I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 689 The Self-Destructing Soldiers Are Really Powerful!

When the gods in the Shenhui were shocked by the violent news released by Hermes, the actions in the underground city were also very fast.

The strategy team of the Loki Familia successfully invaded the hidden floor, and not even a single trap was triggered as they continued to explore.

Of course, they had seen all the trap devices along the way.

Some are very discreetly arranged, while others are arranged so as not to avoid people at all, and should be used internally.

What the strategy team did was to clear a space without traps.

After the door behind them was closed, completely locking away the risk of leaving inside, the attack team reached its highest point with no way to escape.

"Pay attention to controlling the progress."

"How far we can go depends on how far we can dispose of the trap."

"There is still time, there is no need to rush for success."

"833" Finn is well aware of the dangers of this hidden floor. In order to ensure that everyone can return alive, they need to move forward more cautiously now.

The strategy team all know this truth. Several people who are careful observers are looking for traps on the road to ensure that the road is smooth and the team will not be completely divided by traps.

In response, Finn took out a blank map.


The map was filled with a trace of magic power, and the almost undetectable magic power fluctuations were rapidly spreading around.

When the magic power was withdrawn, a 3D map was built on the map by magic power in the form of projection.

Finn frowned at the dozens of red dots in the picture.

"There are so many traps laid out at such a small distance."

It is really hard to imagine what kind of mood the dark faction had in setting up this arrangement. This was all just to eliminate everyone in the passage.

"It seems that they are also paying attention to the news that we are preparing to invade."

These traps were definitely added temporarily to welcome their arrival.

Finn was amused by this enthusiastic welcome ceremony, but it was just a sneer.

God knows what the result will be if they force their way in normally. I'm afraid they will collapse at this point.

"Wow! That's an excessive amount!"

Tiona got close to Finn and saw the red dot marked on the map.

"This is the range of 500 meters, right? Those lunatics have prepared so much, aren't they afraid of collapsing this hidden floor?"

Riveria shook her head slightly and asked.

"If they could completely drag us to death here, do you think they would be willing?"

"I definitely want to."

Tiona answered directly without even thinking. She immediately understood what Riveria meant when she answered.

"Ah, they did it on purpose!"

"Their purpose this time is to delay the hatching of the "Fairy Elite Soldiers". As long as the time is delayed, the battlefield will enter the ground. This is their purpose.

Riveria can completely imagine the sinister intentions of the dark faction.

"The team is divided and the back roads are locked. Once we are in a desperate situation, they don't even need to care about us. As long as the entire hidden floor is completely abandoned, they can reduce our threat."

"And the explosions they made on the ground are already ready to destroy everything. It's just a hidden floor. As long as it can increase their success rate of destroying Orario, they won't have any problems when abandoning it. hesitate."

Facts have proved that Riveria really understands the psychology of the dark faction.

The dark faction knew in advance the possible actions on the ground, so they made complete preparations, waiting for the people they approved to be dragged to death on the hidden floor.

It's just that because of the unknown time of invasion and the unknown number of invaders, the dark faction can only make such an arrangement.

In fifteen minutes, all the unknown traps around 500 meters away were cleared by the team.

"keep going!"

After being prepared to stabilize the rear, the attack team continued to move forward.

Originally, this situation should continue to last for a certain period of time, but the Dark Faction had previously arranged for the main patrol team to patrol internally because they did not know the specific arrival time.

The three teams set off at different times and went in different directions to achieve the purpose of carpet patrol inside the floor.

This is a very good idea.

No, a patrol team directly collided with the quietly moving strategy team.


This coincidence startled both parties.

Bert's reaction was quick enough, and he rushed forward quickly, without giving the two patrol members a chance to call the police. With super fast speed, he kicked them unconscious...



Bert was startled when he heard the "sizzling" sound that sounded like the fuse was burning.


Realizing that he was a step too late, he quickly retreated away from the scope of the explosion.


The flames from the explosion of the flame stone quickly swept in the two people who were kicked unconscious.

Bert, who quickly retreated, was not affected by any aftermath of the explosion, but his face was particularly ugly.

"Burt, don't worry"

Finn comforted Bert. In the situation just now, Bert's reaction was fast enough. Who would have thought that the members of the dark faction would also be so unhesitating.

Finn was dismayed by the decisiveness of the dark faction.

Being so unconcerned about his own death is enough to show how crazy the dark faction is inside.

"Lefia, get ready.


Soon, a series of running sounds were heard.

One by one emerged at the end of the dark passage.


No one had any fear or fear. They rushed up and threw the bags hanging on their waists.

The body rushed forward quickly, rushing towards the cannon fodder still in front.

There are already dozens of Dark Faction family members in sight, and there are even many people rushing up from behind.

Bell, who was walking on another road, paused for a moment when he heard the explosion.

A group of people in black windbreakers quickly targeted the attack group.

Those who had been prepared for a long time immediately pulled the cord of the flame stone and rushed forward.

Bell shook his head slightly and stopped thinking about things there. After all, the members of the Loki Familia were still very good, so he didn't need to worry about anything.

Everyone saw this action, and everyone couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Bert cursed with a dark face. 2.8

Moreover, a group of top adventurers would not be tortured to death by hundreds of self-destruction soldiers.



"It's begun."

Needless to say, the self-destruction troops of the dark faction began to play their role.

"What a bunch of lunatics!"


"I'm going to speed up here too."

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