I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 667 Total Number 54

"Hermes, please continue."

As the host, Loki spoke very forcefully at this moment, even with a hint of rudeness.

At this moment, Loki seemed to Hermes and Ganesha to have almost returned to the most domineering period in the heaven. Loki in that period was as rude as he is now.

"The total number of blasted strongholds that have been detected is 35. The first one triggered the alarm inside because of Yasi Fei's carelessness. Although the flame stone inside was not directly detonated, it also increased the number of subsequent explorations in other strongholds. difficulty."

"In addition, those strongholds seem to have been deliberately released by those guys."

"It didn't detonate...it does sound a bit like it was intentional."

Ganesha also didn't expect that something went wrong on Hermes' side for the first time, but it was really surprising that something went wrong but resulted in such a result.

But this also made Ganesha raise questions.

"Why did those guys do that?"

"They used a tank full of flame stones as a warehouse and released 35 strongholds. Who do those guys want to find out?"

Ganesha was surprised.

The dark faction is working so hard just to find one person?

"I think it's probably the reason why the dark faction has been having trouble lately."

"The things about Ishtar, the "heretic" thing, the fairy fetus 113 thing, and the black dragon thing. Among them, the black dragon thing has nothing to do with the dark faction, and it will inevitably make them think about whether there is someone there. Targeting the dark faction behind his back. "

Hermes' reminder is actually very obvious.


Ganesha's brain reacted instantly, and her eyes turned directly to Hestia.

Good guy, those dark factions have made such a big noise just to find your child.

Hermes continued on the subject.

"Coupled with the rift between the fairies and the dark faction, it is inevitable that the dark faction will suspect that someone is doing something behind the scenes. But whether it is the guild, "Enio", or a third party, They also need to confirm. "

"It's just that judging from their desperate behavior this time, they probably haven't found anyone other than me in the test."

The dark sect's series of tests only resulted in him stepping into the pit.

But he represents the guild, and this time the dark faction has tested that the guild has been looking for them.

But isn’t that natural? (chej) It’s really abnormal for the guild not to keep an eye on the dark faction.

Therefore, getting such a result is not much different from not testing.

But then Hermes's face became serious.

"But if they have made preparations over there and made such a big noise in order to attract our attention on the ground, they should be ready for a decisive battle in the underground city.

"The next step is probably the biggest problem."

After Hermes finished speaking, the whole room fell into a brief silence.

Ganesha grabbed her hair with a depressed look.

"Isn't this becoming more and more passive?"

But Hermes shook his head slightly.

"No, we have taken the initiative now. But we still need to wait a little until..."

"excuse me."

Hearing a familiar voice ringing in the room, Hermes changed his slightly troubled and ugly expression.

"We're back, but we've been waiting for a long time."

Hermes turned his head and saw a young man standing in an empty place.

Everyone in the room turned their attention and saw the young man bowing slightly.

"I'm very sorry for being late. The base of the dark faction in the dungeon is larger than I thought, and it took a lot of time to walk around inside."

Bell's words made Ganesha's eyes gleam.

"Their purpose has also been made clear. Sure enough, they are to transport the "fairy fetuses" from above. However, the number and scale of the fairy fetuses this time are completely different from the last time.

A snap of fingers followed.

The screen projection is fixed in the cultivation room of the fairy fetus.

"This is.…………"

All the gods frowned.

"I think this is their greatest confidence in invading Orario. They use "fairy fetuses to corrode humans and form half-human, half-monster images. According to my judgment of these things, each of these fetuses has a level. 5 strength, and even a few of them have the strength of LV.6."

"The total number is 54."

According to the boy's report, all the gods looked very ugly.

With this base and this kind of strength, there is no doubt that the dark faction has now gathered quite astonishing combat power. If they could even take the initiative, there would be no need to fight the war between Orario and the dark faction.

"The number of Level 5s is much greater than I imagined."

Hermes had known about the existence of "Fairy Elite Soldiers" for a long time, but he did not expect that the number had reached 54.

"This number is probably greater than all the Familia in Orario combined."

Level 5 adventurers are the absolute main force in each Familia. This is the same even for Freya Familia and Loki Familia.

If Orario were invaded in such numbers, I am afraid that the entire Orario would be completely washed away by such a torrent.

"It's troublesome..."

Ganesha also felt a slight headache.

If this number of "Fairy Soldiers" attack Orario at the same time, things may become completely uncontrollable.

"We cannot let the dark factions start a war on the ground!"

This is what Ganesha was sure of at this moment. Ganesha with a solemn expression stood up from his position.

"Once the battlefield is moved to the ground, the position of the dark faction will become uncontrollable."

"In addition to the "fairy soldiers" they created, those children who voluntarily become cannon fodder will also be very dangerous. "

Ganesha felt uncomfortable when she thought of the children who were following the dark sect's team wholeheartedly.

He also knew that those children were bewitched by those bastards' tricks. Otherwise, would those children need to rush up with flame stones to find someone to blow themselves up?

In addition to a little regret, Ganesha also had no sympathy in her heart.

This is the path chosen by those children themselves, and even the gods cannot change the minds of those children.

But I also feel a headache when facing those children who resort to self-destruction.

Regardless of strength, everyone is truly equal before self-destruction.

Therefore, the battlefield must not be chosen on a ground that makes the dark faction leaders comfortable.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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