I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 681 The Live Broadcast Crusade Begins!

"Freya Familia is still the strongest in Orario and cannot act casually, so Freya Familia needs to be the final insurance against the dark faction's actions."

"As a production family, the Hephaestus Familia only has one leader who is capable of fighting, so the Hephaestus Familia is not suitable to participate in the final action. But the leader of Hephaestus Familia is also You can participate in the insurance against the dark faction’s last resort.”

Lv.7 and Lv.6 are Orario's insurance. This arrangement is not extravagant at all. It is even said that the gods present agree with the results discussed by Ganesha and the others.

Everyone in Freya's family is very powerful, but the involution is surprisingly serious. Everyone has a strong opinion on each other's occupying Freya's time, so it is not easy to cooperate.

The dark faction that has begun preparations in the dungeon cannot be conquered by one person alone, and it is indeed inappropriate for the Freya family to participate.

This is especially true for the Hephaestus Familia. The entire Familia itself is not an exploration-type Familia, but a production-type Familia. [It is indeed a bit inappropriate to arrange ten production-type Familia to rush to the front line.

Therefore, it is still the Loki family that rushes to the front.

This result is actually not that unexpected.

All the gods present here can actually guess that the one who made the final move was either Loki or Freya. After all, only Freya and Loki had the strength to move the dark faction.

"It's still Loki after all."

"Nonsense, Loki is the only one in Orario with that kind of strength. Just think about it and you know it's her.

The eyes of the gods couldn't help but fall on Loki sitting next to Freya.

At this moment, Loki's nose was almost sticking up to the sky.

There is no way, only she and Freya in Orario have the ability to solve the situation that Orario is facing now.

Only Hestia, who didn't get along well with Loki, couldn't help mumbling in the back row.

"Tch! What's so great~||."

If it weren't for my Bell, I'd see if your kids could get in.

Of course, the second half of the sentence was hidden in Hestia's heart. She would not hold back Bell when he needed to hide it.

It doesn't matter if the other gods know it or not, as long as she knows it.

"Okay, Hestia, it's rare for Loki to feel proud, so just let her go."

Hephaestus looked at Loki, who was still full of pride, but there was a hint of sympathy in her eyes.

Ever since Hestia came down, Loki's moments of pride have been very rare. Especially after Hestia started trading with Loki, the pride on Loki's face was almost invisible.

In the past, the transaction was severely punished, but now it was difficult for Loki to eat lemons while watching the interaction between Hestia and Bell at home.

Hephaestus felt that Loki was an unlucky guy who would cause problems as long as he touched Hestia's mechanism.

Looking at the old Loki, he was just a fun-loving person at best.

Now since Loki started to like Bell, Loki has changed so much that even Hephaestus felt that Loki had taken the wrong medicine.

But just because of his love for Bell, Loki will always be overshadowed by Hestia.

Recalling Loki's almost flat figure, Hephaestus couldn't help but smile.

"No wonder it can only be made small."

Hestia's mood gradually stabilized, and her previous anger could only be compared to Loki's pride.

Hephaestus then turned to look at her other side.

"Artemis, are you sure everything is okay over there?"

The god sitting on the other side of Hephaestus is Artemis, who has recently been settling in the Hestia Familia.

The fact that Artemis has always lived in the Hestia Familia is a secret to the entire Orario. At least as far as outsiders can see, Artemis is currently living in the Hephaestus Familia. Inside.

In fact, they all knew what the meeting of gods meant this time. Artemis actually didn't have to come out, but Artemis still came out.

"Well, don't worry.

Artemis naturally knew that Hephaestus was talking about another one of her, and it was really a bit shameful to say it.

"The child told her that she wouldn't suddenly jump out today.

"I see."

Just say how dare Artemis come out to attend the divine meeting this time. It turns out that she has already been greeted over there.

"However, even if this is the case, you don't actually need to jump out."

From Hephaestus's perspective, Artemis could just stay at home for this divine meeting, and there was no need to come over to attend.

"No, my presence is still necessary."

But Artemis shook her head slightly. She naturally knew that she could just stay at home, but she also needed to be prepared for some things.

As the child's last resort.

Immediately, two words from the ancient gods came from the sky.

A large projection screen appeared throughout Orario's tavern, the streets of Daedalus, and in the sky, and what was projected on the screen was the scene at the entrance to the dungeon.

She knew that she was outside and couldn't speak as casually as she did at home. She could just blurt out anything.

After all, some things cannot be said absolutely.

"At this moment, the Loki Familia team participating in the dungeon attack is already at the entrance of the dungeon, Hermes." (Nuxe Ma's)

Only when she appears in front of the gods will people not regard her as the other person who jumps out to rescue in times of crisis.

At the same time, the voice of Hermes is also transmitted to every screen.

PS: Please collect it, please give me flowers... and please give me a review.

Ganesha called Hermes directly, and then it was his work.

But Artemis stopped here.

When Hephaestus saw Artemis stopped, he naturally knew the reason and did not continue to ask. Instead, he continued to focus on Gadingsa on the podium.

The seal entangled around Hermes' body was restrictedly released, and his large-scale divine power allowed him to do many things.


"Ouranos, let's start the public disclosure of the entire Orario. I need to use my divine power."

Hermes stood up from his seat and shouted to the sky.

"Then we will start a public crusade against the dark factions deep in the dungeon!"


Although Artemis felt that the child's behavior would not require her to do this, Artemis felt that she still needed to take some insurance.

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