I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 694 He Also Used Poison! ?

Revis immediately started to rush towards Bell, who had his back turned to her, almost faster than anything before.

But with his back turned to Bell, he didn't pay any attention. Instead, he counted down silently in his heart.



"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The sound of falling to the ground sounded behind him, and Bell slowly turned around.

"Ah, I forgot to mention that in order to avoid unnecessary trouble and situations beyond my control, I put some special poison on the knife in advance."

Then, Bell knelt down and looked at Revis, who was twitching all over, with a smile.

"Besides, didn't I just say that? You don't think you and I have a lot to talk about, do you?"

"When I talked to you before, I was just waiting to accumulate strength, but when I talked to you just now, I was just waiting for the poison to spread to your body and soul.

Using words to act on intense pain amplifies the pain of ant bites without limit, and this feeling even rages throughout the body.

Revis could only let out a miserable wail.

But the next second she saw a shadow appearing in front of her eyes, and then a huge force kicked her in the face, causing her to be kicked out.

Revis felt that her consciousness was starting to blur. The pain and the damage caused by the kick just now were extraordinary, even more intense than cutting off a hand.

Especially on her face, the tearing pain seemed to become more intense, and her whole body felt like it was on fire, and her skin was about to fall off.

But what makes Revis feel even more desperate is that the "regeneration" ability is working well.

Even the severe pain recovered quickly, and after recovery, the pain even intensified.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Revis, whose whole body was embedded in the wall, still couldn't help but let out a miserable wail.

This scene made everyone who saw and heard feel what it was like to shudder.

Monsters are highly resistant to poison.

This is the same even for adventurers. After choosing the development ability of "abnormal resistance", they will have strong resistance to any kind of poison. Unless it is a very violent poison, it will have almost no effect.

As for whether the guardian of the fairy spirit has poison resistance? There is no doubt about it.

But the strange thing is that this poison cannot be tolerated by the resistant fairy guardians, which explains a lot of problems.

Then all the people and gods watching the projection heard Bell's introduction.

"The poison used on you is a very special poison."

"After all, this poison was defined from the beginning as being incurable, irreversible, and inextricable. Once poisoned, it will parasitize into the soul of the poisoned person, not the body. All the pain reactions of the poisoned person originate from the poison's effect on the soul. erosion."

"Also because it is a poison that completely reacts to the soul, unless the eroded soul is completely stripped off at the moment of poisoning, there is no way to resist the erosion of the poison." 1

.......Good guy!

Now the gods understand why Bell chose to wait. The purpose of emotion is to let the toxicity penetrate deeper into the depths of the soul.

However, the gods all felt a little numb when they heard this solution, and they also felt something was wrong.

Is this poison really not aimed at them?

You must know that the soul of a god cannot be cut, just like the existence of a god is perfect.

Just because perfection, once the soul can be cut, it becomes imperfect, so the soul of a god cannot be cut.

Let’s talk about the function of this poison again. Why does this sound like a poison targeting their gods?

But before they could continue to think about it, Bell in the projection had already started taking subsequent actions.

"Okay, then let's start a "fair" duel. "

Seeing that Bell had already taken a stance, he rushed towards Revis, whose body was still embedded in the wall.

Revis naturally noticed it too.

At this moment, she could only curse "despicable" in her mind, but her body also began to react quickly.

Even though any random movement of her body would cause her to feel intense pain, she had no choice at the moment.

Bell doesn't take pity on the fairies, especially the guardians of the fairies.

Take action with all your strength.

To say you're welcome is to say it's really not polite at all.

A tentative punch went straight to the face, but Revis easily dodged it...

Of course, it is easy to dodge a tentative attack, after all, a tentative attack is nothing more than a feint.

Raise your fist slightly, lean forward quickly, and turn your fist to the top.

The rapid change of moves shocked Revis, and the thrust of his elbow almost grazed her scalp.


Revis quickly retreated, but a blood arrow was still splashed on her scalp.

Before she could react, the shadow of a foot was already directed at her face.

Revis quickly raised her hands to block.


The terrifying force was accompanied by severe pain, and Revis was kicked away for a distance.


The attack and defense only took place in an instant, and Rui Weisi found an overwhelming disadvantage.

Different from the sneak attack confrontation on the 18th floor five months ago, this time the opponent was indeed facing her head-on, with a strength of 3.2 that was almost as strong as when she was intact.

A bastard who was no less powerful than her poisoned her and even said he wanted to fight her fairly.

Now Revis just wants to punch this bastard.

When Revis realized this, her whole face twisted together.

"This man's strength and speed are superior to mine."

From the simple confrontation just now, Ruiweisi understood that her own advantages were disadvantages compared to her opponent's.

"This bastard is so shameless!"

At the moment when he was distracted, an empty goal appeared in the middle. Bell seized the opportunity and punched Revis in the abdomen, punching her hard against the wall.


In addition, the strength of the human in front of her is not inferior to her at all.

You know, her strength in her intact state has reached Level 7, and the strength of the person in front of her is almost the same as when she was intact. In other words, the person in front of her is probably also Level 7.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

From the beginning of the battle, she felt like she was tied up. The pain in her body affected her normal smooth and quick movements, and now she simply couldn't exert her usual strength.

Revis, who gradually realized that she was at a disadvantage, was also very anxious.

At this moment, she knew she was in a desperate situation.

"This damn poison! If it hadn't been for this poison, I wouldn't have

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