I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 655: Good Job Keeping Secrets

There is a fairly large tree behind the Hermes Family Mansion. This big tree is relatively close to the edge of the backyard wall. It is a good place for the Hermes Family to enjoy the shade in the summer.

And this good place was brought by Yasphi, the leader of the Hermes Familia, with Bell and Hermes.

"Here? There is a secret room here for our family members?"

God Hermes' tone of disbelief clearly showed that he didn't believe that such a thing could happen in such a dazzling place, but Bell was very able to understand the reason for Yasi Fei's actions, and it could even be said that he quite agreed with it.

Bell glanced at it casually and exclaimed with a similar sense of relief in his heart.

"As expected of the "Almighty One", he actually arranged so many magic props around him to maintain the nodules. Confuse, disrupt consciousness, and change common sense [so many props are used to hide the location of this base. "

"It seems that this is your real workshop."

Asifei was also surprised to hear Bell speak out about her design, but she could also hear the praise.

"Things on the ground are still too easy to be stolen. Some things are not suitable for being placed on the ground. On the contrary, they are safer underground."

These words spoke to Bell's heart.

"Yes, I think so too. Although I also have an invisible workshop within the family, when it comes to the secret workshop, I also built it underground."

"Working in a very quiet underground workshop allows me to concentrate more. Some things that are not suitable for storage on the ground can be stored underground." 1


Asife also understood Bell's words quite well. As a developer of magic props, her biggest worry is that the things she developed appear outside. Therefore, for people who develop props, what they most want is a place to safely store props.

The underground secret workshop obviously gave her, as a researcher, a place of peace of mind.

You must know that the underground workshop is not only a storage room, but also a research room for secret props.

"Let's go down and take a look first."

"plz follow me."

Yasifei led the team into her secret workshop.

After passing through the outer barrier, you enter a special illusion space. Everything here is quite dreamy. As long as you don't follow the correct path, you will be guided out by illusion.

The composition of this part of the barrier is quite good. After all, it is within the Familia. If there is an emergency, it should be that someone from the Familia accidentally enters, so that a powerful barrier with strong lethality will not be directly deployed. If it were Bell, this might be the same arrangement within the family members.

But compared to unsafe methods, Bell prefers to isolate this possibility from the physical level, so he found a way to move the entire family to "outside the world"

Complete isolation from the possibility of someone entering by mistake.

The layout inside the barrier is very good.

Bell also approves of this arrangement, and safety can basically be guaranteed. After all, the Hermes Familia is not as eye-catching as other Familia. This arrangement is enough for the Hermes Familia.

"Basically safety can be guaranteed. If you accidentally enter the inside, your cognition will be affected by the illusion. As long as you step out of the barrier, you will be forced to forget that part of the memory. It is a very special barrier."

"Although it is a space made up of magic props, it still has a certain degree of strength. As long as you don't pay special attention, you won't be discovered. Unfortunately, it's still a little bit worse.

The first words made Yasifei extremely proud. She had never shown this secret room to anyone, but the second half of the sentence made her feel extremely embarrassed.

She is proud of herself and can admit her mistakes, but the pride in her heart is still hurt to a certain extent.

But the curiosity in her heart still made her ask involuntarily.

"What's the difference?"

In response to this question, Bell pointed outside.

"Maybe the problem of straying inside has been solved, but you don't seem to have solved the problem of external perception of this magic barrier."

"Of course I have to hide it from everyone, otherwise, who knows if anyone will tell anyone?"

Behind it is a downward spiral staircase.

Continuing to walk inside, soon I saw a 900-meter-tall stone gate next to the big tree. The stone gate also had the ability to cognitively interfere.

It is not difficult for Yasi Fei to add a function. She only needs to make a simple mirror to deceive external magicians.

"But let's add some functions later to avoid trouble in the end."

Bell's eyes glanced at Asifei's glasses, and it seemed that she had really prepared such a safe place.

Yasifei was stunned for a moment, and then she immediately understood where her problem was and covered her head with a slap.

This time Hermes was really surprised. After all, he really didn't expect such a thing at all. His leader created such an invisible space under the eyes of the entire clan, and he did all the confidentiality work.

"Well, this is not a big problem. The Hermes Familia are not that conspicuous. Although they have always been targeted by some interested people, those people do not have the ability to sense the magic barrier. Otherwise, you will Found."

At this moment, Hermes was completely stunned on the spot, muttering unbelievable words to himself:

"There is such a secret space... I don't even know about such a thing..."

Bell almost couldn't help but laugh at this. He was on guard against God Hermes and his own family members, but he forgot to guard against outsiders, so no one could do this.

"At first, I was thinking about preventing Lord Hermes and others from entering my workshop. I forgot that the magic barrier is obvious to anyone with magic perception.

If Bell hadn't said that what she was passing on was important, she wouldn't have revealed the secret room.

I saw Yasi Fei put her hand on the stone door, and input her exclusive magic power into the stone door. A blue light flashed on the stone door, and they heard a series of heavy sounds of the stone door moving, and the stone door slowly opened in front of them.

"I see."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Yasi Fei, who was leading the team, rolled her eyes and complained silently in her heart.

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