I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 666 Small Orario Rights Conference

Two hours later, most of the supporting families had returned to their clan area, and the rest of the matter could basically be left to the Ganesha family to handle.

In fact, all the gods also know that this is to prevent any family member from intervening in the subsequent investigation work.

But at the same time, the gods also understood that there was only so much time left to start a war with the dark faction.

I'm afraid that after Ganesha's investigation is completed, Orario will officially start a war with the dark faction.

The family members who came to provide support before actually already knew the general situation of the explosion area.

At this moment, the most serious meeting began within each family member.

The largest meeting among them was that of the Loki Familia.

After all, if the guild is excluded, then the entire power center of Orario is now concentrated in the Loki Familia.

Among them were Ganesha and his leader Shakti, Hephaestus and his leader Chun, Hermes and his leader Asphi, Freya and his leader Ota, Alone and Hercules. Sitting next to Festus was Hestia, Loki as the host, and the three pillars of her family.

The members participating in the meeting were very luxurious, and the six gods sat in the same room for only one thing.

Dark faction!

"Ganesha, please tell me first."

As the host, Loki gave the opportunity to speak at the beginning to Ganesha, who liked to host some activities.

"Then let me go first."

Ganesha stood up without refusing, but this time the matter was relatively more serious, which also prevented him from introducing himself by shouting "I am Ganesha" with high spirits like usual.

"The place where the explosion occurred this time was on the edge of Orario. There was no family around it, but it was where most civilians lived."

"The explosion affected almost the entire area where civilians lived. The death toll was close to 70%. Only some civilians who lived far away from the edge of the explosion area were lucky enough to survive. The civilians in the central area were all killed by the explosion fluctuations in the distance without any accident."

The approximate value of 70% made the gods present feel heavy.

This is not a specific number, but it is heavier than that cold number.

I am afraid that there is no way to complete the calculation of the specific number of civilian deaths at the center of the explosion.

Civilians far away from the explosion area may still be left with severed limbs and remains, but those civilians near the center of the explosion area may not even be able to leave any remains.

Recalling the tragedy of the scene, Ganesha's eyes shifted to Hermes.

"Hermes, you have been investigating those guys, right? Do you mean you don't know about this operation?"

Seeing that the artillery fire was transferred to his body, Hermes's face lost the usual smile and showed some helplessness.

"Well, the place where the explosion occurred is indeed within the scope of my investigation. Even a second before the explosion, my Yasi Fei was staring at these places."


Ganesha became furious instantly, slapped the table and stood up.

"Then why don't you deal with it!?"

"Do you know how many children were killed in that blast zone?"

"You guys are always like this. Have you stayed with those lunatics for a long time? Even your personality has been colored by those guys!"

These words are really a bit too strong.

None of this was Hermes' responsibility, but at this moment Hermes did not talk back.

"Lord Ganesha, please calm down."

Shakti quickly stood up and stopped Lord Ganesha who was about to continue speaking. She knew very well that God Hermes had a reason for not digging out that place, and the explosion this time was definitely not what he wanted to happen. of.

"Don't stop me Shakti, I want to punch this guy. I must punch this guy for those dead children!"

Regarding Ganesha's remarks, all the gods present knew that this was what this guy really thought.

If the consequences of today's explosion were not too tragic, Ganesha wouldn't be so unable to control his emotions.

"Ganesha, please use your brain a little bit. Don't you know the virtues of Hermes?"

Loki decisively stopped Ganesha's venting of anger.

"If the rats' raid this time was to raid Orario, those guys must have gone beyond this. Those guys just detonated a secret room in a remote area. Haven't you figured out their purpose?"

Ganesha, who was scolded by Loki, slowly returned to normal from his angry state.

Indeed, the consequences of this big commotion were very serious, but the dark faction did not take advantage of this opportunity to invade Orario on a large scale. Instead, they lit a fire in Orario and disappeared. This is very strange. unusual.

Ganesha is not just a god who relies on muscles and no brains, but is said to be a god who is both rough and fine. On the surface, he is full of muscles, but on the inside he is a rather slender god.

It's just that the incident this time was too big, and the death of so many children at the scene caused certain obstacles to Ganesha's thinking, so he never thought of this.

So, the purpose of those guys is not to invade Orario at all?

"..."To attack in the east and in the west, what they use is in the dungeon!"

Ganesha's brain instantly got the answer.

"It seems that your brain is not damaged due to anger, Ganesha."

Loki's sarcasm made the muscles on Ganesha's face twitch. The words were somewhat rude.

However, Loki did not target Ganesha, who would get angry when ordinary children were involved. In fact, she became angry instantly after learning about the situation in the blasting zone.

Knowing the purpose of those madmen, the fire in Loki's heart became even stronger, so she couldn't help but become sarcastic when Ganesha jumped out.

"Have you calmed down yet?"

Facing Loki's cold gaze, Ganesha's neck flinched, and she even took a step back involuntarily.

Ganesha waved her hands quickly.

"(Wang Wang) has calmed down. I have completely calmed down."

Ganesha's mind completely calmed down. After all, if there is no one in the heaven who is not afraid of Loki, it is only Hestia. The other gods have been frightened by Loki's madness.

At this moment, Loki's appearance in Ganesha's mind was almost the same as when Loki was toying with the gods or even launching a war out of boredom.

No, there is still a slight difference.

Ganesha still instinctively felt that Loki was very emotionally unstable at this moment, and even the cold look he gave him just now was almost like looking at a corpse.

But he was sure that Loki wouldn't lose his temper with him because of his behavior just now.

So, Lu Ji was also angry because of the deaths of those children?

After receiving this answer, Ganesha calmed down and sat down in his seat.

"It seems that everyone has changed."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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