I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 660 The Darkness Begins To Act

"Is it because of those troublesome things?"

"So be it."

The corners of Artemis' lips raised slightly, and her body that had just retreated reached Bell again.

"Darling, do you want me to help you forget your worries?"

This very tempting suggestion really raised eyebrows, even Bell was not surprised.

But compared to that tempting suggestion, Bell is more concerned about the problem faced by the other God Artemis.

"Aren't you afraid that Artemis will suddenly jump out and take away your control of your body?"

Just one word made Artemis completely lose her temper.

If her body is still her own at this moment, then she can have some subtle relationship with Darling as directly as possible. Otherwise, she felt that Darling would be obsessed with those coquettish bitches.

Like a patient who has been stabbed in a painful spot, Artemis's face was full of unwillingness and unhappiness. She even couldn't help complaining to Bell who pointed at her lesions. 27

"It's all about the body. If the ownership of the body is not mine, then I don't have to think so much."

"I think you still need to think more about it."

Bell also hopes that Artemis can think more about it.

Under the noon sun, Artemis's words were as terrifying as those of a crazy star-struck fan. Sometimes her sudden words would definitely startle people.

Fortunately, Bell had already gotten used to receiving Artemis' love, otherwise his heart life would have been shortened a lot.

The goddess's love is passionate, which can be seen from Artemis, but the goddess's love is also troublesome.

Just like the problem of "willfulness", this is Artemis' biggest problem now.

"As a virgin, you'd better be more reserved."


She chose to refuse without hesitation. Artemis looked down upon the emotion of "reservation" no matter what. In her understanding, since love must be vigorous, it should not be reserved until the end. This behavior has not been recognized by others.

"Although I am a virgin, I am also the moon god. As the moon god, I have no need to remain pure, especially after finding my "sun".

As we all know, the moon is illuminated by the sun's light, and the sun is the only light in the moon's life.

As for Apollo, who symbolizes the "Sun God", Artemis said that her brother had died in the destruction of that world, so there is nothing wrong with Bell being her only sun now.

The sun? Bell didn't expect that he was so important in Artemis's heart.

"Do you want me to help with things over there? Unlike them, I am not restricted by this world."

Artemis's condition is different from that of the gods in this world, so her power is not limited by thinking.

But Bell still chose to refuse.

"No, you'd better not get involved in this matter."

Artemis was not unprepared for this answer, she knew what Darling would say.

"Or is it because of this world?"


This time is a little different from the past. In the past, Bell didn't want Artemis to get involved in Orario's troubles because Artemis was a foreign goddess after all. Once noticed by others, she would be involved in a lot of trouble, including him.

"I'm not strong enough yet. Once you are exposed, I don't have the strength to stand up."



Artemis had actually already determined the answer in her heart, but this time, the answer was different from what she originally imagined.

Coming back from her daze, Artemis's eyes burst into surprise beyond imagination.


...Hey! How many times have I told you? Why do you pounce on me all of a sudden?"

Bell was still a little bit unbearable by Artemis' sudden swooping. He really didn't know why this person could swoop on him so suddenly every time. To be honest, Bell felt that he would never be able to get used to this kind of sudden swooping. Feel.

Listening to the complaints in the voice, Artemis threw herself on Bell but didn't care at all. At this moment, she finally caught the most important thing.


In the dark environment, everything was quiet, and almost no other sounds could be heard, only the sound of burning candles.

"Were the other strongholds not discovered?"

"Or maybe it's not that you didn't notice it, but that you just pretended not to notice it so as not to alert the enemy?"

The man was holding Orario's map on the ground. There were 35 red-marked locations on the map, but only one place was crossed out.

Men know that the people on earth are not mediocre people, they are smarter than anyone else. As someone who has been fighting openly and covertly with those guys for so many years, how could he not even know what the thoughts of those above him are?

Not taking any action now is just to test and see if anyone takes action in advance.

He needs to gain the initiative in this war, so he must take the initiative. Only by locating the battlefield on Orario's land can they achieve their goal.

But the person who was secretly watching them made no movement at all, as if no one was watching behind them.

The man's brows furrowed. 070 He believed in his feelings very much. He didn't think that the past troubles and the conflicts between the fairies were human-made.

It's just that the man doesn't know whether the person who attacked is the guild or "Ennio".

"Or...a fourth-party force?"

"Loki? Freya?"

The two goddesses who stand at the top of Orario are naturally within the scope of men's thinking. These two goddesses have enough reasons to get involved.

Although I don't know what Loki and Freya think, but from many traces and clues, it seems that there is a high probability that those two people will side with the guild.

The man also had enough reasons to be suspicious. After all, he knew from many channels that Loki and Freya frequently visited the guild some time ago. Then Loki never left the "Twilight Villa", and Freya never left the Tower of Babel.

There is definitely something wrong with those two goddesses.

But it was precisely because those two goddesses had problems that the man focused on observing the movements of those two goddesses and their dependents. The conclusion that can be drawn is that there is no action at all.

Such an answer also gives men a headache.

"It seems there will be no answer if we continue to wait."

Men understand that if they want to seize the initiative at this moment, they need to take action first instead of continuing to wait.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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