I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 719 Do You Still Want Me To Survive?

"Isn't this a catch?"

But this scene was so terrifying in Xanatos' eyes.

You must know that power is the same as the world, both are invisible things.

Power is not so much a kind of power as it is a kind of concept, so if children in the lower world cannot understand it, they will naturally not be able to touch it.

Not to mention children from the lower world, even gods cannot touch the power controlled by other gods.

But now a child from the lower world has seized the power he has, which is simply unbelievable to Banatus.

Of course, this is because Thanatos doesn't know that Bell also possesses powers similar to powers.

Rune is actually a type of power.

It's just that even if he can use Rune's control rights, Bell cannot use other people's powers at will. All he can do is seize them, which is the so-called "restriction".

Of course, Bell has no interest in other powers. After all, he can master runes, which means he controls almost 80% of all powers.

Maybe there is still a certain gap between the complete 100%, but sometimes this is the price to pay for "omnipotence."

Bell restricted his power, then adjusted his clothes a little, and then knelt down on one knee facing the ground.

"Mother of all things, I pray to you here, hoping that you can take away this omnipotence."

He held up the power of Thanatos with one hand.

There are no other unnecessary rituals, just a simple prayer.

But something so simple that even a god would not want to listen to it attracted the eyes of the world.

Under the eyes of the gods, an invisible hand took over the power from Bell and brought it into the endless void.

Bell, who was kneeling on the ground, didn't feel proud at all. He just retracted his hand as a matter of course.

"Thank you very much, mother."

After a simple thank you, Bell stood up and placed the divine core held in his other hand into the four-digit space.

"Then I should say "Farewell", God Kunatos. "

Bell didn't give God Thanatos any time to wait. He withdrew the influence of the sin and held his soul tightly in his hands.

After the "world" took back its power, God Xanatos has lost his qualifications as a god. Now he is just a soul that once was a god.

It used to be easy to deal with, after all, the current god Xanatos can no longer affect his power.

Therefore, there is only one thing that needs to be done now.


With the gentle squeeze of Bell's hand, it symbolized that Thanatos' soul was completely crushed to pieces.

This means that there is no soul belonging to the god Thanatos in this world at this moment, and there is no place for him at all. He has truly died from this world.

"To cut weeds, you need to remove the roots, otherwise the roots will often cause a series of unnecessary troubles."

"Only when everything that belongs to the god Thanatos is uprooted will there be no need to worry about subsequent revenge."

"I never want a little tail staring at me from behind."

That's how Bell handles things.

When facing trouble, try to deal with it as cleanly as possible. There will be countless troubles waiting in the future.

"So, God Dionysus, are you ready?"

Bell then glanced at Fairfax with interest.

"Or maybe I can have a little fun with your group leader?"


Dionysus knew in his heart that Phil Weiss might have gained a strength not weaker than Level 7 due to the clone magic, but she was still not qualified to challenge the child in front of him at this moment.

Fairfax's (chfa) play now is just laying the foundation for her own trouble.

Since he knew that Fairweis was no match, Dionysus would naturally not let Fairweis die on her own initiative.

"I hope you can let this kid go."

"Your leader?"

Bell wasn't surprised at all when he heard this. He had known from before that the Dionysus god's feelings for Fairwies were not fake at least.

"Although what I said is a bit rude, there are still certain differences between your leader and ordinary people. She even has extreme disgust for herself.

"If she is allowed to continue like this, can she really be redeemed?"

"I'm afraid that if my true identity is not exposed by then, I will eventually choose to die for some reason."

Dionysus couldn't help but glance at Phil Weiss, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

When this question was asked, Dionysus had completely lost control.

"That guy told me before that if possible, leave the body of the Fairy Guardian. But in the end, the Fairy Guardian has been over-transformed. When it dies, it becomes like an ordinary monster. A pile of ashes."

"You still want me to survive?"

In response to this, Phil Weiss just looked at Master Dionysus in a daze.

Therefore, Dionysus could only leave the right of choice to Fairways herself.

Although what he said just now was very straightforward, he could not deny that such a possibility really existed.

"Well, let's reshape part of the body. When her body is reshaped, it won't be complete. As long as that part of the reshaped body is reshaped, the reshaped body tissue should be able to be adjusted back."

Besides, in fact, what happened back then had a certain relationship with him, and Dionysus had to consider the possibility in this regard.

This kid was in serious trouble because of what happened on the 27th floor.

"But that guy still has the hand that I chopped off last time. Based on that hand as a sample, it should be possible to analyze the physical condition of your leader.

Of course, Bell can only say that it is possible to adjust back. After all, he has never personally performed any physical adjustments and transformations.

"But, I think even he may not be able to do it perfectly."

"That's the disadvantage of complete transformation. After the magic stone is broken, you will encounter such trouble.

Dionysus was also in trouble at this moment. After all, this choice was also troublesome.

"Filewis, what do you want to choose?"

"What's your solution?"

Bell is generally certain about this. Based on his interest in the physical fitness of the fairy guardians, he has indeed done corresponding research and also knows some things about transformation.

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