I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 710 The Reason For The Great Purge?

"I'm not the only one who doesn't know, right?"

Loki didn't care that this was a secret, but what she cared more about was when did she know the secret?

Turning his head slightly, Loki glanced at Hestia, Hephaestus and Artemis who were sitting upright. Loki finally understood.

"It seems we don't know."

Some personal secrets can be known by only one person, but some secrets cannot be known by only one person. For Loki, the matter in front of him is obviously the latter.

Fortunately, apart from Bell himself, no one else was told.

After getting rid of distracting thoughts, Loki began to think about the matter in front of him.

"It's actually quite serious."

"This time Hermes is attacking the dark faction. Hermes not only projected this picture in front of us, but even the entire Orario also projected it. These words and these things may be reflected today. Then the whole Orario will know."

Loki could almost imagine that after today, the entire Orario's fighting spirit would completely fall to the ground.

But after thinking about Orario's current situation for a moment, Lu Ji put down this worry.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, in Orario, only a few Familia were operating normally in the past, and most of the other Familia were just fishing. Even if they knew about these things, the impact would not be very big."

Loki knows how decadent Orario's adventurers are. Even if the current situation is more serious than in the past, that's actually the case.

As for Bell who caused this impact, Loki shook his head slightly.

"He definitely doesn't care whether those people become more decadent."

"It's better to leave these headaches to Ouranos to think about, so I don't have to worry about them."

Loki, who had already considered ignoring the matter, put his elbows on the table and rested his chin on the back of his crossed hands. Even his voice was lowered, making it sound much deeper than before.

"This kid must know something we don't know..."

"Creating existences above our gods is something we have been exploring in the past but still don't know. Why does this child know it?"

"There must be a reason for this."

Then Loki changed the topic in a deep voice.

"Although I don't know the reason for this part, as long as this kid doesn't know about our spying, then there is a high probability that what this kid said is true.

"After all, there is no need for this kid to lie to my child when we are one-on-one, unless he knows that we are watching him all the time, and he just told us on purpose.

After finishing speaking, Loki glanced directly at Hermes and Ganesha.

The gods understood and turned their gaze away.

"Hermes, you won't leak the secret, right?"


Hermes was completely speechless. Why did the topic shift directly to him? He even directly asked him if he had leaked the secret?

In this regard, Hermes also expressed that he was wronged, and he raised his hands slightly aggrieved.

"I dare to swear that I did not disclose the plan to be implemented today to anyone."

"And the decision to gather the gods together today to watch the dark factions be cleared out is also a temporary decision. Even this decision was made by Ouranos. "I am just an executor MR.

Well, seeing Hermes swearing, the gods confirmed that this guy would never be the person to do such a thing.

Moreover, this guy is well versed in Mingzhe's tactics to protect himself. How could he give away his information so easily?

"So, Hermes did not leak the secret, that is, this child has certain basis to tell what he knows in his heart."

The gods also understood that there must be something special about the child in the picture, otherwise they would not have said such words.

"If what this child said is true, then the truth that we have been exploring but failed may lie in this child.

This suddenly ignited all the interests of the gods.

Although the "cleansing" of the world made the gods feel a chill and made them truly understand the powerlessness of ordinary people in the face of despair, they also understood that this was definitely not a bad thing.

"If the world will inevitably face purges when it comes to the end, how many times has our world been purged?"

"If the world is going to end every time, why does the world have to go through this kind of purge?"

The gods couldn't help but raise their own questions.

"That's right. Since the world is destined to end, why does the "world" that created us need to be purged? If we don't change, wouldn't everything be like experiencing it all over again?"

Going through it again is equivalent to the world coming to an end. So what is the significance of the "Great Purge"?

Freya glanced at the gods present who were lost in thought, and then reminded:

"So, the "Great Purge" exists for a certain purpose, and the "Great Purge" itself is meaningful.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Freya's voice became a little thicker.

The gods all had a headache at this moment.

The gods who were reminded instantly woke up.

"All the "crucibles" should be the "three major commissions." "

(Mom is good) "You should know, the recent black dragon riot... this may be a symbolic signal."

......yes. The era of Zeus and Hera has passed. Is there anyone in Orario who can defeat the black dragon now?"

Seeing that these idiots had reacted, Freya shook her head slightly, but continued to explain:

"Reset everything, everything will change, or nothing will change. Creating our "world" should be hoping to use the "Great Purge" to change something, and this is how the "Great Purge" came about significance."

The gods reacted at the same time, and all the gods' eyes were focused on the projection.

"Hey...it would be troublesome even if we knew this."

Everyone knows what Freya said, and everyone knows that the latest dragon roar from the black dragon almost caused the entire Orario to fall into a riot.

.......Wait! Isn’t there another one?

"The "Black Dragon of the Sky", "Behemoth of the Earth" and "Leviathan of the Sea", this may not be the agreement between the dungeon and us, but the biggest test that the world has given to us gods and impoverished children. "

"Behemoth and Leviathan were conquered by the families of Zeus and Hera respectively, and the last remaining ones were the black dragons!"

Therefore, the "crux" of everything may be, as Freya said, the "three major commissions."


As for the signal... you may not believe it in the past, but now everyone can't help but believe it.

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