I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 676 If It Weren’T For Me, Orario Would Be Dead

"Tsk tsk~ The leader of the dark faction is probably going crazy.

Loki couldn't help but laugh.

If you think about it carefully, it would be really uncomfortable if the gift you gave to others actually became a stumbling block for others to attack you.

Loki had almost imagined the scene where the guy felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to vomit but had to swallow it.

"Hmm... I think he should think, "I can do this, if I keep it steady, I can drag the guild to death." "

He agreed with Loki's statement in his heart, but Bell still expressed the thoughts that would arise when the dark faction was forced to a dead end at this stage.


"Are those guys so optimistic?"

Loki couldn't help but take a breath. If those guys really had such thoughts, then she could only describe them as "optimistic".

"Knowing that your position has been exposed, knowing that your trump cards have not been hatched at all, and knowing that the invasion team is almost ready, you still think that they can win as long as they delay enough?"

Perhaps because she couldn't see Loki's proud look, Hestia interrupted her at this moment.

"Loki, if Bell doesn't operate behind the scenes, do you think they have a chance?"


This moment made Loki's proud and sarcastic expression freeze instantly.

Then he looked at Bell, and then thought about what would have happened in the end if Bell hadn't been preparing behind the scenes, and if the guild really contacted them to attack the hidden floor.

Entering the enemy's hinterland without support, all the traps will be set up together, completely separating the attack group, and then separate to conquer one by one.

After the dark faction held back the strategy team for a certain period of time, the "Fairy Elite Soldiers" also hatched and entered the scene, making the strategy team, which was already in dire straits, even more passive, and might even begin to experience attrition.



The picture imagined in his mind made Loki blush and could only utter a curse word.

No matter what he imagined, Loki could see that his children would be separated one by one in the traps on the hidden floor and defeated one by one.

The self-destruction soldiers of the dark faction who do not consider their own lives are simply the most deadly.

Rushing into the offensive team is a "boom".

Even if there are people in the front row supporting it, it cannot withstand more than a dozen "bangs" happening at the same time.

As long as the front row is torn open, the back row will be even more unsustainable.

"No matter how talented my children are, they can't withstand such an attack~~"

Hephaestus shook her head slightly and looked reproachfully at Hestia who proposed this "what if".

"Indeed, no matter how well-trained an adventurer is when faced with such a situation, he cannot avoid the desperate situation he must face."

Think of a group of self-destruction soldiers who are not afraid of death and rush forward with flame stones.

Hephaestus also felt numb at that scene.

Her children couldn't bear such stimulation anyway.

"Among all the Familia, only Freya's children are probably the ones who can have the upper hand against a group of life-threatening lunatics.

Although this was a compliment, such compliments made Freya feel awkward.

"I'll accept the compliment, but don't think of my children as perverts who are used to dealing with crazy people. They... are usually trying harder to fight against them."

Well, Freya felt a little weak when she said this.

Judging from the crazy criticism of her children, if a normal person joins her family, their ashes may not be found the next day.

Not because of anything else, just because her children are extremely jealous and possessive.

The battles that took place every day were all actual battles, almost all with the central thoughts of "I'm going to kill you" and "Exclusive possession of Freya-sama". When they started, they were really fierce, and they were all aimed at killing people. Go.

In this regard, Freya can only control the children who enter Freya's family.

Well, ordinary children should not join, otherwise the atmosphere within the family clan will definitely drag ordinary children to death.

"Hephaestus, forget it."

Artemis, who had been listening for a while, sighed.

"Freya's children can withstand that kind of situation for a while, but once the subsequent "Fairy Soldiers" appear, even Freya's children will be compromised. "

"Those "Fairy Elite Soldiers" are almost all hatched illegally and have no rationality at all. However, their numbers are so large that it scares people to death. Who do you think can stop them?"

"Not to mention that the "Fairy Elite Soldiers" themselves are not ordinary Level 5, but a group of Level 5 whose bodies can resist first-level weapons and have super strong regeneration capabilities.

"How to fight this? Ordinary children can't fight at all."

Any child who stands on the opposite side of the "Fairy Soldiers", Artemis feels the need to reward those children with bravery.

"Indeed, if those things have that kind of characteristics, it will really be impossible to fight them if there are too many of them."

Loki has come into contact with a lot of "fairy fetuses", and her children have directly fought against those things.

Other characteristics exist, but the "regeneration" characteristic is probably not available.

When asked, Bell nodded slightly.

"The "Fairy Soldiers" were born to fight. "

Bell simply pointed out the biggest problem with the "regeneration" feature from the perspective of energy.

"Bell, do those "Fairy Soldiers" have the same characteristics as the monsters made by the Fairies?"

"The characteristic of "regeneration" is actually the use of a transformation method between magic power and flesh and blood. With a sufficient amount of magic power, the characteristic of "regeneration" can be exerted to an extraordinary level. However, that characteristic also consumes a lot of energy when it works. Products like "Fairy Elite Soldiers" hardly have the energy to exert the "regeneration" characteristic. "

"The large amount of energy it possesses needs to be used in the field of combat. So what does the "Fairy Elite Soldier" want to do with "regeneration", a feature that consumes a lot of energy? Will it drag down its own combat capabilities? Let the "Fairy Elite Soldier" do not have it. Has staying power become more scarce?”

"After all, it is the product of the "Fairy Fetus" hatched together with humans. Naturally, the "Fairy Soldier" also has characteristics like those of piranha, but the powerful regeneration should not affect it.

"That's good. If it has that troublesome characteristic, my children may be in big trouble.

Loki felt a little more relaxed after hearing this analysis.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Loki has turned into a hundred thousand whys at this moment, and it is necessary to find out the reasons.

"why is that?"

"Actually, the reason is quite simple. It's not that we don't want to have it, but that we fundamentally can't have it.


As for whether it is true, just ask the parties involved who know more about it.

If it is not a first-level weapon, there is no way to scratch the skin of those things, and it is almost impossible to cause substantial damage.

Not to mention that those things also have strong regeneration capabilities.

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