I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 709 The Truth Of This World

That’s what it says, but is there really no operation behind it?

Anyone who is a little smarter knows that there must be a secret operation behind this, otherwise the final result will be the complete annihilation of Loki's family.

However, Bell did not continue talking at this level.

In fact, Bell didn't intentionally lie. Even if the Level 8 Fairy Spirit is fake, the Level 7 Fairy's strength is indeed real.

"Jian Ji, is there anything else?"

Everything that needs to be said has been said, so it’s time to separate.


Bell, who was just about to leave, suddenly stopped and looked at Ais who stopped him in confusion.

"I have something else I want to ask."

"Oh~ Then tell me. 27

"I would like to ask, why do the gods of the dark faction want to return the world to chaos?"

Bell was a little stunned by Sword Queen's question, and then couldn't help laughing.

"It turns out that this is what happened. I thought it was something very important."

Although I don't know where Ais' curiosity comes from, from Bell's point of view, it doesn't need to be hidden so much.

"That's just the idea that the gods of the dark faction are too self-righteous."

"Ha~ Because they want to use the world as a threat to see if the people who created them will care.

With a disdainful laugh, Bell casually stated all the fundamentals that the dark faction was fighting for.

For this answer, Bell also thought about the situation of the dark faction, and finally got the reason why they wanted to return the world to chaos.

But this answer is very ridiculous. At least in Bell's opinion, this is just the "useless" behavior of the gods.

Wanting to use the world as a threat? To threaten the existence of a higher dimension that created the gods? This kind of thinking is a kind of arrogance.

Do you think that if they make some noise, the world will "ignore them?"

To put it bluntly, gods are nothing more than "canaries" created by the world.

How can the world be threatened by the "canary" of its own creation?

"The arrogant gods believe that such behavior can attract the attention of "the world" and solve the mystery in their hearts that has never been solved.

As he spoke, Bell couldn't help laughing.

"Pfft hahahaha!"

"My stomach hurts so much! Those fools actually think they can attract the world's attention with such useless means? Do the people who can create their existence care about the mess they make on the surface of the earth?"

"But it's no wonder, after all, they thought the "world" would care. "

Feeling like he was about to burst from laughter, Bell tried his best to cover his sore stomach from laughing.

Looking up at Ais who was confused, Bell shook his head slightly, but he didn't mind explaining to Ais.

After all, this can be regarded as a world-level secret. This is also the long-cherished wish of the gods and those dark factions who are committed to returning the world to chaos.

Ais tilted her head in confusion, recalling Bell's sneer just now and Bell's last words, the doubts in her heart became more serious.

"Is the world...a human being? If the person called "the world" created the world, why doesn't he care?"

After trying hard to relieve the pain in his stomach, Bell straightened up with a smile.

"I really can't answer the question of whether the world is a human being. He should be a higher-dimensional existence, an existence that is completely different from gods and humans."

"As for why he doesn't care... Sword Lady, after using the "panacea], will the bottle still be left?"

Aisi answered almost instinctively.


After reacting, Ais looked at Bell with a hint of disbelief.

Bell just shrugged slightly and continued on with the topic.

"Jian Ji, if you are the one who makes the "Panax", and the bottle you use is made of very special materials, once it breaks, it will be gone." Then what will you do with the bottle after using the "City Panacea||" manage?"

Listening to Bell's question again, Ais couldn't be immersed in her incomprehension. Instead, she thought about Bell's question seriously.

"If it is a precious material, I should put the bottle away, clean it again, and then put it in the panacea." "

Bell nodded in agreement with this answer, and then his question came again.

"So Sword Lady, how many times do you think this world has been cleansed?"


"So Sword Lady, how many times do you think this world has been cleansed?"

Listening to the question raised by the unknown boy in the projection screen, the gods in the Tower of Babel fell into a deathly silence.

"I washed it several times..."

The eyes of all the gods are about to lose their luster.

It is really difficult for them to accept the statement "washed several times".

"So...the world doesn't care what the dark faction does because once it reaches the point of no return, there will be no salvation. Is it just a complete reset of the world?"

At this moment, the gods understood how Chongzhi felt.

Even Hermes, who had been mentally prepared, felt that his heart was a little unable to bear it.

Because in the process of the world being cleansed, there is no difference between gods and insects. They are all a group of helpless little people who cannot resist.

But when he thought that everything in his past would be cleared and everything in his past would be experienced again, Hermes also felt a little short of breath.

If this is the truth, then Hermes feels that there is really no crueler truth than this.

"This, this is the truth of the world!?"

"This kid dares to plot against me and Freya, and he won't lie to my children like this when talking to them behind our backs."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Loki directly expressed his opinion, and there was some shock in her eyes, but she could still accept this reality.

But once some things are exposed, people can't help but think about it, especially about the existence of a higher dimension in the world.

He subconsciously denied this fact.

They couldn't believe this fact.

"Only what is said inadvertently is more like the truth."

The other gods also looked in disbelief.

"No...this kid can't be telling the truth..."

"It should be true."

"If this 470 is the truth, then once things fall into that situation, even gods cannot avoid being reset."

Therefore, this is most likely true.

But Hermes quickly realized that if there was no basis for this kind of thing, Bell probably wouldn't reveal it on this occasion.

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