I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 692: The Villain Dies Because He Talks Too Much?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, the fairy changed her aggrieved mood and immediately started laughing uncontrollably.

"Idiot! I don't dare to project my soul, but so what? I want you to die today!"

"My child, tear him apart!"

The soldiers who emerged from the fetal membranes all stood up straight, but they did not obey the fairy's orders, but knelt down on one knee in front of Bell.


This scene made Xian Jing completely confused.

Not only the fairies were confused, but also the gods and ordinary people in Orario were completely confused.

But Bell, who was treated respectfully by the "Fairy Soldiers", suddenly appeared behind Revis.

The next moment, his voice clearly reached everyone in Orario.

"I was talking to you just now. You didn't think I was waiting for you, right?"

The next second, a cold light flashed across everyone's eyes.


Revis, whose body was controlled, almost instantly felt the sharp chill and the cold blade on her skin.

Is it the neck!?

Just like the last time I was attacked!

At this moment, Revis' brain immediately understood that the person who attacked her last time and caused her arm to be cut off was also the same person.

"This time it's different!"

Revis roared almost uncontrollably, and quickly grabbed the blade that was close to her neck with both hands.


There was some friction where the fingers and the blade came into contact, but the blade still penetrated the skin of Revis's hands and slashed towards her neck.

"Good weight!"

Different from the strength last time, the strength this time was extremely heavy, even far exceeding Revis's prediction.

Her body has been re-transformed, and she has even swallowed a large amount of magic stones. Now her body is much harder than last time. Ordinary first-level weapons almost caused fatal damage to her, but the result is still the same as last time.

"damn it!?"

Revis gritted her teeth and pushed the blade away with all her might, regardless of the consequences. She also tilted her neck back hard to avoid the knife.


An arm and part of his shoulder hit the ground heavily.

Although the loss of one hand was considered a serious injury, Revis' neck was still saved.

Bell was slightly surprised when he looked at Revis, whose posture was not good-looking, but for a moment he didn't make any move to continue attacking.

And this moment of neutrality was also seized by Revis, who quickly covered her left shoulder and backed away quickly.

"Ha ha……"

That moment was so heart-pounding for Revis, even at this moment she felt that the scythe of death had cut through her skin.

The threat of the man in front of him was several times greater than the last time he encountered him.

The last time she was caught in a sneak attack, she was severely injured when special magic was used to get infinitely close.

But this time, he used his speed to seize the opportunity to attack, and the force was greater, and the blade was sharper. The situation was completely different from the last sneak attack.

This time the person in front of her was a greater threat to her than last time.

Seeing the miserable situation of Revis, Bell shook his head slightly and put the knife in his hand back into the four-dimensional space.

"The same attack method can actually inflict heavy damage on you again. It seems that the level of the fairy is really not high. It has only made your body harder than the last time for such a long time."

"However, I should also praise you for your progress compared to last time."

"After what happened last time, the Fairy Spirit should have given you the ability to regenerate, right?"

"It shouldn't be that difficult to repair a broken hand."

Revis unconsciously clutched her missing left shoulder.

The blood flow on her left shoulder had been forcibly stopped, but the pain was still reminding her not to be careless at this time, otherwise her neck would be cut off next time.

As for the ability to regenerate, she has indeed been added to this ability. To this end, the structure of her body has been changed. It is no longer the tiny magic stones condensed on the limbs of her body, thus strengthening her ability. , and concentrate the magic stones in the center like a normal monster.

Only in this way can the regeneration feature be better utilized, otherwise it will be difficult to regenerate the lost arm.

Seeing that the fairy guardian stopped talking, Bell didn't say much but turned around and looked at the "fairy soldiers" behind him.

"Fairy Fairy, do you know why I plan this strategy?"

This time the fairy just turned her eyes to Revis, and controlled Revis's mouth to express her malice.

“Isn’t it just dog-eat-dog above and below ground?”

Bell couldn't help but laugh at this.

"Dog bites dog... You are really brave to call a god a dog."

But Bell still kept his back, as if he didn't see it at all.

This makes Revis very strange, and also makes the fairy very strange.

"He helped me cultivate these important "materials" so seriously and hard, which can be used as part of the nutrition for the growth of "Sword Princess". "

"I don't treat God Loki as a dog. After all, she is my important trading partner. If I treat her as a dog, then am I also a dog when I trade with her?"

Bell raised his hand slightly and pointed at the "Fairy Elite Soldier" in front of him.

"As for the third one, it is naturally the growth of "Sword Girl". I have my own plan, and my plan requires "Sword Lady" to at least reach the peak of Lv. 7. But the growth rate of "Sword Princess" is much slower than I thought, so I need some help. "

You just said that I am brave enough, you must be even braver!

"So, I really appreciate the dark faction's efforts for my plan.

"Well, although I also agree that it's dog eating dog, there is still a distinction to be made in terms of status.

At this moment, Revis' whole body tensed up.

While talking, the left shoulder that Revis had lost began to sprout little by little, and it began to recover quickly.

"As for the fourth, it is naturally the great cause I need."

The deep-seated fairy's face was twitching.

PS: It's a little late, so I've added it. .

"The second reason is that the target gods need to be killed in this dungeon. After all, they are the leaders of the dark faction. If they are not killed completely, subsequent troubles may continue to arise."

"The purpose of this strategy is to reduce the fighting space of the dark faction to the hidden floor. After all, I still don't want to see Orario being completely stained with blood.

"That's one of them."

Her left arm had completed its recovery, and the murderous aura in her eyes surged. She rushed forward and aimed a punch at the man's back.

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