I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 691 I Want You To Die! ! !

"So cool!?"

The gods all looked at Bell's projection screen quietly.

Listen to the conversation here. Compared to the ordinary cannon fodder soldiers faced by the Loki children next to them, there is a lot more information.

This child whose name he didn't know actually dared to directly confront the "Guardian of the Fairies", and he was so tough even in the face of the gaze cast by the fairies.

But what shocked the gods even more was the woman. To be precise, the fairy was incompetent and furious. She could only stare with a pair of eyes, but couldn't say a word.

"Last time did this child meet a fairy? And he even made the fairy deflate?"

"Is it possible for fairies to be dealt with so easily?"

Fairy spirits are the mouthpieces and hands and feet of gods in the lower realm, and their existence is to help children in the lower realm conquer dungeons. It is precisely because of this that the strength of the fairy cannot be underestimated.

In particular, fairies are good at using magic, so it is not easy to deal with them.

Fairies infected by filth may be more difficult to deal with than normal fairies, but the child in front of them made the fairies deflate.

Originally, because of his identity and blood relationship, the gods present had already taken a high look at this child who appeared on the scene. "Who would have thought that this child could give them even bigger surprises.

"It's not that easy. The fairies all have their own abilities. The strength of each fairy is better than the children in the lower world now. Back then, only the children of Zeus and Hera could compete with the fairies. Comparable."

The god who spoke thought for a moment and then came to a conclusion.

"Hmm~ Maybe what appears in front of this child is not the true body of the fairy, but the clone of the fairy."

"Clone, this is possible."

Think about the "fairy fetus" they know, which is a kind of fairy clone.

"It makes sense if it's a clone."

"But even if it's just a fairy clone, it can allow the fairy to project its consciousness onto the clone, and let the fairy's original consciousness face the child, and even be deflated. Such a thing is not something that ordinary children can do. .

The gods present obviously have wisdom and the ability to make reasonable judgments about the situation.

The fairy's clone is always at Level 5 at the beginning. If the consciousness is projected onto the clone, it will be a battle between the fairy's self-awareness. In that case, the strength that the fairy clone can exert may be improved to another level.

In other words, the last time this child faced fairies were all Level 6.

It is really not easy to defeat Level 6.

Even among the current Orario adventurers, there are few cases where Level 6 adventurers can be defeated.

"Then this child is probably not only Level 4 as Hermes said, but should be at least Level 5, right?"

You know, Lv.4 and Lv.5 are completely different concepts.

Several related goddesses did not speak, but their hands were completely rubbed together at this moment.

They spend the most time in contact with Bell, so you can feel that Bell is beginning to let go of the gazes of so many gods.

They all know the reason for doing this.

I'm afraid Bell is planning to completely separate his current identity from that of Hestia's family, making people think that the runestone maker and he are not the same person.

So they are worried now.

Once the guys around him see the problem, they will be in big trouble, and then Bell will face a huge problem.

But now they can only hope that the guys around them will be more attracted by Bell's identity, rather than being attracted by the rune maker of the Hestia Familia.

"Useless trash."

Bell didn't mean to be sarcastic, he was simply telling the truth.

But it is this fact that is even more exciting.


The fairy is really going to be pissed off!

If she hadn't been afraid that her soul would be completely trapped in her guardian's body, she would have really wanted to project her soul into the guardian's body.

After roaring angrily and staring at the person in front of her with a very intimidating gaze, she still tried hard to stay rational.

She knew that once she couldn't control her emotions, she would be led into a pit.

Even now, her torn soul has not fully recovered. After all, the soul is the most difficult thing to heal.

"Tsk, don't project it."

The veins on the deeper fairy's head were beating, and she knew that this bastard was attracting her to project her soul.

Try to calm down your anger, and then constantly remind yourself in your heart, "Don't be angry, don't be angry! Such self-comfort."

The fairy glanced at the 54 soldiers behind the guy who were still rapidly absorbing flesh and blood, and his mood calmed down a little.

"Hmph, so what if I don't project my soul? My child will make you completely die here!"


As if he had heard a funny joke, Bell couldn't help laughing.

"Your child? Just rely on your guardian?"

"Well~ I admit that after you transformed your guardian, he should be much stronger than before."

"I remember five months ago, your guardian sneak attacked "Sword Lady" on the 18th floor. Her strength at that time was probably LV.6. "

"Right now...it seems to be just close to Level 7. It has improved so much in five months? Your methods are not that good either.

Sharp teeth and sharp mouth!

This complex aura reveals the power of each immortal elite soldier.

"Dong dong clip!"

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, why should I be angry with a corpse?"

Each soldier's eyes were blood-red, and his appearance was more human-like, but his body still had some characteristics of a monster.

Taking a deep breath, the fairy's eyes refocused on those fetal (good king's) membranes.

At this moment, Xian Jing felt that his blood pressure was constantly soaring, and his breath was about to reach his brain.

The fairy's voice seemed to carry special magic power, reaching that level through the voice of her guardian, and reaching the inside of each fetal membrane.

This is the "Fairy Elite Soldier".

Her uncontrollable anger wanted to completely tear the sullen human being in front of her into pieces, and then transform him into her own toy, so that he could not live or die, and could only obey her orders in humiliation.

What followed was that terrifying and suffocating breath.

But Xian Jing still felt that she was very angry.

“Bang bang bang!”

Bloody, violent, crazy, and powerful.

"Dong dong!!

The fetal membranes exploded one by one, and the soldiers, who were fused with human and fairy clones, slipped from the fetal membranes and fell to the ground.

"Get up!"

Each fetal membrane in the culture room began to beat violently, and the beating inside each fetal membrane was like the sound of a heartbeat.

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