I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 652 I Need Help

"The collected runestones are kept separately and don't let the "tail" keep an eye on them.

The other two naturally knew how to deal with it.

Everything that needs to be said has been said, and the small barrier opened immediately.

The three of them seemed to have nothing to do with each other. The dwarf store manager walked into the back door of the "Freeman" pub, and the other two walked from the side alley of the pub to the street, blending into the crowd in the night market.

After all three people left, Bell's figure also appeared.

He leaned against the wall with "Sure enough," written all over his face, and placed a weak hand on his forehead.

"I knew that the people who opened the tavern next to the Freya Familia were not simple guys."

"The Mistress of Plenty" is located in a place where two streets intersect. Not far in front is the entrance to the underground city. This place is a downtown area and is also a fertile land.

As I said before, Orario is a pretty chaotic place. If someone with no background or identity opens a tavern, it will easily attract some troublesome adventurers. The main thing is "You can occupy a good land, but I will ask Can you keep it?"

No matter how good the location is, 730 cannot stop some adventurers from causing trouble.

Taverns without ability or background will close down and be replaced by an owner who has the ability to take on the land.

Such is the case with the "Mistress of Abundance." As store manager Mia Grande, a former Level 6, active and semi-retired former leader of the Freya Familia, with the Freya Familia as her back, who dares to stretch out her claws? Don’t you want to live anymore?

So "free man" seems weird to Bell.

It can be said that there is almost no background at all, but such a tavern with no background has not caused any trouble from any adventurer. This has to be said to be a very serious problem.

Although the location of "Freeman" is not as good as that of "Mastress of Abundance", it is still a very good location in the downtown area, and the flow of people is quite dense every night.

Will such an area not be watched by some businessmen?

Obviously this is absolutely impossible.

But the fact is that no businessman has set his sights on this area, and not even an adventurer will cause trouble in this area.

What does this mean? It means that the merchants know who the people behind this lot are, and it means that those adventurers who are hanging out in Orario also know who the people are behind this lot.

But the guild, which is the most critical to such a thing, doesn't know, which is obviously the most serious problem.

"Orario's internal corruption problem is serious."

Businessmen are loyal to profit rather than righteous, and it is foreseeable to make such a choice between the dark faction and the guild. After all, if businessmen want to do business, they need to attack both sides. Those who can eat both sides will not eat only one side. Therefore, it is normal for businessmen to be idle.

But adventurers are different, especially now that the guild has posted a bounty for the dark faction. Those gangster adventurers turned a blind eye to the dark sect without even reporting it. In a sense, this was a blatant betrayal.

Of course, the punishment of those gangsters is not so difficult for Bell to understand. For adventurers who would fight for high-quality materials and magic stones obtained from dungeons, their lower limit has already determined the reason why they would make this choice.

Although Bell didn't find it strange at all, he was also very sure that those adventurers who were just outsiders would not have a good life in the future.

"Then, now it's time to find the winger for help."

As the atmosphere between guilds and dark factions intensifies, now the gods of Orario will pay special attention when traveling. It won't be as laissez-faire as in the past, at least there will be a guard around.

Of course, even gods don't often appear in the night market after nightfall.

Although the guild and the dark faction haven't started a war yet, they already have a posture in which they are preparing in advance.

"Ah, I didn't lose it today either."

Hermes seemed to be paralyzed in the family.

He has not been able to get out of the family members recently. Of course, he also knows that it is no longer easy for him to collect intelligence outside. After all, the situation outside was so chaotic that no one knew who was standing behind the person exchanging information with him.

Yasi Fei was playing with her creations. Recently, she has also started researching other props, but they are all in a auxiliary direction.


Listening to the melodious voice of her Lord God, Yasphi felt her blood pressure keep rising.

But keeping in mind the difference in status makes her more cautious in doing things, and she has to be like the Lord God without considering other things.


"You don't want to think about the recent atmosphere between the guild and the dark faction. Are you going out? You are being targeted by the dark faction."

Yes, the person who opposed Hermes going out was Asphi herself.

She often wears the "Hades Helmet" to collect intelligence outside, but she is very aware of the situation outside. In a word, it is not just God Hermes who needs to pay attention to safety now, but the entire gods of Orario need to pay attention to safety.


Although I know that my group leader has good intentions, it is really uncomfortable for him, who often travels out, to stay at home.

However, Hermes had no idea of ​​going outside at the moment.

One is because his identity as a god is too obvious and he becomes the target of the dark factions too easily.

The second reason is that no one who can exchange information with him comes out at night, especially under this situation.

"The situation has changed too fast. The dark factions are now in the process of accumulating strength, but the information we have can only go so far.

Hermes couldn't help but feel a little discouraged when he said this.

The fact that he, the intelligence center, didn't get more information was simply the biggest insult to him as an intelligence dealer.

"Lord Hermes, even if this is true, we can't continue to get more information."

There was also a rare hint of fatigue on Yasi Fei's face. This was her wish that failed after the last intelligence investigation.

"The dark faction has made more preparations. If you just become invisible, you will no longer be able to easily enter their secret room full of traps."

"They must have been prepared. Maybe if they don't investigate any of them, we will all die in the investigation of intelligence.

"So, Lord Hermes, please don't think about messy operations during this time."

He didn't expect Yasphi to be so serious, so Hermes could only raise his hands and surrender.

"I see.….."

It's just that the one who agreed was a little weak.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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