I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 650 The Dark Factions Are Not Lacking In Competition Either

After a glass of wine, Bell didn't order anything else, but walked straight out of the pub door.

Looking up at the sky, night has completely enveloped the entire Orario, but at this moment, there are a large number of magic stone lamps covering the entire street, preventing the entire street from falling into darkness.

Bell lost all his aura and presence in this environment.

Turn right at the entrance of the tavern. What is not an alley on the right is a long warehouse connected to it.

However, this warehouse is very strange. When Bell observed it before, he could not find the breath of life in this warehouse, and it could not even function as a warehouse.

Looking at the entire warehouse, there is no cold storage arranged by magic stones. There is even a lot of dust on the ground, and the thickness is also very shocking. "You can tell at a glance that no one is storing anything here. But this is a warehouse like this. There is a huge underground space.

After eliminating his sense of presence, Bell placed his hand on the wall.


Through zero-distance coherent contact in space, Bell can pass through the outer wall without damaging the wall.

The wall where the palm touched instantly became like touching the water, with many waves and ripples appearing.

Bell leaned forward and walked directly into the wall full of waves.

Bell's body seemed to be submerged in the water, and soon appeared on the other side of the wall, and the waves on the wall disappeared.

The interior of the warehouse is completely dark.

"A special environment deliberately created by barrier magic."

"The dust on the ground probably exists for the purpose of perception. That layer of dust is covered with a layer of almost undetectable magic power."

Bell really appreciates this kind of arrangement. It is obvious that this kind of arrangement is very thoughtful.

Many places inside the warehouse where magic stone lamps are placed are not actually using magic stones to act on the magic stone lamps, but are instead used to maintain the barrier.

So even though there are almost no traces of life inside the warehouse, this barrier magic can still be maintained.

As for the other reason, it is naturally the magic props specially made for this enchantment magic.

"It seems that the dark faction also has excellent magicians."

Such magic props are indeed very useful for defense. If you don't understand this type of magic props, you will definitely be fooled.

If such a trap is really stepped on, the den that was finally investigated will definitely be destroyed. No matter how hard the investigation is, the dark faction will definitely destroy it completely.

Of course, what is more important is the fact that people from Orario are looking for the dark faction's hideout.

It's just that the check of this barrier has no effect on him at all.


The coherence of itself passing through the wall is to make use of the nature of space to make the space of the wall cohesive with the space it occupies, thereby realizing the operation of letting itself pass through the wall. Now Bell's operation is to allow magic power and dust to pass through his body without any obstacles, thus avoiding the detection of the magic barrier.

Almost walking on the dust, Bell walked around the warehouse.

This warehouse is quite common. Except for a magic barrier formed by a magic prop placed inside for exploration, there are no props to restrict internal exploration.

"No wonder it was so normal when I investigated the entire Orario."

After sensing the underground space, my perception was also chaotic. I could almost only feel a normal field, but I couldn't feel any emptiness.

"This is the same construction method as the outer layer of the hidden floor."

"A special alloy is used to isolate the detection of magic power, so that the external detection feels like it is solid, without any holes at all."

Oh my god, I can only say that there are still a lot of gangsters among the dark factions, and they can even research this kind of material. And this kind of material is actually used for protection. Not only does that guy have a pain in the butt, he is also quite rich.

Bell, who has rich experience in being cautious, couldn't help but admire the strategists of the dark faction.

"What a bastard!"

It's just that this arrangement is only for magic detection [Shi Shen is unable to prevent more detailed physical detection.

The warehouse itself is used for the storage of materials, and the location of the basement is mainly used to prevent magical detection, so it will definitely not be particularly secretive when hidden.

No, just after wandering around the bottom floor, I found a passage to the underground secret room.

This is the underground floor where the cold storage was originally supposed to be installed. Because it was installed underground, it was airtight and light-tight. The entire floor was almost shrouded in darkness.

What's more important is that there are almost no traps on this floor. Apart from being so empty that almost no one enters, there seems to be no other problems.

At this moment, even Bell had a little cold sweat on his head.

With night vision, he can see in the dark even in a nearly lightless space.

"Fire Stone."

There was a ripple on the floor, and Bell's body gradually sank under the floor.

"It's a hallucinogenic gas."

Needless to say, down here is the right place.

PS: Please add it to your collection...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

No matter how hard the alloy is, it cannot withstand the pressure brought by "synchronization". Direct spatial synchronization means that the entire space of the alloy is completely assimilated to the surrounding body. This is not destructive, and it cannot withstand it at all. 110's body passed through the front barrier and fell into the ground. What appeared in front of him was a descending ladder.

Through the darkness, you can see that there are a large number of wooden boxes stored in this underground room. There is a layer of cloth on the wooden boxes. It seems that they are not intended to let people see the contents inside. However, Bell already knows that the wooden boxes store Something to hold on to.

The air is a little strange, with a hint of fragrance, which makes people's eyes hallucinate just by smelling it.

After a closer inspection, my dear, there is a very slight gap on the edge of the notch, and underneath the gap, you can vaguely feel a trace of magic fluctuation.

However, this staircase is not very long. It only takes ten seconds to reach the hidden floor under the stairs.


Through the darkness, I glanced at the space in front of me. It was a basement about two meters high. It was rectangular in shape. The entrance looked about 10 meters wide. If it was long, it should be 30 meters by visual inspection.

"In addition, there is a large-scale gravity trap on the ground. Tsk, I feel more and more that those guys are dogs."

But Bell, who had long since developed his night vision ability, discovered that there was an indentation of only three centimeters on the floor in a corner. "Those ten spots are different from the surrounding floors."

"This set is more rigorous than mine."

But Bell somewhat understood why this hidden underground space was set up with a gravity trap.

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