I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 711 His Identity

"I have no idea....……"

Ais didn't know how many times the world had been cleansed, and she didn't quite understand what it felt like to be "cleansed."

"Do not you know?"

Seeing the confusion in Ace's eyes, Bell probably understood what was going on.

The ignorant are fearless. This sentence can very well describe Aisi's situation at this moment.

She knows that the situation is very bad, and she also understands that "being purged" is definitely not a good thing, but other than that, she has no other understanding, so she can be unafraid.

However, Bell was not disappointed at all. Instead, he smiled happily.

"It's better not to know. Some things are best not to know. Once you know them, you may not even have the motivation to move forward."

"If the adventurers in Orario knew about it, maybe they would lie down and feel more at ease.'

Bell's attitude towards most of the adventurers in Orario is indifferent.

Whether they have good or bad talents, their actions are only responsible for themselves anyway, so it doesn't matter.

Since you choose to lie down, just lie down and don't get up.

Bell didn't blame her at all for this. It was actually because Orario was really comfortable, or to be precise, the world was very comfortable.

Ais has also seen many adventurers stagnant, so she understands the meaning of Bell's words.

Bell looked at Ais with a smile.

"So, any other questions?"

Ais nodded slightly. She had one last question, but this question was not asked for herself, but for Loki.

"Who is He that you are talking about? Where is He?"

Bell didn't expect that Ais would ask this question, but looking at the expectation and worry in Ais's eyes, Bell vaguely understood what she was thinking.

"I see, you are ignorant and fearless, but you are very worried about God Loki."

"Well, although I appreciate your consideration for God Loki, Lady Swordsman, his position is not something that I, alone, can control.

"As for the identity, I actually just made a guess about the identity of that "world", and there is no clear evidence yet.

Indeed, Bell now has a rough guess about the incarnation of "the world".

But if his guess is correct, then the first person to know the identity of "The World" may not be him, but another person.

If you want to verify it, you need to find some more detailed evidence, otherwise Bell would not dare to do such nonsense.

Aisi may not know, but Bell knows that many gods are staring at him at this moment.

After hearing this, Aisi was also a little disappointed, but she knew that there was nothing she could do about it. After all, it was a matter of the "world", and that was a god above the gods. How could he know the other party's affairs so easily.

However, Aisi did not continue to worry about the things that could not be asked.

"I see."

"Aren't you going to ask any more questions?"

“Well, if you don’t understand anything, I’ll ask Riveria when I get back.

When Aisi doesn't understand something, she won't just sit back and think about it on her own. Instead, she'll find other people to help answer her doubts.

In her opinion, if you don't understand something, just go to someone and don't think about it yourself.

"Actually, you can ask God Loki. Even though she is usually laughing and joking, that god is much more sober than others. And this is something related to gods. You can ask Riveri Deputy Captain Ya, it will be difficult for you to ask her to give you some answers."

Bell could already imagine the confused look of Deputy Captain Riveria when faced with Ais' question, so he recommended that it be better to go to Loki for this question.


(chai) Although Loki is simply synonymous with unreliability in Aisi’s perception, there are still times when Loki is very reliable, and it is definitely right to ask Loki for some things.

The only thing that needs to be considered is not to let Loki seize the opportunity, otherwise the pervert will definitely become a bitch.

"Then, since you have no more questions, I'll leave first."


Seeing that Aisi had no other questions, Bell did not stay where he was and walked towards the dark front of this road.

Ais watched Bell's leaving figure and stood there without taking any action for a moment.

And in the dark distance came Bell's voice.

"Ah, Sword Lady, you have killed one soldier before, and there are two more coming towards you, please be careful.


"Captain Finn won't say anything even if they find out, and they don't want such a big trouble in the team."

"Since there is no problem with the team, I can go to God Xanatos first."

"The other part...well, has there been a head-on conflict?"

This result is what Bell hopes for. If there is no conflict, how can the god Dionysus escape from the layers of siege?

Facing one "Fairy Elite Soldier" can be considered a challenge for Ais now, but facing two Fairy Elite Soldiers would be a disaster.

When Aisi heard this, her expression changed instantly, and the wind around her instantly enveloped her whole body. This was no joke.

"Part of the fairy elite soldiers will devour the remaining cannon fodder in this layer. Since those guys want to sacrifice their flesh and blood, they will continue to become part of the flesh and blood of the fairy elite soldiers. This is what they want."

Then Bell turned his attention to the other side.

Now she either has to strike first, or she can only wait to be targeted by two "Fairy Elite Soldiers".

If she could continue to work in the field of Level 6 for a while, she might be able to face them at the same time, but it is definitely not possible now.

The aura of a god is very dazzling even in a dungeon. With a little attention, Bell found the specific location of another god.

"You still have to give her a little pressure, otherwise she won't have such a strong motivation to grow."

PS: Make up for it.

Only when facing a crisis can God Dionysus leave the team logically and then go to the location of God Xanatos alone.

Bell couldn't help but snicker as he sensed Ace's reaction.

After briefly confirming the current situation, Bell already knew where the way forward was.

It would be difficult for her to deal with one more "Fairy Elite Soldier" of the same intensity just now, let alone two more.

"Idiot, do you think I will really let two soldiers rush up at the same time?"

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