I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 696 Prophecy

"Although the fighting method is very insidious, the child does grow up very quickly."

Hera suppressed the question of "fighting style" and focused on Bell's growth rate.

"All things considered, the child has been to Orario for less than a year. Even if the child has been to Orario for a year, can the strength that the child is showing now be achieved by a normal adventurer in one year?"

At 14 years old, one year old as an adventurer, his strength has already reached level 6 or above. Is this reasonable?

This kind of thing is quite unreasonable even for Alfia.

Hera's eyes held some concern.

"Such an unusual growth rate means that the troubles that child needs to face may be more severe than Alguaia and the others."

When it comes to serious issues, a group of elders from the Zeus Familia and Hera Familia who were happy and relieved about Bell's rapid growth just now became uneasy.

"Zeus, Bell shouldn't be the same as they were in the past, right?"

Faced with his own child's questions, Zeus was speechless for a moment. 310

He knew in his heart that Bell's growth rate was a bit too transcendent, and even an era with numerous heroes could not catch up with this growth rate.

Even Alguaia, the last member of the Hera Familia who was called a "talent monster," did not have the growth rate of Bell.

This naturally means that Bell's talent is far superior to that of Alfia, but it is because of this that it seems abnormal.


Zeus took a deep breath and looked deeply at the sky.

"Maybe it's because the time is almost up."

As one of the ancient gods, he knows the agreement between the dungeon and the gods.

As long as the gods cannot conquer the dungeon within the limited time, or cannot defeat the last target of the three major commissions, the world will officially come to an end.

Zeus knew the limits of this time, and also knew that it was actually not very far away from the agreed time.

It is because of knowing this that Zeus chose to withdraw from the troubled Orario with Hera and turn to cultivate another child he valued.

""The gods (chab) fall into laziness, adventurers lose their fighting spirit, the flames of the heroic age cannot shine on the entire world, and the world will be shrouded in darkness that destroys everything."

"When the world faces a crisis, the last hero makes his own choice to break through the darkness that envelopes the world and bring a bright future to the world again."

Zeus recited the last paragraph of the "Myth" book word by word.

"This was a prediction of the shape of the world a long time ago."

"This passage was gradually interpreted after the failure of Hera and I. Everything is proceeding like the prophecy."

"Hera and I, who symbolized the heroic age, have come to an end. The gods chose to indulge in pleasure because of us. Children around the world have lost their fighting spirit because of us. Everything has been covered with a dark curtain. Everything They are all like the last afterglow before destruction.”

"The key to everything lies in the second sentence, "The Last Hero." "

When Zeus saw this sentence, he didn't know why. Gods cannot predict their future.

"Although I didn't understand the meaning of this word at that time, I understood it when I saw the birth of the newborn who inherited me and the Hera Familia."

"The "Last Hero" is not anyone from the Heroic Age, but a newborn who inherits the blood of heroes after the Heroic Age comes to an end.

"That's when I was sure that "The Last Hero" was Bell. "

Although it seems like an obvious answer now, when he first learned about this prophecy, Zeus couldn't find a suitable answer no matter how much he thought about it.

The previous paragraph is easy to understand, but "The Last Hero" is really confusing.

Hera, who was in a good mood when she saw Zeus looking serious in front of her, heard Zeus talking about Bell's birth, and Hera's good mood turned cloudy in an instant.

"It's not that brat of yours. I don't know when I hooked up with Metria. When I think of that brat's face, I want to break off his teeth!

The sound of Hera grinding her teeth could still be vaguely heard.

Zeus felt a little cold sweat behind his back, and carefully moved his seat to the side. Even he didn't want to directly provoke Hera in this state.

"I don't know how Maitria fell in love with that little brat."

Hera felt deep resentment even at this moment. After all, Metelia should be regarded as her favorite child. Even though her strength is different from that of Alfia, Metria gives her a very unusual temperament. She is also the only one among all the children who can get angry and make her kneel on the ground with her aura. .

It can be said that Hera treats Metria like her own daughter.

So even now, when she thinks about that little bunny taking away Metria's last moments, Hera can still be so angry that her blood pressure soars.

"My poor Maitria, she died after Bell was born."

Hera looked uncomfortable when she thought of Metria's physical condition. Seeing Metria pass away after giving birth to Bell, she was in a bad mood for a long time.

"This may have a similar reason to Alfia's physical condition."

Metria's physical condition has never been very good, which is very similar to Alguaia. It seems that the two sisters must have the same disease.

But Zeus was very surprised that his children would not attack Metria.

"I'm just wondering how that brat hooked up with Meitria."

.....I'm also very surprised by what you mentioned. "

Although Hera was a little suspicious that Zeus was trying to help his child escape guilt, it was undeniable that she herself also wondered why Metelia fell in love with that rabbit?

Because of her frailty, Metria did not participate in the dungeon strategy nor did she participate in improving her strength. What she usually did was stay at home. Logically speaking, her contact with outsiders was still the same. Few.

As for the fast-footed rabbit from the Zeus Familia, although he is not very strong in the Zeus Familia (legendary Lv. 7), he can still be regarded as participating in the dungeon strategy, so he has a lot of time to spend time with Maitli. Sub-contact?

PS: I took leave last night, so today’s chapter is to make up for what was not updated yesterday. .

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