I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 698 Dionysus’ Trump Card

After all, the Hestia Familia is still the key to producing rune stones. It is impossible for everyone to really target Hestia out of interest, not to mention that there are two deadly goddesses standing beside Hestia.


The stars in Hestia's eyes were about to pop out, and her whole body was glued to Artemis's body.

Artemis, who was attracted by Hestia, seemed a little overwhelmed. Unlike her sarcastic remarks to Apollo, her attitude suddenly softened when facing Hestia.

"Hestia, don't pounce suddenly."

Apollo looked back at Hestia and Artemis, looking like sisters, and then thinking back to what he had just experienced, an inexplicable sense of sadness rose from the bottom of his heart.

What's going on? My sister is nice to her best friend, but treats him like an enemy?

But if "Zero Two Zero" is like this, Apollo doesn't dare to say it, because he knows very well how unreasonable Artemis is as his sister. Once he says something disobedient, maybe the tip of the arrow will be aimed at him next time. His head was off.

Artemis naturally had a different attitude towards Hestia, after all, her other half loved that child.

"Hey...Am I also affected by the other half?"

Artemis always felt like she was a little influenced by her other half lately.

Maybe it's because she also empathizes with the other half's feelings.

It feels like she has recently begun to understand why the other half has love for that child.

It was like when she knew she had been rescued by that child.

She also had a lot of gratitude in her heart that she couldn't help but want to say to that child.

But the child didn't care that much, because saving her might just be because of Hestia.

Artemis bit her lip lightly and put a hand on her chest.

She always felt uncomfortable when she had that kind of thought.

The eyes of the gods shifted to the projection again, but this time everyone was focused on more than just the strategy against the dark faction.

"Tsk tsk~ The dark faction is in bad luck this time."

"Yes. After so many efforts, and even cooperation with the fairies for this, all of them became this child's wedding dress. But I'm afraid this strategy is not just for those guys who hide the floor."

"Hehe~ Everyone knows what this means."

The gods are not fools, and some words will still be understood by them even if they are not said clearly.

This is probably to teach the rats among the gods a lesson to scare the monkeys and show them what public execution is.

The gods are not fools, and naturally the gods of the dark faction are also not fools, and they naturally understand this truth.

But they can't afford it. Since they dare to play, they can afford to lose.

Even if they have connections with the dark faction, after this incident, they also know that there will never be any god from the dark faction in Orario.

Because as long as a god knows it, the dark faction really can't play its hand anymore, and Orario can no longer tolerate the existence of the dark faction.

Therefore, the gods of the dark faction who all understood it silently abandoned the dark faction in their hearts.

As long as no one reveals their identities, they will only be the gods of Orario, not the gods of the dark faction hidden in Orario.

"As for Loki's children, do they know the truth about this strategy?"

Look at the battlefield on Loki's side in the projection, which is even more heated. Almost everyone is in a state of excitement to kill the enemy, and everyone is really fighting against the dark faction.

"Does it look like it to you?"

The god who spoke was speechless.

"If Loki's children knew what was going on, they wouldn't be fighting so hard now.

"Loki probably knew about this, otherwise there wouldn't be any of Loki's children participating in this strategy.

"What we should really be keeping an eye on is the guy involved in this raid."

All the gods' attention was focused on Dionysus.

To put it bluntly, the identity of Dionysus at this moment has been completely revealed. He is Ennio, who has always been called the "city destroyer" among the dark factions.

""Ennio"...His identity was never known in the past. No one even knew whether he was a god or a child from the lower world. I didn’t expect that he would be Dionysus.

In fact, even now the gods cannot believe the fact that Dionysus is "Enio".

Especially Demit, who had a good relationship with Dionysus in the past.

"This guy, I always thought he was a good drinking buddy, but I didn't expect..."

Jian Yulei's mood was a little complicated at the moment. He never expected that Dionysus had such an explosive hidden identity.

"No one expected it."

Mihe comforted Jian Yulei, and then focused on the projected picture.

"However, he dared to participate in this dark faction's capture mission. He should have been prepared. But he seemed to have gone down with a child.

From a safety perspective, Dionysus behaves quite like a risk taker.

However, it is because such behavior is very dangerous that his behavior will not make people doubt the fact that he is "Ennio".

The same is true for these gods. If it weren't for such a clear statement, they would not think of Dionysus in the direction of "Enio".


Loki interrupted the gods' thinking with a cold voice, holding his cheeks with his hands and staring intensely at the only child Dionysus brought.

"Dionysus is not a fool. He knows how dangerous this strategy against the dark faction is. If he only seeks revenge for his own children, it will make the brain simpler, but that guy is like a brain Will you be a simple person?"

The gods thought about it and thought it was almost impossible.

If Dionysus was a guy with a simple mind, his identity would have been exposed to the gods long ago.

Therefore, there is only one answer.

The eyes of the gods were also fixed on the only child Dionysus carried.

Loki's voice was very cold at this moment.

"Hmph, you are really brave. With one child, you think you can deal with all my children. Do you think you can solve all problems with the strength of one child?"

"Freya, a nymphomaniac, wouldn't have such thoughts!"

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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