I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 712 Lefiya Who Grows At A Rapid Speed

"found it."

The aura of the god was still too obvious. Bell quickly locked onto the aura of Thanatos, and also discovered that the god who was with the team had left the team and was still rushing towards him at a very fast speed. Sanatos location.

"It seems that only chaos can make the two gods appear together quickly."

This is a good thing.

Bell raised the corners of his mouth slightly and walked towards the direction where the two gods gathered.

He didn't hide his aura like usual, but controlled his footsteps and moved forward slowly in the most ordinary state.

"Attention ahead! The immortal elite soldiers are coming!"

Finn was commanding the situation on the battlefield, and his sharp eyes immediately locked onto the "Fairy Elite Soldiers" that were rushing up not far away.

Lefiya in the back has already recited the chant.

"Volley Fire Javelin!"

A large number of rockets were shot out from Lefia's wand, "Seven-Forty-O", attacking the front with almost no aim.

A cloud of dust was blown away by a series of bombings.

But this class is not as simple as facing a cannon fodder and a suicide bomb. A pair of eyes in the dust are shining with a strange cold light.

The three shadows quickly dispersed and rushed towards Lefiya.

Lefia gritted her teeth when she saw this scene. The consumption of the Emperor's magic power just now made her gasp and feel a crack and heat in her throat.

But at this moment, Lefia did not retreat like an ordinary magician. Instead, she raised her wand and began to move to the left. At the same time, she began to recite different chants.

"Make a wish in the name of Wei Xian, ancestors of the forest, noble compatriots. Respond to my voice and come to the grassland. 1"

A strange aura began to appear around Lefia's body, covering her entire body.

At the same time, the three "Fairy Elite Soldiers" quickly surrounded him.

"So fast!"

Looking at the speed of these "Fairy Elite Soldiers", Lefia was also shocked, but she reacted quickly. She quickly took out the "Exclusive Strengthening" rune stones from her space pocket and squeezed them instantly. broken.

The brilliance of the runes instantly covered Lefiya's whole body, suddenly raising her speed to a new level.

This sudden increase in speed caused the surrounding "Fairy Elite Soldiers" to be dodged before they even got close.

His eyes were paying attention to the position of these "Fairy Elite Soldiers", his body was also changing positions quickly, and at the same time, he was chanting chants in his mouth.

"The bond of connection, the promise of feasting. Dance around the ring, come on, the fairy ring, I beg you to use my strength!"

Rings belonging to the elves appeared around Lefia, moving with her movements.

And this ring also gave Lefia a special right, and she could use the magic of her fellow elves within limited conditions.

So, Lefiya started.

"The harbinger of the end, the white snow. Facing the dusk, let the strong wind roll up.

"The closed light, the frozen earth. The sky is full of blowing snow, and there are three severe visitors."

This is Riveria's magic, but now she has almost completed the recitation of this magic.

A large amount of magic power poured into the wand in Lefiya's hand. In the center of the small wand, a magic circle appeared in the magic crystal used for amplification.


The three "Fairy Elite Soldiers" immediately separated their positions and rushed into Lefiya from three different directions.

This is not surprising.

She knows that this magic has an attack direction, and it is often the most difficult for this kind of directional magic to hit something that moves so fast.

Even if she was lucky enough to hit one, the other two "Fairy Elite Soldiers" would kill her.

Therefore, she could only hit them all, leaving no possibility for any of the "Fairy Elite Soldiers" to attack.

So she only has one direction of attack.

Lefiya pointed her wand at the ground.

"My name is Alf!"

"Ecstasy Finbulwinter!"

Endless cold air instantly spurted out from the magic crystal of the wand, instantly freezing the ground where Lefia was on into ice, and scattered magic poured into the surrounding area instantly.

The three "Fairy Elite Soldiers" had already approached Lefiya due to their acceleration, but under such circumstances, they received the greatest damage from this freezing magic.

The radiating cold air instantly froze the three "Fairy Elite Soldiers" who were almost in front of Lefia.

The three lifelike ice sculptures also highlighted the terrifying destructive power of the magic Lefia used just now.

This moment is enough to prove how strong Lefia is at this moment.

Unlike in the past, she only mastered super destructive magic, but had almost zero actual combat experience and courage to face battles. Now, in addition to being a magician, she is also an excellent warrior.

The three "Fairy Elite Soldiers" who had reached Level 5 were completely frozen into ice sculptures after two rounds of magic cannon fire.

Such a "great deed" is enough to take Lefia's level up a step further...

Several consecutive rounds of magic volleys, coupled with the use of "Exclusive Strengthening", allowed her to show the results of all her special training.

But even though the results were gratifying, Lefiya was completely exhausted at the moment.

The massive consumption of magic power, the overloaded exercise of her body, and the dryness and burning of her throat made her unable to make any sound. Now she could only maintain the posture in which she had just released the magic.

"Ha ha………"

You can feel the tearing pain every time you breathe, but Lefiya still needs to breathe a lot, otherwise the impact of the overloaded exercise just now will not be relieved.

The crazy extraction of magic power still made her feel mentally exhausted.

This is also the first time that Lefiya actively extracts magic power, and she extracts it without any scruples.

Before he could rest for a while, three "Fairy Elite Soldiers" with terrifying strength surrounded him. This was simply killing people. If he didn't overdraw his magic power, he would have died when he faced the three "Fairy Elite Soldiers" just now.

Lefia asked in a slightly hoarse voice.

PS: I'm very sorry that things happened suddenly this time. .

There was no regret for being weak in those tears, but only the joy of growing up.

"Lefiya, you worked very hard."

PS: I'm back today. You don't need me to stay with you all night. Everyone is here today, so it's fine for them to stay with you.

In response, Riveria put a hand on Lefiya's head and praised her with emotion.

Riveria also smiled happily when she saw the fruits that Lefia had worked hard to bear.

PS: Tomorrow my cousin and I will stay overnight together until the morning of the 13th, and we will send it out in the morning, so this chapter will be regarded as today’s update, and it will be completely restored on the 13th.


Lefiya smiled happily, tears flowing from her eyes.


You must know that when the self-destruction soldiers came in large numbers before, she was the one who dealt with the charge of the self-destruction soldiers.

It's even said to be an overdraft.

"Yes, you have grown, you have grown to a height beyond my imagination."

She walked up to Lefiya with the "panacea" in hand, raised her chin, and carefully poured it into her.

Lefia quickly drank a whole tube of "panacea". Under the treatment of "panacea", the chapped throat recovered, and even her nearly dry mental strength also recovered a little.

"In 2.1 Veliya... I have grown up a bit..."

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