I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 697 Apollo, Do You Want To Die?

The gods above Orario's Tower of Babel looked at Bell's series of operations with dull expressions.

"...so dirty!"

The gods all felt that the way this child acted was really dirty.

From the excited reaction of the fairy guardian just now, it can be seen that the strength of this child is definitely not inferior to the fairy guardian, but under such circumstances, this child also used poison in the battle. The method is really not heroic at all.

"Speaking of which, the poison in this child's mouth seems to have been created by Hestia's child, right?"

The gods who were reminded all turned their attention to Hestia.

But they didn't see the slightest hint of guilt in Hestia. Instead, they argued confidently.

"My children are good at making rune stones and doing some research. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"There's nothing wrong with that~."

Hestia Familia is a production-oriented Familia, and it is also a Familia that produces runestones, a hard-core material that they don't have to worry about selling.

Her children are obviously children with the same developmental abilities as the leader of the Hermes Familia, otherwise they would not be able to create so many magical props.

It's not like the gods have doubts about Hestia's children. After all, the function of the rune stones is enough to prove how outstanding Hestia's children are.

"But your child must have been upgraded, right? Why have you been hiding it all this time?"

Sure enough, some gods took direct action.

In response, Hestia snorted and crossed her arms:

"Who said that my child has already reached Level 2? My child likes to make some props, that's just for fun, and has nothing to do with the so-called "development ability."

It must be related!

All the gods present knew that Hestia was talking nonsense. How could such a powerful rune stone not have the effect of "development ability"?

But Hestia looked like she didn't admit it, and looked like she wasn't ready to say anything.

Mih, who was familiar with Hestia, naturally knew what the gods wanted to know at this moment, but Hestia's attitude was obvious.

Mihe helped Hestia speak:

"Everyone, Hestia's child is the foundation of Hestia's production-oriented family. I think Hestia won't lie. It should be said that the child is special and can be produced even without upgrading. Make magical props.

"Besides, Hestia and Hephaestus have a good relationship. When everyone buys runestones, the place they go to is Hephaestus' shop.

After Mih finished speaking, he looked at Hephaestus next to Hestia.

Even if you don't give Hestia face, won't you give Hephaestus face too?

The gods all glanced at Hephaestus and saw a teasing smile on her face, as if she was completely standing up for Hestia.

The gods uniformly felt a chill.

I almost forgot that Hestia and Hephaestus had a deep connection. The fact that the rune stones were entrusted for sale in Hephaestus' shop was a very clear signal.

Thinking like this, the little thoughts and calculations of the gods all restrained themselves.

Please, it's obvious that it's a deal between Hestia and Hephaestus. How can other gods be allowed to get involved? Isn't stretching your hand to break your legs now?

Of course, it is not that there are braver gods.

For example, the more carefree Apollo.

At this moment, he stood up like a warrior.

"Mihe, we are not trying to embarrass Hestia, we just hope that she can abide by everyone's rules of the game. Naturally, the outstanding children in our family need to be shown off."

As the mouthpiece of the gods, Apollo almost said everything the gods wanted to say.

Unfortunately, the next moment, the gods felt an unusual pressure approaching.

It's as if the pressure is coming from the moon.


The voice was very gentle, but one could tell that the owner of the voice was so oppressive.


Apollo's body was a little stiff, and he could naturally tell who this familiar voice belonged to. 【

"Bullying Hestia, do you want to die?"

This man was really not polite at all, and his words directly determined Apollo's life or death.


Apollo was so frightened that his voice became hoarse. When he turned around, he saw the sister looking at him with an unusually cold look.

But what took Apollo's breath away the most was the arrow placed on Artemis' table.

.........Please give me flowers...

"No, that's not the case, Artemis..."

I remember that it was Artemis's companion artifact, an arrow that could penetrate all the gods.

Apollo remembered that the thing seemed to be from heaven. How could Artemis take that thing down?

Artemis stared at Apollo coldly.

"Where are the honorifics?"


Apollo called out "sister" in an extremely frustrated tone. He felt that if he didn't call out, today would be the day he returned to heaven.

"Apollo, I live with Hestia now. If you have the guts, I can shoot your head off."


Good guy!

After all, joking doesn't mean revealing all the artifacts.

Artemis also knew this, so she didn't continue to make trouble.

Apollo quickly begged for mercy and immediately sat in his seat, not daring to turn his head behind his back.

None of the gods present thought Artemis was joking.

Apollo only felt terrified at this moment.

However, the actions after this also made the gods understand that Ouranos was biased towards Hestia and Artemis.

After the farce here ended, Uranus's voice also sounded.


"No, I don't dare, I don't dare."

When he was in heaven, Artemis really started shooting arrows right on his forehead, and he was almost sent away by Artemis' arrows several times.

Only he knew best how cruel Artemis was.

If he dared to really attack Hestia's child, Apollo was sure that it would be ten thousand times more miserable than the last time Loki targeted him.

If his head was shot in the lower realm, even if he would not die, it would probably be tens of millions of years before he could be reborn in the heaven.

"Artemis, watch your behavior."

"I see."

Other gods have understood it, and naturally Apollo also understands it.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers and please comment on the factory price.

Artemis is a warrior who has sealed her divine power and can still rush forward and fight against monsters. Even if she doesn't hold a divine weapon, she can still attack a god crazily. What's more, she also holds a divine weapon that children from the lower world cannot compete with. .

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