I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 678 The Problem Of Dionysus Has Long Existed

In the afternoon, Loki was called to the guild to meet Uranus.

Loki walked into Ouranos' prayer room with his trouser pockets inserted and a smile on his face.

At this time, there was already an exception in the prayer room.

"Tsk! I knew you would definitely be called over."

Seeing this guy's face, Loki frowned, and she knew that this guy would definitely be called over by Ouranos as a conversation partner.

So, what they talked about in the internal meeting yesterday may actually become a reality.

"Loki, are you so resentful when you see me?"

"I don't have any resentment, but when I see you on this occasion, I feel that things will move in a troublesome direction."

Loki closed one eye and stared at Hermes with only the open eye, as if he were a stick.

"Am I so unpopular?"

Hermes' expression was a little stiff, and he touched his face helplessly. He felt that he had been very unlucky recently, and he encountered all kinds of bad luck every time.


Ouranos interrupted the conversation between the two and forced himself into the conversation.

"Yes...so, what are you talking to me about, Ouranos."

Seeing that Ouranos couldn't afford to joke, Loki didn't change the subject as usual, and directly changed the topic to the purpose of calling her here this time.

"The explosion on the ground two days ago had a great impact on Orario. It not only caused panic among the civilians, but also caused strong emotions among many gods. These All the families in the sky have entered war preparation mode."

Loki's eyelids twitched. She knew that that time had a great impact, but she didn't expect that all the gods and dependents in Orario were affected.

Everyone is preparing for war. This can be said to be a quite serious situation.

"Tsk, those rats caused quite a lot of trouble."

Loki couldn't help but complain.

"Ahem, Loki, don't forget that you still have Bell's responsibility."

Hermes coughed lightly beside him, reminding Loki of the other instigator of this situation.

"He pretended to be a member of Ganesha's side and spread some secret things, which completely detonated Orario's public opinion."

"Please, don't you know the reason why that kid spread these messages?"

Loki almost burst out with speechless emotion.

Hermes nodded slightly awkwardly.

Even Ouranos did not object to this.

The reason why Bell spread the news is actually very simple. After getting the news, he analyzed Uranus and Hermes from the perspective of pros and cons and got the same answer.

Therefore, they did not blame Bell for his behavior. After all, the final result of doing so was still beneficial to Orario's stability.

"Don't pass the responsibility to a child if you know it."

Loki still shifted the responsibility away from Bell at the critical moment.

"You came to me this time to change Orario's overall preparations for war, right?"

"If you have a solution, don't hold back, talk about it quickly."

She wasn't going to continue talking nonsense today and would get right to the point.

This guy Hermes arrived long before her. He must have discussed this topic with Uranus, and he should have already discussed a solution.

This time, she was called over to discuss the matter, but these two old foxes had obviously sorted things out.

Hermes saw Loki's attitude and confirmed that she was in a good mood, so he told the result of his discussion with Ouranos.

"In view of the fact that the current situation is caused by the dark faction, Ouranos and I feel that we still need to find a solution from the dark faction.

"Loki, I want to ask in advance, has the "Joker" who will appear in three days appeared?"

Hermes paused for a moment and asked Loki an irrelevant question.

"Huh? You're not staring at my dependents?"

Faced with Loki's explosive speech, Hermes always felt that Loki had a serious misunderstanding of him.

"Although I am engaged in intelligence work, I did not arrange for anyone to keep an eye on your family members. And this matter is too easy to be exposed, okay? Do I need to go and get beaten up by you?"

"Have you been beaten less often in the past?"

Loki looked weird, saying this as if this guy hadn't often been looking for trouble in the past.

This caused Hermes to lose his ability to speak for a while, and he could only reluctantly change the subject.

"Now is not the time to bring up this topic."

"Recently, I have really been keeping an eye on those Familia who are preparing for war. I take turns with Yasi Fei every day to keep an eye on them. I really don't have that much energy to do other things.

"So Loki, the "Joker" you targeted two days ago has taken action? Can you reveal it in advance?"

Loki looked at Hermes, who had an eager look on his face. She snorted slightly and still said the name.



The appearance of this name really startled Hermes.

...Please give me flowers...

"It's him... I didn't expect it was him..."

This answer was slightly beyond Hermes' imagination. Even though he had doubts about Dionysus, he never thought that Dionysus was really "Enio".

"But he does have hatred for the dark faction. I remember that all his children died at the hands of piranha flowers."

Loki shook his head boredly.

"When we were in heaven, we had to choose twelve gods with high positions among a group of gods. Do you still remember?"

Hermes was a little confused by Dionysus' identity.

"Although they are gods born in different places, I don't know much about things on your side. I heard the little dwarf say that Dionysus was also fighting for that position at that time, but the gods on your side chose Dionysus. There were no people from Sri Lanka, and in the end it was the dwarf who discovered Dionysus' instability, and then gave up the throne to Dionysus."

Hermes nodded slightly when Loki reminded him that he was one of the twelve chosen gods.

"But I have observed him, and his mental state is much more normal than those lunatics, so he shouldn't do this."

"That's why I said, how do you do your job? All the children of that bastard were transferred, and the children who died were actually the children of the poor god Bonea.

When Hermes learned the truth, he was also stunned. He really didn't expect that Dionysus would go to this point for this step.

Loki was not surprised that Hermes didn't notice it either.

Unexpectedly, the problem of Dionysus had already become prominent in the heaven, but not so many people noticed it in the past.

"According to the little dwarf, she knew that Dionysus's spirit was in an unstable state as early as when she was in heaven, and sometimes he often fell into anger and mania."

If her temper hadn't become much gentler recently, she would definitely go to Dionysus to settle the score after learning the news.


It should be said that he had observed Dionysus and knew something about him, but he just didn't realize that this guy had such an abnormal side.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a price.

The more he thought about it, the faster Loki's temper rose.

"Hmph! When I think about that guy even using this topic and crying to me, I get very angry."

Hermes took a breath, this was the first time he knew.

"My relationship with Dionysus is not bad, but I didn't expect that he would always be doing such things behind his back."

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