I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 700 Buff Is Full

"Those above Level 5 can act on their own!"

Basically, it is talking about the autonomous action of Level 6, which refers to the four people in the vanguard.

Four people, Bert, Tiona, Tione and Ais, have the conditions to act on their own.

They themselves have the strength to act alone, and acting on their own can strengthen their combat capabilities.

"The rest of the teams start acting according to the previously assigned teams!"

The allocation of the teams is not done now. The allocation of the teams has already been completed within three days of preparing to participate in the battle.

Several teams are divided into a detection team that is good at running errands. This team is prepared to broaden the view of the entire hidden floor. There is no need to fight, and the main focus is detection.

This team is mainly composed of Cassandra.

Therefore, this team is quite stable. As long as nothing unexpected happens, this team should be able to complete all tasks to the best of its ability.

After all, Cassandra has the ability to predict, and she has already had a precognitive dream about this strategy within three days, and she knows a lot about the internal situation.

Of course, Cassandra only foresees part of the future, rather than peeking at the entire future, so she needs to be placed in a relatively dangerous position to make her precognitive dreams more directional.

"Captain Lily."


Seeing that Cassandra was ready, Lilyluka, who was fully armed, was naturally also ready.

Here is the team that Lilluka and Daphne originally teamed up to start the in-depth strategy.

This time the two teams acted together and were assigned to the exploration team together.

"Everyone get ready."

There are more than twenty people in the entire team. In addition to some fast-footed members, there is also a defensive vanguard team, as well as some members who are good at using offensive magic and healing magic. The most outstanding one is that they go into battle lightly.

"start to act""!"

Everyone put on a coat, and at this moment, the member who put on the coat disappeared from everyone's sight.

The detection team has begun to take action, so naturally the attacking team as the center must also start to make preparations.

"Burt, this time it's up to you."

"Humph, who do you think you are!"

Bert chuckled lightly and began to move his body a little.

"Hey, those two idiot Amazons, please be careful and don't hold back."

After saying this, Bert disappeared from the team as fast as the wind.

Tiona looked at the direction Bert left with an angry look.

"Stinky wolf, I still don't know who is holding me back!"

Tione was used to the interaction between her sister and the stinky wolf, but what the stinky wolf said just now was really annoying.

But this time the strategy is about serious matters, and serious matters cannot be emotional.

"Have all the things Tiona should prepare been put in the bag?"

"Of course, I checked it several times before going out."

"Then, don't pay attention to anything that stinky wolf says. If that stinky wolf drags you back then, you must mock and ridicule him at the banquet when you return.

Dione Town, who had said this, looked at his sister worriedly.

"Don't overdo it, this strategy is no joke.

"I'm not Bert. My brain will be congested at critical moments. I deserve it."

Tiona couldn't help but complain, took a deep breath, and headed in another direction.

Tione shook her head helplessly, then turned her head and blew a kiss to Finn.

"Captain, you promised to reward me after this victory."

Suddenly receiving a blowing kiss from Thione, Finn said he was under a lot of pressure.

But considering that he had already agreed to Tione’s engagement, “It seems like there’s nothing wrong with this now.

Even Finn couldn't help but remind him when he saw Tione's leaving figure.

"be safe."

Tione, who was about to leave for a moment, quickly turned around, quickly came to Finn, held him in his arms, and even suffocated him to death in his arms.

"Captain, I will definitely come back alive!"

At this moment, Tione strengthened her belief. No matter what, she must come back alive and embark on the road of marriage with the leader, otherwise she would be gone. "Isn't she a bad woman who took advantage of the leader and didn't know where she came from?"

In an instant, Tione felt a lot of buffs appear on his head.

"Get engaged when you come back" - attack ↑ defense ↑ dodge rate ↑

"Leader's Love" - ​​Blood Recovery Attack ↑ Sanity ↓

"I will definitely come back" - avoidance rate ↑ sanity ↑

The superposition of this buff instantly made Tione seem to be completely burned.

All aspects have begun to improve significantly.

At the same time, Tione also understood very well that this strategy was the final hurdle that blocked her and the group leader, so... break through it!!!

"Oh!!! I'm leaving, leader!"

Tione burned instantly and rushed to another road with a fierce momentum.

Finn was left standing there alone. Well, you could see that there was some embarrassment in the smile that had never changed for thousands of years, and also a rare blush.

It can be seen that this is not just a matter of heat.

"Finn, this time the strategy is over, are you almost done?"

Grace kindly reminded Finn.

"You yourself know that you are looking for an heir, so it's almost time to consider getting married."

The sudden stab in the back made Finn feel uncomfortable.

"This is in the guide, Grace."

"So I just reminded you."

Finn wanted to say something, Zhao Zhao Zhao), but was forced back by Grace pouting angrily in the direction Tione left.

.........Wait until the end of the guide. "

Finn is very clear about Tione's thoughts. In addition, he already agreed to Tione's proposal in desperation last time. It seems that he really has no right to refuse.

But when it suddenly jumped to the issue of his own marriage, Finn still seemed a little at a loss.

Finn had actually started thinking about the heir matter a long time ago.

But considering his long-cherished wish, his previous idea had always been to find a suitable partner among his own ethnic group and strive to let his children inherit his unfinished goals.

But what happened with Dione made Finn have no choice but to give up his past thoughts.

At least, he can't just think about his long-cherished wish.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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