I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 708 Is This What You Call Cowardly?

Zeus, who was thousands of miles away, was stunned when he heard this.

Not to mention him, everyone present, even Hera, felt that he was experiencing auditory hallucinations.

Zeus felt that his head hurt a little, and he shook his head hard to get rid of the bad mood just now, and asked Hera who was sitting next to him very escaping from reality:

"Hera, did I just hear that brat say that he planned the confrontation between Loki and Freya?"

"...Well, I heard it."

Hera also felt incredible at the moment. The child said that he was very timid, but in the end he did something so explosive.

"Although I've had trouble with Freya before, I've probably never had such a direct design before, right?"

Hera couldn't help but recall her life in Orario. At that time, she made many enemies, but she never used this method to deal with any god.

Well, she usually doesn't take revenge overnight.

If there is any trouble, we will solve it directly on the spot, and we will not use this method to trick people behind their backs.

"...When did you have such a good temper that you could tolerate being bullied?"

Hera was not angry when she heard Zeus's words, because that's what she really did.

And the matter at hand is obviously more serious.

"Zeus, did the news from Hermes mention Freya and Loki?"

This question made Zeus's whole face full of confusion, but considering the current situation, there was really no way to hide it.

"Hermes did say something about Freya and Loki."

"Freya's situation is almost the same as that of this brat. In order to get in touch with this brat, Freya has now taken the initiative to stand in Uranus's team."


Hera couldn't help but open her mouth when she heard this, and then turned her head to look at Bell, who only had half of his face exposed in the projection.

"The fall of Hestia is still within the scope of what I can accept. I didn't expect that even Freya, a woman with deep thoughts, would also fall?"

Hera thought that the scheming woman would never find the "man of destiny" she always talked about, but she didn't expect that Freya actually found "the man in the city who she watched growing up, Bell."

This has to be said to be a kind of fate.

Knowing this, Hera felt less worried about Bell.

"Now that Freya has taken action, Freya must have paid more than a little attention to Bell, and even said that she knew about Bell's actions today.

"As for Loki, that flat brain is not as difficult to move as Hestia's. He must have already known Bell's unabashed behavior."

"Since she stepped in, it must be because this behavior is also in her interests."

"If you think about it this way, Bell's problem shouldn't be big."

Judging from the relationship at this level, Hera reacted and even discovered a very serious problem.

"Zeus, this strategy is obviously planned by Bell. Doesn't he know that it's inappropriate for him to say so much here? Moreover, he also deliberately separated his identity from that of Hestia's family members. It's almost as if he had planned it in advance. It’s like knowing that a god is watching.”


Zeus suddenly woke up after being reminded. Considering that Bell had deliberately separated his identity from that of Hestia's retinue before, it now seemed that these ten strategies had been planned a long time ago.

"If all this is really prepared in advance, then that brat really has everyone involved."

Uranus must have been the one who planned all these actions, and Hermes was the executor.

Therefore, from the beginning, Bell had already guessed that the gods would see the entire strategy process, and everything he said was deliberately revealed.

Doesn't this mean that Ouranos is also included in the calculation?

This is really courageous.

Even Zeus couldn't help but gasp in his heart at this bold act. This was much more serious than plotting against the two goddesses.

"You brat, didn't you say that you are very careful and prudent? Why do you do such crazy things?"

Even Zeus couldn't help but complain in his heart.


"I see."

Ais nodded knowingly. She had already guessed some things before.

Although what happened that time was really dangerous, she could feel afterward that everything went too smoothly.

"Even now, the soul of that guy in 3.1 has still not fully recovered, which makes him have no courage to really appear in front of me."

After all, the Fairy Spirit is also one of the steps Bell has prepared for himself, and it is too early to get involved now.

But when facing the fairies, not even one of them died on the 59th floor. This is simply unreasonable.

"After all, he and I made some preparations before you went to the 59th floor.

"Ah, obviously I didn't have the ability to completely cut off his soul last time, but I was only slightly frightened, and the guy couldn't help but cut off his own soul first.

Because Aisi knew that no matter how weak the fairy was, she would not show the aura of Level 8, but she would not be able to leave even one of them behind.

"Of course, I did not control the body of the fairy after it escaped, but I chose to let it be completely released by its own instincts.

Yes, because I have crossed a field.

He restrained his smile a little, but he still couldn't be too arrogant.

Although the fairy did not have the courage to appear directly in front of him, this was still a good thing.

Bell shrugged helplessly.

Bell couldn't help laughing when he thought about that scene.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

"Before the fairy was fully hatched, he started to cut his soul. Because of that incident, he didn't dare to face me directly. He was worried that I would project it on him. Soul takes action.

"So, there is no need to doubt your collective efforts that time. There is no doubt that defeating the Fairy Spirit was achieved with the cards in your hands and your efforts. I did not control this aspect."

"No wonder the fairy spirit on the 59th floor is so successful."

Ais herself had experienced challenging the floor master, and Udaios was killed by her in a fight with her at the cost of every hand and kick.

Even though Riveria, Finn and Grace didn't say anything, and maybe they didn't even know, Ais felt that things were too simple.

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