I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 665 Cruel Ruins

Orario's rescue operation was very fast, but it took nearly three hours to complete the evacuation of the injured civilians in the blast area.

After all, the blasted area is too large.

If Orario is divided into regions, then the entire Orario can be divided into 58 regions. There is a main large block between each area, and such large blocks can also be divided into 10 areas.

And what is the scale of this explosion?

In 3 areas, nearly half of the large areas were affected by the blast.

If we consider the scope of the explosion's impact, almost an entire large block has been deeply affected.

This is already a very tragic situation.

The explosion occurred this time without contacting any dependents, but this is not something to be thankful for.

The entire Orario is composed of guilds, gods, dependents, adventurers and civilians from high to low.

Guilds, gods, and dependents were not affected, so the adventurers and civilians27 were naturally the most injured.

That's right, the largest number of people in this blasting area are civilians.

Civilians who have almost no ability to resist and have no ability to survive in the face of explosions.

Therefore, there are few survivors in the area affected by the blast.

This was seen by the family members who were dealing with the aftermath of the explosion.


Even adventurers who often face life and death cannot bear this tragic situation.

After the explosion, the whole place began to smell of meat, which was the smell like barbecue produced after the flames burned the human body.

However, the adventurers who smelled this fragrance couldn't help but feel strong nausea.

Because they know where this meaty smell comes from.

But the smell of meat was very similar to the meat they had eaten in the morning and lunch. This connection gave them the same feeling as if they had eaten human flesh.


Several young people who couldn't hold it in couldn't help but bent down and started to vomit while holding on to the broken wall next to them.

This splash of vomit really made some of the adventurers next to them who had just held back their vomit unable to hold on, and each one of them had a series of reactions.

If it were in the past, some veterans might complain, "Young people are really bad, they just haven't seen the world."

But this time it was different. Even the old bird looked a little ugly when faced with such a scene. Obviously, this scene is too cruel for the veteran.

One of the people who was holding on to the wall and vomiting was familiar.

"Lefia, are you okay?"

The cold voice rang in her ears. Normally, the female elf would definitely be ecstatic, but she couldn't take care of it at this moment.


"No, it's okay..."

Is there something wrong? The female elf could only say this. The elf's keen senses made her suffer a more excessive impact than others.

Lefiya tried hard to forget that smell, but the smell of meat was all around her, which made her stomach sour.

His eyes unconsciously looked at the surrounding ruins. There might be a large number of ordinary people buried under them.

Thinking of such a scene, Lefiya's face became even more ugly, and she felt fear and sadness in her heart.

"This, this is too tragic..."


There was also a rare hint of life in the cold voice.

Ais looked around, and the message her wind brought was far more cruel than what her eyes could see.

There was almost no breath under the ruins, but her wind could penetrate many objects. With the help of the wind's eyes, she captured almost all the corpses.

Men, women, the elderly, children...

Countless corpses were buried under the ruins, and almost no one's body was intact.

Even though she was not good at expressing her emotions, Aisi also knew that her instinct was making her anger rise involuntarily at this time.

"Sister Ais......"


"The dark faction, are they still there?"

"there is none left."

Lefia's voice is a bit strange.

Ais glanced over and saw that Lefiya's face did not have the usual soft and waxy expression. Instead, she thought she had made some kind of awakening.

Clenching her teeth but still wanting to cry, Lefiya seemed to be able to feel the feelings of ordinary people at this moment.

At this moment, she has only one idea, to expel the dark faction!

"Hmph, if you are in the mood to say these words, you might as well become proficient in "parallel chanting" first.

The cold and ferocious wolf appeared out of thin air with a disdainful voice.


A layer of frost covered Aisi's face.

She was angry at Bert's inappropriate words.


Bert curled his lips and looked at Lefia, as if waiting for an answer from Lefia.

Facing the ferocious wolf's gaze, Lefiya was no longer as fearful as she had been in the past.

All the wolf talk is just superficial ferocity, all for the purpose of teaching.

It's just that the ferocious wolf's gentleness has become a burden to others, and it will always be misunderstood or even incomprehensible.

"Even if we attack those guys, we should still have two or three days."

"Hmph, let's get ready after today. Xiaoka, in order to prevent yourself from dying, prepare well.

"Mr. Bert, do you still have time?"

This answer made the ferocious wolf couldn't help but reveal an unusual smile.

"Two or three days..."

"Mr. Bert, I'm ready."


He made a habitual sarcasm, but when Bert turned around, the smile on his face became less ferocious.

Those who live seriously will not be laughed at.

It doesn't take long, but if she can become more proficient in "Parallel Chanting" in these two or three days, then she can also play a certain role in the war against the dark faction.

Bert will also not laugh at those who work hard, but for those people, they need some motivation to move forward.

Accustomed to the ferocious wolf's training, she also gradually understood the ferocious wolf's habits.

Animals with the characteristics of wolves will use the most cruel methods to teach their cubs, because only in this way can the cubs better survive in the cruel nature.

In the past period of time, she has been asking the other party to help her with special training. If it weren't for the other party, she would not be able to master "parallel chanting".

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

In just a few seconds, Lefiya had already weighed the pros and cons in her mind.

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