I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 702 Quick Decision

"So strong!"

After a simple contact, Aisi felt how amazing the strength of the immortal elite soldiers was.

"It's a little faster than me, and I can barely keep up with my eyes."

"The strength is so great, far beyond the height I can reach."

Although strength is not what Ais is good at, speed is her area of ​​expertise.

But even in such an area of ​​expertise, she could barely keep up with the "Fairy Elite Soldiers", which forced Ais to pay more attention.

He stretched his left hand a little and finally got out of the temporary paralysis just now.

But Aisi also understood that she was still at a huge disadvantage.

The lack of strength requires her to be extra careful when facing the claw attacks of the "Fairy Elite Soldiers". Once caught, she may suffer severe trauma.

The immortal elite soldiers are also observing Aisi's condition at this moment.

Although the immortal elite soldiers do not have ego, they still possess the intelligence in combat. This is almost the instinct of all immortal elite soldiers.

So, just like a monster hunting its prey, the immortal elite soldiers began to take action.

It appeared in front of Ais almost instantly.

Aisi also caught the figure of the immortal elite soldier at the same time. She held the sword in both hands and quickly blocked, and her body also jumped slightly.


This time the claw attack was still blocked. Aisi also took the opportunity to hold the Blade of Despair, and before her body was knocked away by the heavy force, she stabbed the Blade of Despair into the abdomen of the Fairy Elite Soldier.


There is still a very clear sound like metal collision.

Aisi noticed that there were scales like fish scales on the abdomen that blocked the blade. These scales protected the body of the fairy soldier like armor.


Aisi's eyes were always paying attention, and she found that there were such things on the skin of the immortal elite soldiers.

If these scales act as armor, then it will be difficult to defeat it easily if you don't find a weak point.

"You have to find the weakness first."

Having made up her mind, Ais no longer controlled and directly released her magic.

"Wake up!"

The cyan wind enveloped Ais' whole body.

The "Fairy Elite Soldier" was immediately alert, but the next moment a blood mark appeared on its shoulder.

The "Fairy Elite Soldier" quickly turned around and rushed towards the wind group that had not yet landed.

But this time, it did not succeed. Before it could catch up with the wind group, the wind group had already turned into a breeze and gathered directly behind it.

Aisi, who was holding the rapier, bent her arm backwards in a stabbing posture, just like the test just now, but this time the rapier was wrapped with an airtight whirlwind.

"Micro Wind!"

Not holding back at all is a unique trick that exists solely for the purpose of annihilation.

Condensing all the wind at the tip of the sword, it forms an unimaginably concentrated storm.

He stabbed out the killing sword suddenly.

The storm that shattered everything exploded completely the moment it struck.

The storm swept everything around it, and violent roars could be heard throughout the passage.

"Hoo ho ho!"

The hurricane was blowing constantly, blowing away the flying dust and stone debris from the eyes.

Traces of wind blades were seen on the floor, walls and ceiling of the passage, and even the metal inner wall, which was highly resistant to magic, was damaged to a certain extent.

After the dust dispersed, what appeared in front of him was an "Immortal Elite Soldier" with a large hole penetrated through its body.

The protective scales around the wound have been shattered. It can be seen that this blow has indeed penetrated the defense of the "Fairy Elite Soldier" and caused the most direct magic damage to it.

The "Fairy Elite Soldier" wanted to continue performing the mission, but his body began to turn white after trembling slightly, and his whole body turned into a pile of white ash.

Ais was slightly relieved when she saw that the entire body of the "Fairy Elite Soldier" had turned into white ash.

As soon as she breathed a sigh of relief, her entire face turned pale.

The pain I had suppressed just now was also burning, and I sighed in my heart when I looked at the white ash on the ground, I was lucky."

The blow just now consumed nearly one-third of her magic power before penetrating the "Fairy Elite Soldier"'s body, causing nearly irreversible damage to it.

If Fanfan had hesitated for just a moment, her energy would have been almost unable to penetrate the body of the "Fairy Elite Soldier" and cause such damage to it.

Think about it, her "Miniature Wind" even penetrated Udaios's bones, but the attack only dug a bloody hole in the "Fairy Elite Soldier"'s body.

"Without the use of magic, it is almost impossible to penetrate the defense of the Fairy Soldiers' skin."

"If you continue to delay for a while, the injury will continue to get serious and your body will be completely unable to keep up."

…Please give me flowers…

Her initial carelessness resulted in the damage she caused behind her back.

Once a quick victory is not possible, the initial injuries will definitely cause immeasurable harm to her.

Ais relaxed a little, and her vigilance towards this hidden floor was almost raised to the highest level.

You must know that the "Fairy Elite Soldier" just now is one of the 54, but there are 53 similar monsters with similar levels of trouble here.

Now there are only two paths left for Ais.

One is to go back the way you came.

Return to the team as soon as possible and bring back the information related to the "Fairy Elite Soldiers" to make everyone alert.

The second is to keep moving forward.

Believing in his teammates and convinced that they would be able to cope with the crisis faced by the "Fairy Elite Soldiers", he continued to explore this quiet path.

Aisi stood there and thought for a while, and finally made a decision.

keep going!

Ais is sure that Finn and the others will definitely not be unable to deal with the "Fairy Elite Soldiers". Now she needs to understand why this road is so quiet. Even if there are "Fairy Elite Soldiers", it will not be so quiet.


The smell of blood was somewhat blown away by the wind due to the previous battle, but the direction of the smell could still be distinguished clearly.

This time Aisi did not slow down her pace, but speeded up a bit.

After turning a corner, the strong smell of blood almost hit my face.


Even someone as strong as Aisi, who has seen big scenes, was frightened by the scene in this hidden room.

The floor in the room was covered with human flesh and blood, including internal organs, hands and feet, and even dozens of heads piled up.

And Aisi noticed that these human flesh and blood were regularly distributed on the ground, as if they had completed some kind of special sacrificial ceremony.

Even Ais felt seriously uncomfortable in this scene.

It's not that she doesn't know what the dark faction does. In the battle just now, countless dark faction soldiers rushed forward with "flame stones" and blew themselves up.

But self-destruction and sacrifice are completely different things.

Self-destruction is at least some form of confrontation because of insufficient strength.

But what about sacrifices?

This is pure fucking "evil"!

PS: I slept in yesterday... I'll make up for it today.

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