I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 695 Revis, Die!

The muscles all over the body of Revis, who was embedded in the wall, were twitching. The poisonous poison had wreaked havoc on her soul and her will was about to show signs of collapse.

Even people who can endure pain cannot bear the feeling of their souls being torn apart by poison.

"Well, it looks like it's reached its limit."

Seeing Revis's condition, Bell knew that this woman's soul had been eroded to the limit. Although she still retained a part of her self-awareness, she had indeed reached the edge of collapse.

"Well, loyalty is quite loyal."


Revis, who was embedded in the wall, seemed to be reflecting back on the light, with muscles all over her body bulging and her body speed reaching its maximum.

It penetrated Bell's chest while standing in front of the wall.

Bell, whose body was penetrated, did not show any emotion, and just lowered his head casually.

"Well, it seems that this is indeed your limit."

Raising a kick, Revis, whose muscles all over her body were twitching, was unable to move at all, and could only be kicked back into the wall by this kick.


A mouthful of blood spurted out uncontrollably.

The pain all over Revis's body was uncontrollable, and her body had lost the ability to move due to the battle just now. She could only lower her head with all her strength and look at the man who had been penetrated through her chest.

But when she looked over, the chest she had pierced seemed to be unharmed. She couldn't see any blood spattering, only some electric sparks flickering.

"how come……………"

Revis knew that her attack was not effective.

"Are you so surprised?"

Bell didn't feel any pride, he just watched with a smile as if he was watching a good show.

"Don't you know? Cautious cowards often keep some of their trump cards in their hands. Because cowards are often the most sensitive people and know when they will become very dangerous."

"Your physical condition has been pushed to the limit by me. I think it was your last blow just now.

"The muscles are twitching constantly, as if the pain is unbearable, but the strength and magic power inside the body are flowing to my hands and feet. Even if I don't deliberately plot, you will know what you are doing."

"Don't treat others like idiots."

Revis's heart had sunk to the bottom at this moment, the endless pain had occupied all her attention, and her vision began to be shrouded in darkness.

"Oh~ is your soul about to be completely eroded by poison?"

"Have you completely lost your control over your body?"

"It seems that that guy's experiment was quite successful. This toxin is indeed terrifying."


Revis has lost the ability to speak, and the sounds that her ears can hear are gradually becoming weaker.

She knew it was a sign of death.

There was no way she could escape this time.

There was no way I could give that bastard goddess a hard punch.


Revis's body began to turn gray little by little, and her body began to turn from her hands and feet into a pile of white ash, which fell to the ground little by little.

This situation soon spread to every part of Revis's body.

A purple magic stone fell on the pile of white ash. You can see that there is a very colorful color inside the magic stone. It looks completely different from an ordinary Rubik's Cube.


But the next moment, the magic stone suddenly shattered, and purple-black liquid began to overflow from the inside.

"Tsk tsk, this toxicity is indeed a bit dangerous. Not to mention the parasitism on the soul level, even weirdos will appear in the magic stone after being poisoned."

“Where the hell did that guy come up with something like this in the first place?”

"By the way, that guy's research also involves the soul?"

Bell simply complained, waved his hand, and threw a magic stone out of his hand.


The flames that appeared out of thin air completely enveloped the venom, and the high heat completely evaporated it.

Just like that, the guardian of the fairy, Revess, died completely!

After dealing with these matters, Bell turned and walked towards the training room.

The battle just now moved a little further, but it didn't move the battle area very far.

The "Fairy Elite Soldiers" hatched in the training room did not run away because of the battle between Bell and Revis just now. Instead, they were quietly waiting in the training room for Bell's return.

When they saw Bell coming back, all the soldiers lowered their heads.

Bell nodded slightly.

"Follow the mission they gave you and let's go."

"Liberate your animal nature, just like the fairy asked."

"Like a hungry beast."

Suddenly, all the soldiers seemed to be inspired by the words, and their whole bodies began to boil. The terrifying aura was not suppressed in any way, but was released unscrupulously.

Bell smiled with satisfaction and then waved his right hand.

"Go ahead."

Suddenly there was a strong wind in the entire training room, and all the soldiers disappeared in the formation.

"Everything went as planned."

The matter of the fairy guardian and the fairy soldiers has been dealt with, so the next step is to completely seal the passage through which the fairy guardian comes in, otherwise it will be troublesome if someone runs out.

"Oh, by the way, we can't forget him."

Just when Bell thought that everything was taken care of, he suddenly thought of another guy who was relatively troublesome.

That guy made many props used by dark factions, and those flame stones that exploded instantly had the shadow of that guy. 850

Even if he is a troublesome figure who has been hiding among the dark factions, he still needs to be dealt with.


In a village thousands of miles away, Zeus was filled with emotion when he watched Bell's battle just now.

"Is that boy so insidious when he fights?"

To be honest, Zeus just watched Bell fight with the woman named Revis, and he could feel that there was not much difference in strength between Bell and that woman.

Even though Bell's battle just now went very smoothly, squeezing Revis to death like an ant, the smoothness was actually more of an advantage from the initial blow.

But what really amazed Zeus was Bell's fighting style.

That kid is really fighting with poison.

And judging from the woman's reaction, that kind of poison is not something that is easy to deal with.

The toxins that penetrated deep into the soul and corroded the soul made him feel chills running down his spine.

Although Hera wanted to ask Zeus to change the description just now, after seeing the whole process, she also felt that Bell's fighting style was indeed not reckless at all. It's like an insidious pit digger, digging pit after pit, just waiting for the enemy to step in.

The fighting method is simply one pit at a time, and each pit is very deadly.

PS: Please collect...Please. Flowers...Please comment.

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