I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 675: Burning Everything Down

Orario made such a big noise, so naturally the dark factions in the dungeon were observing Orario's situation all the time.

"As expected, the guild has been watching."

This situation is not surprising to Thanatos, and it is even said that Ganesha is not watching him, but is wondering whether Orario is going to take any action against them recently.

"But it was Ganesha who spread the news."

"It seems that they have also grasped the location of the base."

"It's troublesome."

If conditions allowed, Thanatos would directly issue an order to invade Orario at this moment.

It's a pity that conditions don't allow it.

Even if they want to invade Orario, they need to meet their own strength conditions. If they don't even meet the strength conditions, once the invasion plan starts, then they will have no leeway.

"Fairy Soldier" is the best weapon against Orario.

But this weapon also needs to be sharpened. If there is no way to make this weapon sharp, the threat to Orario will plummet.

But now the 27-level weapon "Fairy Elite Soldier" is still polishing the sharpness of the blade, so it is not a period for action.

"It will still take a certain amount of time, but I'm afraid Orario won't give us such time."

This also made Thanatos think deeply.

Although it has been less than two days since the hatching of the "Fairy Elite Soldiers", the scary thing is that the guild is speeding up its actions and may even start gathering tomorrow.

But it was at this time that Tanatos remembered a more important issue.

"Speaking of which, how did Ganesha know the location of the dungeon base?"

This is a very serious question.

It is related to the question of who is the traitor internally.

Most of the children who can join the dark faction are those who have completely despaired of reality. Without despair, they are not even qualified to join the dark faction.

So there are also Ganesha's undercover agents interspersed among those desperate children?

Thanatos thought about it but found it impossible.

But if he wasn't an undercover agent, how did Ganesha find the location of this base?

Thanatos was also confused as to how Ganesha found the place.

But there was no way to answer his doubts in this regard. He didn't know where he had a problem before Ganesha caught him in the specific location.

Suddenly Thanatos's expression changed slightly.

"Is it him!?"

It is not easy for Ganesha to seize the location of their base, but the people inside are another story.

"If it's that guy, he might actually reveal the exact location of this place."

"The hidden maze created by the descendants of Daedalus. What the craftsmen are best at is leaving backdoors for themselves. I wouldn't be surprised if there are other hidden passages."

"Then it's really him!"

Thanatos' face turned ugly.

"Ennio...is this your revenge on me?"

"Because I didn't act according to your plan, are you trying to use the guild to eliminate me completely?"

At this moment, Sanatos already had a clear answer in his mind.

At the same time, he also understood the reason why "Ennio" chose to kill with a borrowed knife.

Just because the dark faction leader needs to be a sword, but that sword cannot be held in the hands of Thanatos, but needs to be held in the hands of "Enio".

So for this purpose, "Ennio" needs to completely eliminate him.

While eliminating him, it also sounded a wake-up call to the entire dark faction.

Once "Ennio" succeeds in his plan this time, the most troublesome person will be eliminated, and the dark faction will also be affected. The guild will also temporarily put aside the complete elimination of the dark faction because of the elimination of the dark faction.

Therefore, Ennio's purpose is very clear.

In order to reintegrate the dark factions!

After clarifying that guy's code of conduct, Sanatos's eyes were filled with coldness.

"That guy really treated me as a tool, a stepping stone."

The pride of being a god made him feel a rare strong anger at this moment.

"Okay, okay! Let me see who your true identity is!"

Xanatos immediately arranged for people to start checking all the traps that had been prepared inside the base.

The traps inside the base were prepared for invasion, and this time they could all be used.

As long as they resist the invasion ahead and allow the "Fairy Elite Soldiers" to complete hatching, they can fight back the guild's invasion.

The focus of the implementation of the anti-invasion plan this time is to delay time!

"The news in the tavern has been successfully spread throughout Orario, and the people who know that the guild will take action are not only the family members on the ground in Orario, but also the dark factions underground."

This was a natural result, and it was because Bell was sure of this that he pretended to be a member of the Ganesha family and spread some information.

"Now all the dependents on the earth are staring at the Ganesha dependents and the guild, waiting for their actions."

"Once they stop their plan, they will have absolutely nothing, and even the "Fairy Soldiers" will stand against them because of their destructive instinct.

Hestia raised her hand in question.

"Then what if the dark faction chooses to retreat? If they know that the guild is about to invade, what should the dark faction do if they choose to avoid it?"

They had prepared a "big gift" for Orario, but who knew that after the alternation of offense and defense, this "gift" would actually cut off all their ways of survival.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"When they chose to accelerate the hatching of the "Fairy Elite Soldiers" two days ago, there was no way out. It was not a reversible process, so once the incubation started, if the "Fairy Elite Soldiers" did not go into the war, then the "Fairy Elite Soldiers" would The opponent of "Elite Soldier" is the dark faction. "

"So, from the time they started planning, they were destined not to retreat, but to move forward."

This is what the dark faction did three days ago.

"In order to speed up the hatching of the "Fairy Elite Soldiers", they used special methods, but they also lost control of the "Fairy Elite Soldiers".

"Then why is this? The intelligence you spread to 307 is already telling them that their location has been determined. They know that they have been discovered, but they still want to make a final resistance? Wouldn't it be better to move their location now? ?"

"Simply put, this is absolutely impossible to do."

"As for the underground dark factions, they should have started checking traps and are always on guard against the invasion of the guild.

Hestia actually felt that retaining her strength would be a better choice.

"Excuse me."

"Well, there is indeed such a possibility. But there is a high probability that they will choose to wait for the final war in the base."

Bell shook his head and dismissed the possibility.

"Bell, I have a problem!"

Burn the boat, completely cut off your own escape route, so that you can only choose to move forward.

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