I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 661 The Sudden Roar!

After watching the surveillance for nearly half a month, Yasifei has become very proficient in using maps. She monitors the situation on the ground and underground very closely.

"so boring."

Asphi's eyes glanced at Hermes, who was moaning on the recliner.

"Lord Hermes, surveillance is not a very interesting job in the first place."

"I thought Bell might set up some surveillance in the bathroom, but who knew he was so serious.

Do you think everyone is like you?

Yasifei complained in her heart slightly speechlessly.

"At least Mr. Crowne is not like you. Although there are many beauties in Orario, the goddess beside Mr. Crowne is the one who stands at the top of Orario. Do you think he really needs it?"

"You are wrong, Asfi!"

Hermes, who was lying like a salted fish just now, stood up from the recliner in an instant with great energy, like a noble saint, and his body seemed to be radiating a bright light.

"My own woman and the woman outside are two different things!"


Yasifei cursed fiercely in her heart, and she strongly condemned the words of a scumbag like Hermes.

"Lord Hermes, please don't say this outside. I think other goddesses who hear your speech may beat you to death.

He did not shy away from the disdain in his heart, as if the person he was talking to was not the Lord God, but a scumbag who could be seen everywhere.

Hermes didn't care at all. He often experienced the vicious tongue of his captain, and this level was nothing more than a daily routine.

"Asfi, you really don't understand. A man needs to have a broad mind, and the same is true for a hero. Heroes often attract the attention of many members of the opposite sex, so in that case, can the hero let go of those attracted members of the opposite sex? ?”

Asifei once again had a high level of understanding of Lord Hermes's crooked reasoning.

"I think that's just your idea of ​​a hero. Mr. Clonney doesn't look like that kind of person."

But a strange smile appeared on Hermes' face.

"That's because Bell has extraordinary restraint. Even if he tries his best to avoid contact with other people of the opposite sex, there are still many people of the opposite sex in Orario who are attracted to him.

There was even a goddess who transformed for him. "

Yasi Fei naturally knew who Lord Hermes was talking about.

"Daphne Lalos and Cassandra Ilion from the original Apollo Familia.

"Lililuka Erd, formerly of the Soma Familia."

"As well as Sanjono Haruhime and Aisha Bellka from the former Ishtar Familia.

"Lord Hermes, are these people you are talking about?"

Hermes nodded with satisfaction at his captain's summary.

"Yes, that's right. Although the child tried his best to avoid too much contact with anyone of the opposite sex, it still had some influence."

But Yasi Fei seemed a little confused about the "avoidance at all costs" mentioned by her Lord God.

"Lord Hermes, even if Mr. Crowne is reserved, he doesn't have to try his best to avoid it, right?"

Hermes shook his head slightly.

"Asfi, you guessed it wrong. The reason why he chose to avoid other members of the opposite sex was because of other reasons.

Yasifei frowned and tried hard to think about the reason, and a trace of speculation appeared in her mind.

"Is it because of God Hestia?"

"You guessed it right, it's indeed because of Hestia."

Asfi was not surprised when she got the answer from Lord Hermes [There are only ten people in Orario who can influence Bell. There are only ten people named Hestia.

It's just that Sir Hermes seemed to have other meanings in his mouth, but this person deliberately kept it secret, as if he was waiting for her to ask questions.

She felt slightly unhappy, but Yasifei's curiosity was also ignited.

"So, what is the reason why Mr. Crowne tries so hard to avoid contact with the opposite sex?"

Listening to the impatience and curiosity in his captain's voice, Hermes no longer concealed it, but the thought of that reason still made him laugh.

"Actually, it's a very simple and simple reason, the time of life."

"Time of life...?"

"Don't you understand? Just like the love between gods and children from the lower world will not end well. The biggest reason is that there are essential differences between gods and children from the lower world.

When Hermes saw that his captain still didn't understand, he made the answer a little simpler.

Asifei's eyes widened instantly.

"Is that the reason!?"

The reason is so...simple?

Hermes admired his captain's surprised and dazed look, and then slowly turned his gaze away after admiring enough.

"Isn't it very innocent?"

"But... why is this?"

"Don't you understand? That's right. After all, you don't have that kind of ambition, but Bell does have that unbridled ambition.



"Yes. The relationship between Bell and Hestia is already very clear, but the child not only wants to possess Hestia for decades, but also wants to possess her permanently."


The truth revealed by Hermes' words made Asphi, a mortal, terrified.

If this is the case, then it makes sense that Mr. Cronney would avoid contact with other men.

But this is natural but still very surprising.

"So, Mr. Crowne is putting himself in the position of a god?"

There is no doubt that this kind of idea is a treasonous act for Orario, who is full of gods. It is an idea that will be ridiculed, or even punished (yes).

But the smile on Hermes' face did not contain any sneer, but only deep appreciation.

"That kid is a destined 'hero'. Just like the words interpreted in fairy tales, that child is destined to write a different history [The future of the city hero can naturally marry the person for whom he can give everything. "

"What Zeus and Hera were unable to do in the past will inevitably become the future written by him. Therefore, the child was also prepared to beg early."

"Only now..."


The sudden explosion resounded throughout Orario, shocking the secret room underground.

The two people in this room were knocked to the ground by the sudden change.

The strange tinnitus made both of them lose their ability to move almost at the same time.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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