I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 654: Confused Twice A Day

"What a bunch of lunatics!"

Yasi Fei couldn't help but cursed the bastards of the dark faction with her soul, her teeth were still trembling. She could imagine what kind of damage it would cause to Orario once something like that really happened, and she could also imagine what kind of chaos the entire Orario would fall into.

"Hey, that's such a lunatic."

Even Hermes, who usually alternated between good and evil, had an uncertain face at the moment.

There is no doubt that the actions of those madmen have harmed the interests of most gods. Once Orario is destroyed, the gods will lose their home where they have been developing in the past. This situation is completely not in the interest of the main god.

Likewise, it is not in his interest.

A trace of determination flashed in Hermes' eyes. He would not allow any existence to hinder the script he wanted "Zero Seventy" to see.

But after taking a quick look at Bell's calm face, Hermes felt that he didn't have to do much.

"You didn't clean up that place?"

"No, in order to avoid a violent reaction from the people over there, I haven't done anything else to that stronghold for the time being. Of course, the more important reason is that I found that the trap in that stronghold was a bit too much.

After thinking for a long time, Si Er still overused the complexity of the trap.

"Although after seeing the contents of the underground warehouse, I understand why they are so vigilant, but the dust detection on the ground, the traps at the entrance, and even the gravity traps are arranged in the basement.

"Judging from the dust covered in the barrier on the first floor, the trap they set up should only be a month or two ago. According to my guess, their stronghold on the ground should have been discovered by someone, and that person was still there. We stepped on their trap, otherwise they wouldn’t have made more complicated arrangements in the trap.”

After saying this, Bell saw the expression on God Hermes' face that was indescribably funny. He had a strange look on his face. Why was the expression on God Hermes' face so funny when he mentioned this?

Then, following the line of sight of God Hermes, I saw that the face of Captain Yasi Fei, who had always been calm and collected, was now dyed blood red.

what happened?

Bell's brain also fell into a brief sluggish state. But he soon realized that the person he was talking about who stepped into the trap just now couldn't be the person in front of him, right?

"Ahem, "Almighty One", shouldn't you be the one who stepped on the trap?"

These words were like the sparks that detonated a bomb, and in an instant, Yasifei, who was still blushing just now, was completely detonated.

Bell shook his head helplessly.

"No wonder I said there are so many defensive measures in that stronghold, and the level of traps is not so high.

Hearing this, Yasfei could no longer withstand the pressure.

"I'm very sorry, I underestimated them."

When she thought that it was her fault that caused the defense level of those strongholds to increase a lot, Yasifei blushed and was speechless. She knew that from other perspectives, her behavior was simply out of line, and she really couldn't find any reason to explain it.

"Let's put this matter aside for now."

Hermes saw that his captain had deeply realized his mistake, so he stepped forward to help, and then changed the topic to Bell.

"Bell, you just said you were looking for help?"

"Yes. Because I found that the security of those strongholds on the ground is quite high. There should be no one except me who can sneak into those strongholds quietly to detect intelligence. So I need to focus on those strongholds on the ground recently. The monitoring of underground cities should be weakened a lot.”

Hermes was 100% convinced of the authenticity of these words.

Asifei's mistake was undoubtedly the biggest reason why it became more difficult to infiltrate the stronghold.

Because the difficulty of exploring those strongholds has increased, and the affairs of the dark factions need to continue to be monitored, it is inevitable that there will be times when they are unable to do anything.

"If that's the case, then Yasi Fei should be able to help."

Hermes sold out his captain without any ceremony.

But this time, Yasifei, who was sold, was not so unhappy, but cheered up again.

"If there's anything I can do to help, just leave it to me."

If the parties concerned have already agreed, Bell will naturally not have so many opinions, and the leader of the Hermes Familia is actually the best choice.

Although the god Hermes is very unreliable, the leader of the god Hermes is surprisingly reliable.

"Then I'll trouble you."

Of course, the part of the surveillance that Bell wants to convert this time is not just a little bit in the dungeon, but based on the surveillance of the entire Orario.

""Almighty One", is there a special space within the Hermes Familia?"

"Isn't it possible here?"

Yasi Fei asked tentatively.

The room where she and Lord Hermes are now can be considered a relatively private room within the family. Displayed here are the props she has used for research all year round, as well as some industrial lines of props that are still being manufactured. In fact, apart from her and Lord Hermes, the only people allowed to enter this room are the deputy captain. Just people.

"It's best to have a secret space that only you and God Hermes can enter. That thing is not suitable for more people to notice."

"A special magic item?"

Yasi Fei immediately thought of Bell's manufacturing ability. Even she looked at those runestones and found them strange. If Bell had made other magic items for surveillance, "maybe the quality wouldn't be so bad.

After thinking for a moment, Yasi Fei made her decision.

“There’s also a special room.


Asfi's answer confused Hermes.

0.8 As the main god of the Hermes Familia, Hermes didn't know that Yasi Fei had recently kept a secret room in the Familia that he didn't know about.

Bell noticed the expression of God Hermes, and understood in his heart that the secret room Asfi mentioned must be really secret.

"As long as there are enough secrets, if that thing falls into the hands of the dark faction, they may be able to grasp the movements of all Orario's Familia in an instant."


Good guy, Asfi's words just now were enough to surprise Hermes, but Bell's words were no less impressive, and there were question marks on his head.

How can the dark faction control the movements of the entire Orali family as long as they get their hands on it?

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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