I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 645 Loki Is The Last One

Bell's statement is not unreasonable. The appearance of Artemis from another world here is already the biggest evidence.

But the goddesses present all felt a little troubled.

They all know that there are some secrets about Bell, but they never know who is behind this secret.

But now that Bell has revealed his speculation, it is clear that the secret promoter behind Bell is likely to come from two worlds.

"If the two worlds are the driving force, it might make sense."

"But precisely because of this, I myself have questioned the path I chose in the past."

Bell picked up the topic just now, which made the goddesses present finally understand why Bell made the decision to abandon the "gift system".

The reason why Bell suspected that he had chosen the wrong path was because of the two pushers behind him. There must be a special reason why he was chosen by the two worlds, and this special reason was definitely not just because he chose to embark on the "gift system" The road can become a god.

Too superficial.

Such a level is simply not worthy of being targeted by both worlds.

Precisely because of realizing this, the 2nd Regiment of Si'er completely woke up from the previous confusion.

It was precisely because his consciousness was completely clear that Bell was even more certain that he could choose another path. There must be some qualities hidden in him, and these qualities are the fundamental reason why the two worlds are behind him.

"No wonder..."

This reason is indeed sufficient to explain the problem. Loki was very excited just now, but now he is completely calm.

There are two hands pushing Bell forward from behind, so the secret behind Bell must be more than what it seems.

"In that case, the method you used before was actually a channel to help you grow quickly. Is it the same thing as the "gift system"?"

"Well, if the current situation looks like this, it should be like this."

In fact, after Bell realized this, he also kept a respectful distance from the "Type Moon System".

It’s definitely better not to continue using the card drawing function. There might be some conspiracy behind it. He is just a teenager now, but he cannot stop the calculations of those older people, especially those behind the system.

It's just that Bell knows that the "Xingyue System" is planning to plot, so he won't wait until now, and the person standing behind the "Xingyue System" may be the leader of that world.

But this also makes Bell even more strange.

"So, what do they like about me?"

This question really confused him.

Although this is difficult for Bell to figure out, he thinks that if he continues to follow the path he has chosen, he should figure it out sooner or later.

"Although I don't know what the reason is, I still need to pay attention after knowing it."

"That's why I need to abandon the "gift system" and that, and choose a Lihuang who is not obtained from these two sides. "

The seven deadly sins.

The unknowing goddesses present immediately realized what power Bell had chosen, and then they all subconsciously looked at Freya, who seemed to be the host of "lust".

Freya made no secret of this.

"Yesterday, "Lust" was given to Bell. "

So, no wonder it was yesterday.

Everyone understands why it was yesterday, Bell's confusion, and the important factors that Bell needs to move into the future.

But Loki couldn't bear it anymore, and she raised her head again and pressed it against Bell's chest, her eyes filled with resentment.

"Damn! Why don't you come to me for this kind of thing? Can't I have a good talk?"

Bell was a little embarrassed when he said this. He couldn't seem to say that he was thinking of Freya at first, not Loki.

"Well... I think Freya is more experienced in guiding others to move forward, so I went to Freya to ask. The conclusion I got yesterday is actually provisional.

Just because of some of Freya's words, I realized the problem.

Bell subconsciously glanced at Freya, and Freya also looked at him with a smile. It can only be said that there is still a tacit understanding between the two.

It's not like Hestia and Hephaestus couldn't understand Bell's thoughts.

"Loki, Freya is much more reliable than you."

Hestia understood this and blurted it out. She was not trying to ridicule Loki, but to explain the facts to her.

"Damn it! You little dwarf, tell me why I'm so unreliable!"

This time Loki's anger was directed at Hestia.

But Hestia didn't show any fear and just rolled her eyes away.

"Tell yourself what makes you reliable? How about you go home and ask your children what they think of you? Your reliability must be at the bottom."


Loki was retorted for a moment without the ability to refute, because she had already thought of Estan and the others' evaluation of her. The first time her children will definitely think that she is a pervert, well, she also admits that she is a pervert, not only a womanizer, but also a womanizer.

Unreliability is also derived from this aspect.

In fact, Loki also realized that maybe it was because of his unreliability that Bell did not think of himself for the first time, but thought of Freya.

"Bell, no matter how you put it, I am "lazy". I should be the next one. "

Listening to these words, you can understand how impatient Loki is, and even such words can be said openly. It seemed that her old rivals had handed her over one by one, and even the "Seven Deadly Sins" lodged in her body had placed her in the last 357, which made her a little anxious.

It's just that it's really hard for Bell to agree directly at this moment.

"Ahem, sorry Loki, after recycling "Lust", I can feel that the seven deadly sins will undergo some changes after all are collected, so the last "Deadly Sin" needs to be recycled at home.

The implication is that we have to wait until the "anger" from outside is recycled.

This caused Loki's eyes to lose their brightness, and then his teeth began to make a "click-click" sound.

"Dionysus, can't he just die?"

Bell carefully comforted Loki, who was getting angry, otherwise she would really be stimulated to the point of explosion.

"At this point, I think he's going to be there soon."

Loki's eyes lit up and he became interested instantly.

"Although the arrangements on our side and the cooperation on the guild's side are slowing down the actions of the dark faction, judging from the fact that they have the courage to continue to take action in the dungeon, they should be making final preparations before taking action. .”

"Didn't you tell me? There is news from the guild that someone from the dark sect transported a human-sized object down there. If I guessed correctly, it should be the fairy clone. The product of forcible fusion with humans.

"Based on the amount they sent, I think the dark faction will continue to wait.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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