problems by herself instead of talking to them.

Hestia, who already knew the answer, understood very well why Bell wanted to talk to Freya this time, and she also understood in her heart why Bell would do this.

"You also ran into some trouble?"

Loki raised her head in surprise, and even put the top of her head on Bell's chest. Her gaze was almost upside down, looking at Bell's chin.

Bell pushed Loki's raised head back, stretched out his hands from both sides of Loki to hug her belly, and placed his chin on Loki's head. His whole body seemed lazier than usual. A lot.

But Loki was not used to being held like this.

Her belly could clearly feel the warmth of those hands, the weight on her shoulders, the sounds and heat in her ears, all of which made her ears tremble.

But when he was about to talk about his own affairs, Bell would subconsciously focus on himself instead of focusing on others, so he didn't notice anything strange about Loki.

"I am not a perfect person. Naturally, sometimes I will encounter some unpredictable things. And in the final analysis, I am just a common person. Sometimes I will be confused and don't know how to move forward."

"Freya's words also made me understand a truth. Maybe I shouldn't put all my hopes on the "gift system". "

These words made Loki, who was made weak by Bell, feel excited.

"Don't put your hope in the "gift system"? Are you so thoughtful?"

One sentence revealed how big Bell's thoughts were. Apart from being frightened, Loki had his eyes fixed on Freya.

"Naughty bitch, what on earth did you say to Bell that made him have such a crazy idea?"

Bell could only explain it himself.

"Actually, this is not what Freya said to me. It should be considered that I already had some plans in my mind."

"The limit of the "gift system" is demigods, and only demigods who have gained power have the opportunity to be promoted to gods. When I initially realized this, I thought that I should be able to be promoted to a god when I reached Level 10. "

The goddesses present all nodded. As long as they master the power when they are promoted to demigods, demigods can be promoted to gods.

Mastering power is proof of a god. Even if the god dies, the power of the god will not fall on ordinary people in the lower realm. Therefore, it is almost unrealistic for a child from the lower realm to reach Level 10 and become a god.

The world on Xingyue's side and the world on Dicuo's side work together, and the person they want to train is probably him, an innocent passerby who was tragically selected.

Bell remembered his thoughts at that time. In order to gain endless life, he could always accompany Hestia. At that time, he simply wanted to become a god BAMOB...

A mere god would never be able to do that.

"My world too?"

It is because of this speculation that Bell gradually realizes where the end point of his growth is?

The two worlds worked together to pile him up as an ordinary person.

A simple god cannot protect Hestia and others when the world restarts.

"There will definitely not be such a simple intersection between worlds. What's more, what is pulled over is the 5.8 soul and divine core of a god. This actually makes no sense.

It was this kind of confusion that made Bell pick up all the past investigations and questions, and finally combined them to reach such an outrageous conclusion.

Bell nodded slightly, and then explained his reasoning.

However, it is different now.

Bell's eyes immediately focused on Artemis, and the others also shifted their gazes, causing Artemis to point her finger at herself.

When it was confirmed that Artemis' soul had autonomous consciousness, Bell had been speculating on the reason behind this, but now he completely understood that this was simply a transaction.

"If the two worlds don't communicate with each other, how could I bring you from another world?"

As for relying on the world's mercy? Haha~ Then he might as well burn incense and worship Buddha from the beginning, even if the so-called exercise is not needed.

"At that time, I thought that just becoming a god would be enough to achieve my goal. However, now I think that just becoming a god may not be enough."

"I'm afraid the world's expectations for me can be satisfied by more than just a god. What he hopes for may be the evolution of the world, but I think it may not only be his world that thinks this way, there may be another world that thinks this way. .”

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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