I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 656 The Courage That Left Hermes Speechless

After walking down the spiral staircase, you will see a quite large underground space.

The space that appears on the first floor is no smaller than the underground stronghold of the dark faction.

Bell noticed that there were a lot of experimental materials and some basic research products on this floor, but not too many magic props, so there should be other floors in this secret room.

"Just go to the deep levels."

"Well, please come with me.

Asifei didn't think that this surface could protect against important things, so she took Bell directly to her deeper secret room.

Going deeper, the corner of an invisible wall is the key to the next floor. However, no more fortifications were done here, only some hidden processing was done.

But after heading to the next floor, Bell discovered something different.

After passing through the narrow stairs, you can feel a space that is almost isolated from magic.

As the door facing the stairs opens.


The heartbreaking sound of opening the door was accompanied by the magic stone lamps in the room lighting up one by one.

As the lights illuminated, the room was completely illuminated.

The color of the light is a bit dim, a bit like dusk, but the atmosphere here is still very good.

A space with a scale of 10*30*4 is not too small for a secret room, but if experiments are included, such a space is too small. However, Bell guessed that most of the detailed experiments should be carried out in the room, while the dangerous experiments should be carried out on the upper floors, or within the family members.

There are rows of bookshelves on the edge of the wall, and naturally these bookshelves are filled with all kinds of books. Part of it is information about experimental materials, and the other part is the experimental information compiled by Asfi herself.

Directly opposite the bookshelf, there are many shelves, with some cloaks, masks, medicine bottles and other things placed on them. The names and functions of each prop are written on the front of those things. It looks like These are the results of Yasi Fei’s years of research.

"The air is very circulated, and the air has been treated using the same magic tools as me."

"The magic power inside is very sealed, and the materials used to isolate the magic power are not bad at all. To build a room of this size with materials that isolate the magic power, the prop master's funds are still sufficient."

"No, it should be said that if the prop master is not rich, he will not be able to play."

As a member of the magician and also a member of the prop master, Si'er is very aware of how resource-consuming this path is.

"Fortunately, the runes I mastered have saved me a lot of research funds, otherwise I would probably still be living a life of needing support from Hephaestus and the others."

In this regard, Bell is very glad that the concept he removed was "rune". Otherwise, this growth path would have been really difficult.

Looking back at Yasi Fei's secret room, Bell was even more impressed by this person who could continue on the path of a prop master. It’s really hard to imagine how much money it took to build a prop master.

“This is indeed a nice place.

Hearing this compliment was almost the highest level of praise for Asfi.

After all, the person who said this compliment is a master in this way. The alien space he created that is almost isolated from everything is the direction she has always wanted to work towards.

"Thank you for the compliment.

"Mr. Crowne, can you tell me what you just said?"


Bell glanced at the surrounding situation, and then pointed at the empty space opposite the bookshelf, next to the magic props.


With a snap of his fingers, a large stone table appeared.

Bell took the lead and walked to the stone table. He tapped his finger on the table. The table instantly rippled, and a reduced version of Orario's 3D model appeared on the stone table.

"This is?"

Asife came up curiously and took a look, her entire expression became extremely serious. If her memory was correct, this seemed to be a smaller version of Orario.

"The map of Orario? Mr. Crowne, this shouldn't be just a simple reduced version of the map of Orario, right?"

It is said to be a thing that allows the dark faction to master the positions of most of Orario's Familia. Is it that simple?

Bell did not explain, but gently tapped on the stone table. Many small figures appeared on the 3D model, as if the characters had been shrunk by the same level.

Bell's hand touched the Hermes Familia, and the model instantly enlarged, turning the entire desktop into a picture of the Hermes Familia's interior, and the transparent figures in the picture became larger. There is even a "name" marked next to each villain, and there are even simple information such as "Family" and "Level".


Asifei's heartbeat stopped suddenly at this moment.

This is really a bit scary. This three-dimensional map of Orario actually has the distribution of their family members, and even the names, family members and levels are marked.

Although the information is not very detailed, this part is enough to grasp the specific locations of most people in Orario.

"This, this really cannot be obtained by the dark faction."

Her hands trembled slightly, and Yasi Fei understood very well that this map could not be known to others under any circumstances. Once the dark faction masters this map, it is almost the same as mastering the distribution of members of the entire Orali Family.

Hermes also recovered from the shock. He really didn't expect that Bell would create such a three-dimensional map of Orario. Even the positions of the characters were displayed on this map.

"Bell, how did you create such a troublesome thing?"

"Of course it's to know the whereabouts of most of the dependents and gods as much as possible."

The reason Bell gave made Hermes speechless. This simple and straightforward statement violated the privacy rights of all gods. If a god knew about this and let them know that there were children from the lower world who had taken control of their position, then they would really jump.

"It will be troublesome for you to let those guys know about this."

Bell naturally knows this.

"So, just don't let other gods know."

"You said it so lightly."

Even Hermes has a headache. Bell's courage, his mobility and style of doing things are simply invincible.

But he also knows that special things should be done.

For now, the conspiracy against the dark faction is the most important.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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