I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 651 The Darkness Hidden Under The Night

Flame stones, commonly known as explosive stones, are as unstable as gunpowder, but they possess extraordinary power.

A flame stone, even a Level 5 adventurer will be seriously injured if it is blasted at close range.

Although Level 5 adventurers will not be attacked so easily, once the self-destruction troops rushing up with flame stones form a certain scale, then it is really possible.

One-on-one, high-level adventurers are not afraid of this kind of play. But the problem is that the followers of the dark sect are all self-destructors. They will really grab the flame stone and rush up to you to blow themselves up. How can anyone survive this?

These flame stones are combined with the dependents of the dark faction, and they are mobile self-destruction soldiers. They do not consider the issue of survival at all. Those dependents of the dark faction are just aiming for self-destruction.

Just imagining this scene made Bell sweat a little.

"Although I knew those guys were a bunch of lunatics, I didn't expect those lunatics to prepare things so early."

Naturally, he is not worried about those self-destruction soldiers, but he doubts that once those madmen really start to act, they will completely blow up this Orario.

And if the dark faction already has such a stronghold, then it will naturally have other strongholds.

If other strongholds are so "wonderful", then the dark faction definitely has plans to blow up the entire Orario.

Bell's face revealed indescribable exhaustion, and he suddenly thought of 996 and 007.

"Don't increase my workload casually."

"Usually, my time for self-training has been reduced a lot. I have to keep an eye on the movements of the dark factions in the dungeon, and I have to look for those guys' hidden strongholds in Orario. I'm really busy."

It is only at this time that Bell really hopes to have someone who can help him share part of the work.

Well, mainly focusing on the work of the dark faction in the dungeon.

Finding the stronghold of the dark sect hidden in Orario is not a job that can be done by just any person. It is better for him to do it himself to avoid being discovered by those guys.

"The situation here is settled, but there are still some other things that need to be determined."

After taking a deep breath, Bell just determined the coordinates of the basement, and without even raising an "eye" he came to the alley next to the warehouse and the "Freeman" pub.

As the night progressed, the work in the tavern began to become busier.

There were the voices of drinkers all around, talking about today's experience in the dungeon, and how glad they were that they came back alive from the monster's mouth.

The adventurers were quite relaxed at this moment, and at this moment, one or two people walked out of the back door of the tavern and walked into the door of the warehouse.

It's the dwarf store manager.

It's just that the back door of the tavern has just been closed, and the dwarf shop manager's face was dyed black as if by this alley.


The noise in the tavern covered up all the sounds, including the voice of the dwarf manager at this moment.

Two people came from the back alley. They looked like serious adventurers wearing Orario clothes.

Soon a very small barrier appeared between the three of them, enveloping the three of them.

""Store manager", it has not been investigated yet. "

"God Freya has never shown up, and God Loki has also been hiding behind the scenes. These two goddesses have not left their families for a long time recently.

The dwarf store manager is as calm as water. He has been listening to this kind of information these days.

"The two goddesses are consciously avoiding it. It seems that they have discovered our actions."

"It seems that it is just as Lord Shangshen said, there is no way to attack those two goddesses.

The best way to deal with a family is to deal with the main god of that family.

As long as the main god is sent back to the heaven, everything in that family will be completely blocked. Adventurers who have received the god's "favor" will lose all their power in an instant. Even level 7 will become very powerless due to the blockade of abilities. .

Unfortunately, what is needed to implement this plan is the specific location of the two goddesses. If the two goddesses had been hiding behind the scenes, such a plan would have been impossible to implement.

And this is an assassination of gods. As long as you don't succeed the first time, you won't get a second chance. Therefore, “To carry out such a plan without confirming the locations of the two goddesses is to seek death.

"How's the runestone stockpile going?"

The dwarf store manager mentioned another topic, and this is also the issue that needs his most attention now.

This is true for the auxiliary rune stones, and the same is true for the offensive rune stones.

It's just that the sales volume of this strategic material is not very large, otherwise there would have been looting. (Wang Qian’s)

"Avoid all eyes and ears."

The dwarf store manager obviously understood this very well, so he also emphasized this issue.

The power of any offensive runestone is not small at all, almost on the same level as a disposable magic sword [Momo exceeds the maximum destructive power that the flame cloth can burst out.

Once a fight to the death is reached, the gods are often the first to be targeted.

Based on the special characteristics of rune stones, it can be said that rune stones are almost strategic materials.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

The special characteristics of the rune stones themselves are normal even if they do not have the ability to produce large quantities of them.

"Sir Shangshen means to continue hoarding supplies. Now Shangshen is also careful not to be attacked by Orario's guild, so he cannot act up there all the time.

"The attack-type runestones are much more destructive than the flame stones, but their value is about the same as the flame stones. Being able to hoard them is the greatest benefit to us. As for the shipping issue, there hasn't been much change in the past six months. I guess it should be It’s a question of production.”

They and Orario are already at this stage now, so they are very cautious at this stage, and no god will be careless at this critical moment.

The dwarf store manager was not unhappy at all.

"Now the guild has put a lot of bounties on us. Once we are suspected, those adventurers who are usually safe will become hidden landmines for the sake of profit."

Just like the two goddesses of Orario need to hide, their gods also need to be vigilant in this regard.

It is really outrageous to be able to temporarily enhance the user's ability value, even without limiting the level of use.

"It's just that the daily shipment volume of rune stones is not very large, and the current stockpile is not enough for large-scale use."

"No problem. "Store Manager", the funds on your side and the funds drawn from other industries are enough. Now we have bought all the rune stones that can be snapped up in Hephaestus' store. "

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