I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 703 Descendants Of Daedalus

"Well, this kind of decisiveness is really rare among children in the lower realm. He is still strong at a young age, and his talent is no worse than that of Al Koya.

Only Hera could say this. If any other god dared to say such words, it would be a clear provocation to Hera.

Zeus's face twitched a few times. He could naturally see that Loki's child was very talented, but when compared with Alfia, the gap was a bit too big.

The Loki family's children were born when they were still in Orario.

It took more than ten years to grow to Level 6. Although it is already considered good, there is still a lot of gap between Alguaia.

After all, Alfia had already reached Level 7 in less than ten years.

Even at Level 7, he had already fought a "five-eight-three" with the strongest empress among the Hera Familia. This is not something that a child of the Loki family can do.

On the contrary, it was that boy Bell.

Zeus couldn't help but hold his chin and think.

"Hera, are you impressed by Bell's methods?"

"Which one are you talking about?"

"The one who controls the immortal elite soldiers."

Hearing what Zeus said, Hera also seriously thought about what she had just seen, but in the end she shook her head helplessly.

"The kid didn't do it now. It was at least three days ago when he discovered the hidden floor. It's hard to judge what kind of method the kid used afterwards."

"But it's a bit like an "animal tamer".

Zeus nodded slightly, it was indeed a bit like it, but he finally denied this guess.

"It's possible, but probably not. We've watched him grow up little by little, and we know better than anyone whether he has talent in this area."

"And he controls 54 "Fairy Soldiers" that are at least Level 5. No matter how good the "Beast Tamer" is, he can't do such a thing. "

The profession of "Beast Tamer" can tame monsters and turn them into weapons. However, the profession of Beast Tamer is so popular, especially since monsters are the most difficult to tame.

Moreover, there are certain restrictions on the monsters that the "Beast Tamer" can tame. After all, once the number of monsters that need to be mastered increases, the "Beast Tamer" alone cannot master them.

"Furthermore, those "Fairy Soldiers" are at risk of being controlled by fairy spirits. It is probably much more difficult for an ordinary "Animal Tamer" to tame those things than to tame any monster.

Although the fairy was obviously frightened just now and did not dare to project his soul on those soldiers. At most, he only turned his attention to the guardians, but once there is such a possibility, "taming the beasts" The possibility of becoming a master has plummeted.

There are other reasons why Zeus made this judgment.

"And the way Bell looks, he doesn't look like he's going to be an "animal tamer" at all.

Although this was the first time he directly saw Bell's growth after Bell left the village, it was because of such a strange and completely unreasonable growth rate that Zeus was even more sure that Bell was definitely not an "animal tamer".

Thinking of the series of operations that Bell had just seen, even hiding all the gods, Zeus's expression was a little strange.

"If I hadn't known that that kid had only been to Orario for less than a year, I would have even felt that that kid was "Ennio". "

Hera's beautiful face also appeared briefly blank.

But if you think in the direction of Zeus, regardless of everything else, what Bell did is indeed more like the deeply hidden "Ennio".

He casually teased the Dark Faction, and even used all the fairy's trump cards for his own use. Even this important strategy against the Dark Faction was planned by that kid.

This intention and ability really make people doubt whether he is the real "Ennio Factory".

"Lord Hera, is the direction where "Sword Queen" is going the same direction that Bell left?"

These words immediately attracted the attention of Zeus and Hera.


The room strewn with corpses is filled with traces of "sacrifice."

There are also dozens of seats, which looked like they were holding things.

Aisi noticed for a moment that there were still some sticky things left around the platform. It looked like something was born from the platform.

"Is it...that one?"

The figure of "Fairy Elite Soldier" appeared in Ais' mind.

Because she had just met one at the door, Ais couldn't help but think that this might be the room where those "Fairy Elite Soldiers" were hatched...

Then, these pieces of meat scattered on the ground may be the materials used to feed "Xian Jingbing Mountain."

Looking at the pieces of meat on the ground again, Ais frowned slightly and walked outside instead of staying in the room.


He took a deep breath and completely replaced the disgusting smell he smelled in the cultivation room.

"So, the traces outside are also left behind by the battle with the immortal elite soldiers?"

Ais thought about the several-meter-long knife mark she saw where she had just entered.

But, who is it?

The next moment, Aisi thought of the most likely person.

Bell Cronny!

"He didn't leave."

Ais thought he had left at the entrance, but she didn't expect him to be here.

But after thinking about Bell's operations in the past, Aisi felt that it was reasonable.

"I wonder if we can find him."

With this thought, Aisi did not choose to stay here, but quickly walked towards the location.

But this time it was not just to explore the hidden floors, but also to see if he could find his whereabouts.

In this kind of thinking, Aisi's purpose of moving forward changed slightly.

And just at the far end of this road, Bell also stopped in front of a special hidden room.

"It's right here, it's really hidden."

Suddenly the wall of the hidden room trembled slightly, and 2.9 slowly opened.

Bell slowly walked into the room, and there was a person in the room waiting for his arrival.

This is a man with disheveled hair. His body does not look very strong, but his eyes hidden by his hair reveal a burst of madness.

But what attracted more attention was the scarlet curse in this man's eyes.

"The curse of Daedalus, there are really people who are constantly struggling with this kind of thing."

Bell shook his head slightly, as if he had disdain and incomprehension for this curse.

"You...everything is you..."

The disheveled man stared at Bell intently.

"You found the one on the previous floor... I didn't expect you to find even this floor..."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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