I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 680 Untimely Divine Meeting

The time has come to the third day after the explosion, and the morning of this day is also the day when the gods attend the "Conference of the Gods".

This also causes the two sides to gather in different places.

The teams participating in the strategy group gathered at the entrance of the dungeon, while the gods had already gathered at the Tower of Babel earlier.


Because they got up early in the morning to watch the show, all the gods could see some sleepiness on their faces.

Standing on the stage, Ganesha was extremely excited.

But some gods looked at Ganesha speechlessly.

"Ganesha, do you want to be so energetic early in the morning?"

"Also, how come this God's meeting is arranged so early in the morning? And everyone is required to attend..."

While talking, the god couldn't help but yawn. It was indeed a bit too early to get up today.

Because the big noise caused by the dark faction three days ago made the entire Orario unstable, the gods were shrinking the power within the family members to better face the sudden disappearance of the dark faction. 27

That is to say, during these three days of nervous tension, the gods have also suffered a bit of neurasthenia recently.

In fact, the gods are waiting for the dark faction's actions, and they are also waiting for the guild's subsequent actions.

The dark faction is making such a big fuss, it would be really strange if the guild could face it calmly.

But after waiting for three days, the result was that the guild told them to come to the divine meeting early this morning.

"Everyone knows that this God's meeting must be related to the explosion three days ago. Ganesha, just tell us directly. Is it because the guild brought us all here today because of the dark faction?"

The gods are not stupid, and naturally they all know the reason why the guild wants to meet with everyone this time.

It's just that no one quite understands why the guild's biggest reaction is to have a meeting with everyone. Even if it really wants to discuss a result, is this meeting a little late by three days?

Ganesha glanced at all the gods present, and then nodded in recognition no longer concealing anything.

"That's right, the topic of this meeting is "Dark Factions". "

"But unlike what everyone imagined, this time the meeting of gods is not to discuss a way to deal with the dark faction, but another matter.

Ganesha adjusted his voice slightly.

"I think everyone should know that three days ago, in order to divert our attention from the dungeon, the dark faction completely detonated the area where ordinary children live in Orario, causing the death of countless ordinary children."


Ganesha's rough and honest face was also full of anger.

"Those bastards did the last thing they should have done!"

But Ganesha quickly restrained his anger, but his voice was much more serious than usual.

"The guild and my family saw what those guys did three days ago, and I was very angry at that time, and I even wanted to tear all those guys into pieces.

"But even so, we need to be more careful when facing those guys."

"The behavior of the dark faction is to divert our attention, so there is something more important for them in the dungeon. And this important thing is probably the biggest trump card that will launch a general attack on us on the ground soon!"

Ganesha's voice was very contagious, making all the gods present look unhappy.

Except for the dark sects, almost no gods want the earthly world to return to chaos.

Therefore, the gods are disgusted and disgusted by the ambitions of the dark faction.

Once these lunatics succeed, won't they have to fall back into boredom?

No matter what, we can’t let those lunatics succeed!?

"But if we want to deal with the dark faction, shouldn't we have held a divine meeting three days ago?"

Some gods raised such questions.

"Three days ago, the entire Orario was in chaos. My family members and guild were all dealing with matters in the explosion zone, and there was no extra thought or time to hold a divine meeting."

"Moreover, everyone was in chaos three days ago, and there was no way to discuss a feasible plan against the dark faction."

Ganesha simply shook his head in denial.

"Handle the follow-up matters three days ago and give all the dead children a burial."

"Two days ago, we needed to deal with the cracked ground caused by the explosion. Once a large number of monsters appear in Orario from the cracks, it will also cause great harm to many innocent children."

The first two days are not a good time for discussion.

"Although my family members and I have been busy dealing with the aftermath of the explosion area, others have not done nothing."

Ganesha took over the topic.

This suddenly made all the gods interested.


"Of course there is."

The gods here are not completely unaware of the situation in the explosion zone, and many gods have even arranged for their children to help.

Freya and Loki are the twin kings of Orario, and there are Level 7 children in the family. The thing they are discussing together is probably the crusade against the dark faction.

"Just one day ago, Hermes and I, on behalf of the guild, found Freya, Loki and Hephaestus to discuss matters regarding the Dark Faction.

"So, we discussed with Loki, Freya, and Hephaestus a strategy plan against the dark faction."

"But in this case, didn't the dark faction's affairs be delayed for three days? Didn't the guild arrange for other gods to discuss it?"

"According to our intelligence sources in the underground city, we learned that the entrance to the dark faction's base is somewhere in the "White Palace" on the 35th floor, and that they want to attract us even if they want to blow up the area where ordinary children live. We are very worried. The dark faction must be preparing a deadly trump card. "

The central area of ​​the explosion was in the area where ordinary children lived, and the problem in that place was indeed quite big.

"That is because there were too many things that needed to be dealt with, so the guild did not convene everyone to open the divine meeting. 17

"Just yesterday, my family finally registered all the children who died in the explosion, and also treated those who were seriously injured."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

In addition to the repair of the cracks on the ground, it took three days to make a basic repair. They all had to admire Ganesha's high efficiency.

Ganesha himself did not have that much time to spend arguing about the divine meeting, so naturally he did not hold the so-called divine meeting.

Everyone believed what Ganesha said.

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