I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 646 The Perfect Plan

"The attack on Orario to ensure quality should be the plan of God Dionysus. Originally, the gods and fairies of the dark faction should have been persuaded, and this led to the previous series of actions. But now there is a deviation .”

"The Fairy's uncooperation?"

Hestia said tentatively, and this answer also received a nod of approval from Bell.

"It's for this reason. The Fairies' lack of cooperation made the gods of the dark faction obviously realize that "Enio" is as uncontrollable as the Fairies. Moreover, everything of the dark faction at this moment is in "Ennio's" plan. Is the god of the dark faction really willing to listen to a guy who has no face and no identity?"

"Not really."

Freya smiled contemptuously, she knew the characters of those gods very well.

Knowing very well how insistent and proud the gods are about some things, why do they want them to stand on the side of being controlled? Even if the person controlling them has the same goal as them, they will still feel unhappy.

"The gods have always been a group of unruly guys. They will listen to people with higher charisma, and they will also admire people with character. They can appear indifferent on the surface, but deep down in their hearts, everyone is proud of themselves. .

"If Dionysus is willing to stand up, I think the gods of the dark faction are also willing to listen to Dionysus' plan, as long as his plan can better disrupt the rule of the gods on earth. But Dionysus Don’t want to believe those guys.”

"As gods, playing in the human world is the reason why they come to the lower world, instead of being treated as chess pieces controlled by other gods. This is the bottom line, and it is a bottom line that no god will touch."

"But Dionysus stepped hard on the bottom line."

After learning that Dionysus was "Ennio", Freya understood that it was only a matter of time before "Ennio" and the dark faction were torn apart.

There is a fundamental contradiction between Dionysus and the Dark Faction.

It is taboo to reveal one's identity as a "player" all the time and even try to control other "players".

Freya didn't expect that Dionysus didn't even understand such a simple truth.

Or perhaps, he understands this truth, but he arrogantly believes that the insects of the dark sect do not need him to abide by this truth.

"Arrogant"々. '

Bell simply summed up the biggest problem with Dionysus and the Dark Factions in two words.

"The gods of the dark faction who uphold "arrogance" resist the fact of being treated as pawns, and they will use the most violent means to resist. Perhaps from that time on, their target would not be Orario, but the god Dionysus who controlled everything behind the scenes. "

He was very sure that the dark faction's dissatisfaction with "Ennio" had been brewing for a long time, especially after he happened to set up a fire nearby.

The fairy thing is a key point where conflicts begin to occur.

The cooperation between fairies and dark sects is actually "Ennio" pulling the strings in the middle.

At that time, the fairy was induced by him to think that he had the ability to control the soul, and even wanted to escape at the risk of tearing his own soul apart. As a result, the fairy can only recall the guardians outside

Otherwise, it may have to face a lot of dangers if it wants to restore its missing soul at a deep level.

The fairy recalled the guardian in order to protect the weakest one, but the dark faction didn't know about this, which inevitably made the dark faction resent the fairy. Coupled with the series of actions he and the guild made before, the dark faction's suspicion of the fairy has intensified.

"The dark faction's resentment towards the fairies and their distrust of "Enio" led the dark faction to plan to start the current action by staggering all arrangements on both sides. "

"However, if even outsiders can grasp the movements of the dark faction, then it is definitely not a secret to "Ennio". So "Ennio will definitely be involved in the dark faction's operation this time."

"Loki, you need to pay attention."

Bell's reminder made Loki, who was sitting on his lap, put his chin on his hands in annoyance.

"Tch! So I've always been regarded as a soft persimmon?"

In response, Bell carefully comforted Loki.

"After all, the only families in Orario that would cause him trouble are yours and Freya's family. Freya's family does not often appear in the dungeon, and the cohesion of the entire family is in Freya's family. Leia, if she doesn’t speak, the family will not enter the dungeon casually.”

"And if the god Dionysus approached Freya about this matter, what do you think Freya would say?"

This question caused Loki to think briefly. She quickly coughed, lowered her voice, and tried to make her voice more elegant.

"Oh, throw this guy out." "

Bell's face twitched, but considering that Freya's gaze was getting more and more piercing, he still resisted the urge to laugh.

"Although the process shouldn't be so straightforward, Freya probably won't get involved with this matter casually."

"Of course, God Dionysus also knows this, so he will not take the initiative to find Freya, otherwise there is a high probability that he will be rejected."

But the bigger reason should be that it is difficult for Dionysus to interact with Freya. Bell couldn't help but think about the key reason.

Compared to Freya, who is not easy to get close to, Loki is obviously someone who is easy to get close to.

In all senses, Loki was really manipulated by Dionysus, who happened to pinpoint Loki's weak spot.

"The big fuss at the "Monster Festival" and the subsequent retaliatory investigation targeting you, I'm afraid it was all part of that god's plan. The same goes for the silence of my family members that I revealed to you some time ago, "I'm afraid it's just to plot against you."

Loki was already itching to hear this. As the god of mischief in the heaven, she usually only attacks other gods. Who knew that a Dionysus dared to attack her? I thought she was a vegetarian.

But soon Loki regained his composure from some of his anger.

"His purpose should be to get rid of the leader of the dark faction right now, right?"

"That's right. As long as the top leader is killed, he can regain control of the dark faction. And if the god of the dark faction is killed by him this time, then his good name should be welcomed in Orario. Drifting. After that, I think he will have more opportunities to be exposed to some secret operations. After all, killing the god of the dark faction can prove that he is righteous."

"Tch! This guy is really good at calculating."

Even Loki admired that guy's calculations, but he could only go so far.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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