I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 690 Useless Trash!

Bell's actions also accelerated a bit, not because the attack team was discovered, of course, but because the weakest part of the barrier was destroyed.

"come yet?"

"I thought the fairy side needed to deal with it finally, but I didn't expect that she didn't miss this banquet."

There is no doubt that the fairy side is difficult to deal with.

Especially after losing a hand due to carelessness last time, she will definitely be more vigilant now.

Although sneak attacks will also work, it will probably be more difficult to achieve a fatal result.

Moreover, it is not certain that the last lesson will cause Fairy to add other things to her guardian, but there is a high probability that it should be directly related to regeneration.

A guy whose strength far exceeds Level 6, and can almost reach Level 7, also has the ability to regenerate, which is really difficult to deal with.

But just like that, Bell couldn't help but smile on his face.


Very interesting!

I have never experienced a truly "difficult" battle since I entered Orario, so this time it may be a very good experience.

Although he is looking forward to this battle, Bell also needs to make careful arrangements and preparations for this.

After all, everything this time was happening under the eyes of the gods, so he needed to hide the identity of the reborn Hestia retinue as planned.

Instead, she assumed an identity that was completely different from Hestia, a generation-type Familia.

A more genius identity.

A more contextual identity.

An identity with unimaginable strength.

As long as the two identities are completely separated, it doesn't matter even if one's appearance is revealed, because no one will know what the runestone maker of the Hestia Familia looks like.

As long as the runestone maker of the Hestia Familia doesn't appear in front of most gods, who would know that he and the runestone maker of the Hestia Familia are the same person?

"But I'm afraid this is the only time this can be done."

Although it is very simple to say, it is not easy to completely separate the two identities.

If there hadn't been a wall of sighs in Bell's heart that blocked all gods from observing, then this division would be meaningless.

If the two identities were not too different, causing the gods to have the idea that "these two people can never be the same person", I am afraid that it would not be possible to split oneself into two identities.

Of course, the next thing that needs to be considered is that runes must not be used directly in battle.

Bell, who was walking on the way to the training room, had already figured this out and had some ideas.

As our ancestors once said, a small person hides in the wild because he hides in the city.

Hiding your identity is never permanent, but sometimes hiding in a busy city is the least likely to be discovered.

At the same time, Bell also realized that he did not have the tolerance and confidence to face everything as a strong man.

"So, I'm just a coward."

However, Bell does not deny this. He admits that he is just a layman, not a person with a noble character or inner nature.

Just like facing Hestia and the others.

He is also a "coward" and never takes the initiative of his own choice.

"I really have enough problems."

With so many shortcomings, he could only shake his head helplessly.

After several turns, he walked into a rather hidden alley, opened a hidden secret door, and finally came to the key point, the training room.


Bell frowned slightly as he walked into the training room. The smell of blood that hit his face made him feel sick.

He looked into the cultivation room. Although the entire cultivation room was quite dim, Bell could still see everything clearly with his eyesight.

The magic circle painted on the ground, as well as the large amount of flesh and blood, turned into blood and merged into the fetal membranes bit by bit.

In addition to flesh and blood, even those souls are attracted by the fetal membrane.

This method made Bell once again understand that there is almost no limit to what the dark faction can do.

"Hey... Although I knew that those guys would use some special means to accelerate the growth of these things, I still didn't expect that those guys would use the lowest level of methods."

"Use flesh, blood and soul as sacrifices to accelerate the growth rate of "Fairy Elite Soldiers". "

"What a group of excessive people. They clearly said "you may meet the people you care about again in the next life", but they used this method to prevent reincarnation. Ah~ The cannon fodder of the dark faction is indeed a group of cannon fodder, a group of beasts that cannot even be counted as human beings. "

"Even the gods of the dark faction think so."


Bell couldn't help but laugh sarcastically, and his voice gradually lost its cover and turned into the voice of a real young man.

"Oops~ Oops~ There are always people who can't position themselves correctly."

"What do you think? The guardian of the fairy spirit seems to be called "Revis".

"It's like a fairy, unable to position himself correctly, thinking that he has the power to destroy the entire Orario. Little does he know, that is just an "arrangement"

Bell looked at the woman in front of him carefully, but unexpectedly discovered something interesting.

With a smile on his face, Bell slowly turned around. Standing at the entrance of the training room was a red-haired woman wearing a simple top and shorts. There is only coldness and murderous intent in 353's eyes. He is like a machine with no self-personality and only kills.

The woman's voice has deteriorated, and anger and hatred can be heard in the voice.

As if he heard some kind of funny joke, the corners of Bell's mouth curved a little, and there was a hint of humor in his voice.

"You bastard!?"

"To become that kind of cannon fodder for the so-called "possibility". "

"Oh~it turns out the person involved is here too."

"If you really have such courage, why don't you project part of your soul into your guardian?"

"See it through the eyes of your guardian? Filthy fairy.

As if a fish bone was stuck in her throat, the woman suppressed her blush, and her aura surged, but she couldn't say a word.

"If it weren't for you! If it weren't for you! I could have gotten her last time!"

The smile on Bell's face remained the same, but he uttered highly sarcastic words.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Get her? Just because you can't even get rid of my control and can only choose to cut your soul by yourself?"

There was a raging anger deep in the eyes of the woman who heard this.

"Useless trash."

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