I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 720 Don’T Forget This Hatred

"While you can survive, I hope you can survive.

Dionysus didn't care much about his own death, but he still cared about Phil Weiss' life and death.

Not because of anything else, just because he really loves this child.

Fairwis wanted to say, "I would rather die with you," but looking into Lord Dionysus's eyes, she couldn't say it.

It's not because she feels guilty, but because she knows that Lord Dionysus will definitely say that I don't want you to die with me.

Perhaps Master Dionysus would not say this before, but since her relationship with Lefiya has become better and better, Fairweis has a vague feeling that Master Dionysus will really say this. .

This made Fairwest a little unsure whether her relationship with Lefiya was a good thing or not.

"Lord Dionysus..."

"No need to say anything, Fairfax, you should know what I want to say.

Dionysus directly interrupted all the subsequent words of Fairweis.

There are some things that Fairwest should not say out loud, otherwise she will have a hard time in the future.

As a god, he actually always knows his own thoughts in his heart, but as a god, he also knows very well that it is best not to say some words, because everything is just a tragedy.

After saying that, Dionysus turned and looked at Bell.

"let's start."

"No need to continue talking?"

"Some things may have to wait a while before I can say them."

.....…All right. "

Bell did not continue speaking. He had already said what needed to be said and now it was time to say goodbye.

The hand did not accumulate strength, but easily penetrated Dionysus' heart and dug out his divine core.

There was no pain on the severely wounded Dionysus' face.

"Lord Dionysus...

There were two traces of tears on Fairwest's face, and there was deep sadness in her voice.

Dionysus has already felt the passage of life at this moment. He knows that his soul will not be destroyed so soon at this moment, but it will only be a matter of time.

But he didn't hold a grudge.

Death is just an acceptable part of it. Even as a god, if you do something wrong, you still have to face the fate of being killed. This is just a cycle of nature.

"My heart has always been yours."

Since a long time ago, he has always been in love with this child who is not very good at words but always takes care of him.

"Lord Dionysus..."

At this moment, Philweis very much wished to die like this. Perhaps by dying like this, she could be with Lord Dionysus all the time.

Bell didn't say anything, and he didn't pollute the soul of God Dionysus with any mortal sin, but even so, it was just a delay of tens of seconds.

The death of the body meant that the god Dionysus could not persist for long.

The soul quickly escapes.

"Mother of all things, I pray to you here, hoping that you can take away this power."

Just like before, the invisible hand took away the power belonging to the god Dionysus.

"Thank you very much, mother."

At this moment, Dionysus' soul is like a candle in the wind, which will completely dissipate with just one blow.

And this is already the inevitable result.

"Well, Dionysus, the time has come."

"It should be said goodbye."

Bell can be regarded as giving more face, otherwise he would not even bother to say anything, just like God Xanatos just now, his soul was crushed before he could finish saying "wait"

Finally, the soul of the god Dionysus glanced at Philweis, and then his soul was crushed.

Faileweisi's knees softened and she fell to the ground.

The death of the Lord God often has a great impact on the dependents who have the corresponding "God's Favor" [The power obtained from the "Favor System" will also be sealed together.

At this moment, Phil Weiss is just a relatively ordinary girl, not even an adventurer.

"I...became a person again..."

The highlight was lost in the pupils.

The huge world has now lost her place.

She originally thought that Lord Dionysus was everything to her, but who knew that one day would come and her world would be taken away from her.

Bell understood how Fairwes was feeling at the moment, so he didn't disturb her sentimentality at the moment.

"Are you feeling better?"

After waiting for a while, Bell reminded Fairways ten minutes later.

Faileweisi, who was kneeling on the ground, raised her head with bloodshot eyes. When she looked at Bell, her eyes still showed deep hatred.

"You still hate me because of the death of the god Dionysus?"

Bell didn't mind the hatred in this girl's eyes at all. Normally when faced with this kind of situation, he would choose to ruthlessly eradicate it, but this girl's situation was a little special.

...Please give me flowers...

"Hate! It was you who killed Lord Dionysus!"

Fairfax did not hide her feelings and thoughts at all.

"Well, that's indeed true."

"Because this is the choice he made. Even gods need to bear the price of their choice when they make a choice, especially if you are not able to protect the god Dionysus. Therefore, his death is inevitable. "

Bell doesn't hide this fact either.

He knelt down and came to Faileweisi's side.

"So, what next? Revenge for the god Dionysus?"

Faileweis's fingers holding the ground drew several blood marks on the ground.

"I can not do it......"

"If I take revenge on you, I will die..."

Bell still agrees with this result. Once you stand on his opposite side, no matter who the opponent is, you need to be prepared to die. This is how he has treated any enemy from the past.

"That's right."

"You will not be my opponent now. Your best speed can't even reach the corner of my clothes, so now your revenge is just a joke. And once you stand on the opposite side of me, no matter what your identity is, , I will kill you immediately."

"Because you are already standing on the opposite side of me."

This is the result.

Phil Weiss herself was very clear about this result, but it was because of this that she realized that she could only remember the person in front of her, but there was nothing she could do to face this hatred.

Because she still remembers Lord Dionysus's order to her, stay alive.

But Bell's hatred for Fairfax is not that annoying, and this feeling is quite pure.

"Haha~ Not bad. If you are hot-headed at this time, I will probably lower your evaluation a lot."

"Hands out as a compliment."

Fairfax bit her lip, but still obediently stretched out her hands.

Bell threw the relic belonging to the god Dionysus into her hand.

"I'll keep this thing for you."

"Don't forget this hatred."

Fairweese looked at the bloody divine core in her hand and was speechless for a long time. Finally, she carefully protected it in the palm of her hand.

"I'll never forget it!"

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a three-price review.

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