I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 677 The Guild’S Account To The Gods

"Fortunately, I have you, otherwise my child would probably have to go through hell.

Loki had a cold sweat on his head at the moment. It was hard for her to imagine the danger without Bell helping behind.

Bell felt a little embarrassed when he said this.

Although I really wanted to say, "Actually, your child can survive without me," but there was no basis for such a statement, so I could only smile.

"And Dionysus, what do you think his trump card is?"

Several goddesses are interested in this.

All the goddesses present knew that Dionysus was preparing to participate in the hidden floor strategy the day after tomorrow. According to his own statement, he was to return Loki's children to the gods of the dark faction. But the specific reason was probably to completely eliminate dissidents. And some relatively dangerous information.

"What else could it be? Of course it is very simple "power".

Bell couldn't help but laugh and gave the most accurate answer directly.


"Holy shit! Could it be that the hidden strength of Level 7 you mentioned before is the child of Dionysus?"

Loki was the first to react, but at the same time she was completely shocked.

This time, not only Loki was shocked, but all the other goddesses present looked surprised.

None of them expected that the 800 hidden Level 7s were actually the children of Dionysus.

"No wonder he is so confident and wants to participate in the strategy. I didn't expect that guy to have such a trump card. w

Loki was secretly stunned, who would have thought that Dionysus would be the most hidden among the gods. Having a Level 7 family member may not make him the top-level Familia, but he is definitely qualified to stand at the top of Orario. No one knows that guy is actually hidden until now.

This hidden level is almost as surprising as Bell reaching Level 6.

"The reason why the trump card is a trump card is because of its concealment. Once someone knows it, it will no longer be a trump card.

Bell is not very interested in the female elf. There seems to be a relationship between the female elf and Lefia. I wonder what the final development will be at that time.

"Loki, what did the god Ouranos say?"

"Uranos has an appointment with me to go to the guild tonight."

"Going to the guild?"

Bell was a little concerned about this move, and after thinking for a while (chfh), he raised his head and looked at Freya.

"Freya, do you think this time will allow the gods to watch the destruction of the dark faction?"


Freya's brows were raised slightly, her expression clearly indicating that she had not guessed in advance that the guild would come to such an event.

But if you think about it carefully, this time the dark faction has made such a big noise, I'm afraid there are some things that cannot be hidden, and maybe they will actually ask for the release of the strategy screen.

"There should be some possibility."

"The dark faction's actions went too far this time, involving a large number of ordinary children, and causing a certain amount of panic even among the gods. Ouranos should be having a headache now on how to suppress this problem."

"But this time things are different from anything in the past."

"Too many ordinary people died."

Bell hit the mark, even if the guild wanted to hide it this time, it couldn't, and the existence of the dark faction had already caused panic among the gods.

"That's right."

Freya nodded. It was difficult to suppress things this time, not to mention that Bell was behind it. Now everyone in Orario knew that the guild was going to start a dungeon raid. Some things simply couldn't be hidden. .

"Because this time the civilian casualties were too great, and coupled with the news you spread behind the scenes, even if the guild wanted to operate secretly, it couldn't do it.

"But because your purpose is also to limit the battlefield of the dark faction, I think Ouranos will not trouble you unless he is demented."

Any god outside would be dumbfounded if he heard these sharp words.

Freya actually called Uranus stupid.

"Yeah, yes, Bell is definitely right. The ones with the problem are those guys in the dungeon."

Hestia was naturally on Bell's side.

"Don't worry, Ouranos is not so irrational."

Hephaestus smiled and threw the two people's worries behind. It's not like Ouranos didn't know the importance of Bell. Don't really think of that dead old man as an old man.

"Although I also want to say, "Don't think of Ouranos as a fool," but I always feel that I was led astray by you. "

Artemis couldn't help but cover her face when she thought about what she wanted to say for the first time. She used to respect Uranus very much, but why does she call him a fool now?

Although Bell was very happy to hear Hestia and the others supporting him, he had to say something.

"Not really."

Not really.

"God Uranus will not throw the responsibility on my head. And as far as they want to cooperate with my actions as much as possible now, they also hope that I can grow up smoothly.

But Bell is still worried about the guild's decision.

"But as Freya said, the matter this time is too big, and the guild needs an explanation and answer no matter what.

"So, the guild may be preparing to make the entire process of the strategy public.

"If this is really the case, the trouble on my side may be greater."

"Isn't that just right? Just treat it as a debut scene."

Loki said it was natural, but Bell looked helpless.

"Although I don't mind exposing part of my information, it is within the scope of my knowledge. I don't want my appearance and other key information to be known to outsiders, otherwise there will be a series of troubles waiting for me. Woolen cloth."

"In order to avoid unnecessary problems, I also need to hide it a little bit.

Loki didn't think it was necessary to worry about Bell, but this was considered Bell's habitual operation.

"So, when are you going to show yourself off? You know, I'm really looking forward to seeing those old guys suddenly see an unknown kid like you pop out of nowhere and scare them."

Her high expectations were dashed, and Loki was a little disappointed, but she still respected Bell's decision to do so.

Bell held his chin in silence for a while.

"Perhaps, at least I have to wait until I make preparations to conquer the black dragon.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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