I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 699 Flesh Hell

The battle on the front lines continues.

The self-destruction soldiers of the dark faction are really not afraid of death. They grab the self-destruction fuse and rush directly into the strategy group.

Then there was fire with a roar.


Several vanguards in the front row were more or less affected by some explosions.

Burt, who was blown away by the blast of the explosion, had a face full of anger. When he glanced at the low-level guys behind him, he began to suffer serious losses.

"These bastards!"

Even though I had known for a long time that the dark sects were all lunatics with no martial ethics, I never imagined that those bastards could be so crazy.

Fifteen minutes have passed since he was discovered.

But the number of self-destructions they faced did not decrease at all. In order to resist their advance, the speed of self-destruction became faster and faster, and more and more self-destruction soldiers rushed towards them.

Finn in the middle was also frowning at this moment.

"I didn't expect that they would use this method to suppress us in a place like this."

From the beginning to now, we have only advanced a few dozen meters, but it is no longer possible to continue advancing.

In the darkness ahead, there were constant footsteps rushing toward them in a planned manner.

"I didn't expect that we would be suppressed because of a group of guys who are not afraid of death."

Finn felt bad right now.

If you want to advance, you need to face thousands of self-destruction soldiers, and these self-destruction soldiers don't say much, they just pull the lead and rush directly into their camp, relying entirely on the "Boom".

At first, those flame stones were still hanging on the waists of those self-destructing soldiers, and they could be relieved by flying them.

But after Bert tried it several times, the self-destruction soldiers behind him immediately hugged the flame stone in their arms, refusing to give them any conditions to challenge it.

In such a situation where they were not afraid of death, the vanguard of the attacking team was also seriously injured.

The exploding storm is also offensive. Tiona, Tione and Bert do not have defensive magic. Once they self-destruct too many times around them, even if they are Level 6, they will be hurt. Feeling tired.

What's more, the dark faction is still using human lives to push forward.

Now the floor, walls and ceiling of this passage have been covered with a thick layer of flesh and semi-coagulated blood paste, which is enough to show how desperate the dark faction is.

Coupled with the small space inside the channel, the air circulation is very poor.

The explosions not only brought up a layer of flesh and blood, but also the blood evaporated by the high temperature turned into a faint layer of blood mist. The exciting smell of blood was really unbearable.

The current passage is simply a flesh and blood hell.


Haruhime, who had never seen such a scene before, immediately vomited.

She wasn't even the only one, there were even Level 4 and Level 5 people who were stimulated by this scene.

"This this……………"

This scene was so tragic that Chun Ji's face turned pale with fright.

Elsa looked solemn and blocked Haruhime's sight with the blade.

"It's too early for you to watch this kind of scene. Don't continue watching."

"Sister Aisha......"

"Obey, even adventurers can't bear this kind of scene."

"Miss Haruhime, you'd better listen to Miss Aisha's advice."

Raul, who was watching the situation ahead closely, also added. His throat swallowed involuntarily, but the muscles near his neck were working hard to tighten.

"The current situation is much more cruel than the previous massacre on the 27th floor."

"But the biggest problem now is that those lunatics keep blowing themselves up. Even us, Bert and Ais, are starting to breathe heavily."

"If the blasting continues, Bert and the others may not be able to withstand it."

Raul knew how dangerous the front line was at this moment. There were already many dwarves holding shields on the vanguard side who could not resist. Either their shields were blown apart, or the arms holding the shields were burned red, and even their skin was sticky. On top of the shield.

After hearing this, Haruji really didn't dare to look ahead. The scene of a dead man charging was still too exciting for her.

Lefia kept her eyes open looking at the tragic situation in front of her, and continued to chant chants.

"Light up the flames, the lights of the forest."

"I order you to shoot arrows, elven fire arrows."

"It falls like rain and burns the barbarians!"

In one breath, all the magic power in the body was condensed into the gem of the wand in his hand. The special magic gem suddenly increased the magic power, thereby further enhancing the power of the magic. 0

"Volley Fire Javelin!"

The magic stone in the center of the wand suddenly emitted a dazzling firelight, and countless fire arrows flew out from the magic circle formed on the magic stone, shooting at the enemies in front like flaming javelins.

The four people in the vanguard were also prepared long ago. When Lefia's magic was ready, they immediately started to retreat and left Lefia's attack range.

"Volley Fire Javelin" is a range of fire attack magic mastered by Lefia. However, unlike Riveria's magic that can cause the terrain to burn, Lefia's range of magic is more prominent in the offensive nature of the magic. , but for changes in terrain.

Like a volley of flaming arrows, Lefiya's magic is more intimidating, and similarly, the attack range is wider.


After a fierce wailing sound 833, the area in front of the passage was cleared by one area.

After this purge, the number of self-destruction troops to be replaced suddenly decreased.

Finn discovered this immediately.

"Finally reduced?"

Once that kind of attack formation continues, I'm afraid even Bert and the others won't be able to hold on.

At this time, Daphne escorted Cassandra to Finn's side.

"Captain, Cassandra has something to say."

Finn's brows tightened and he quickly looked at Cassandra, whose breathing was still unstable.

"Cassandra, did something happen later?"

"Well... Captain, the beast is out of the cage. The reason why the number of people in the front is reduced now is because of an accident in the rear, and the beast is released."

"Fairy elite soldiers...?"

Finn looked ahead with a solemn expression. He originally thought he could relax a little, but he didn't expect that the situation in the front improved because a more unstable guy appeared behind the enemy.

"It seems we need to act separately."

All enemies cannot be dealt with together, absolutely not!

Once they fall into that situation, their entire team will have to face 54 Level 5 monsters, which will be really troublesome.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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