I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 722 Bell’S Way Of Relaxing

After returning home, Bell finally relaxed his body.

With a wave of his hand, he threw the hooded windbreaker into the four-dimensional space, so he no longer had to maintain a visually impaired state at home.

But just after arriving outside the home, Bell was quite cautious and would not completely relax in this place.

After passing the door of the house, Bell went directly to the secret room below his room on the first floor. It was a secret workshop that even Hestia didn't know about.

Entering the workshop, I felt completely relaxed.

He directly raised his hand and lay down on the soft lounge chair specially prepared in the workshop.

"Ah~~~I finally put an end to Orario's troubles."

Bell was completely relaxed this time.

Relax your whole body and mind, there is no need to consider issues such as caution, just relax completely.

After relaxing for nearly five minutes, Bell opened his eyes leisurely, took out a blank notebook from the four-dimensional space, and wrote some words on it with rune characters.

"The biggest problem in Orario, the dark faction, has been solved. In the next 27 years, I have nothing to worry about in Orario. The only thing I need to think about is personal growth."

Now Bell can finally relax.

The annihilation of the dark faction is the best news for him. As long as there are no those guys behind his back, he can have a better growth environment.

But now he still has a lot of troubles.

"Too much was exposed this time."

"But no matter how exposed I am this time, the gods will probably keep an eye on me. After all, that's what I expect."

That's right, because considering that his strength has reached its current level, it will become inevitable for him to be exposed in front of the gods. Therefore, Bell chose to be exposed, but it was not completely exposed.

What is exposed is the identity that can be revealed.

What was not exposed was another, more important identity.

Using one's exposed identity as a target for one's other identity, this plan cannot be said to be perfect. It can only be said that it can barely divert some of the attention from the original body to the target, while oneself can pick out his past identity. .

However, it shouldn't last long.

"Two years? Or one year?"

"The exposed identity should help me resist the attention of the gods for at least one year.

"As long as Hestia, Hephaestus, Freya, Loki and Artemis help me divert my attention, I should be able to hide it for a year."

In fact, one year is still too short, but considering that those gods are not stupid, one year should be the limit.


"It should be about a year."

Although one year is not a long time, it is enough time for Bell to grow up.

No matter in the past or now, what Bell needs most is the environment and time to grow.

As long as there is a suitable enough environment and a long enough growth time, Bell can grow up quickly.

At this point, Bell paused for a second.

"It's been less than half a year since I came to Orario, and I've now reached Level 6. This speed should be barely enough."

"The speed of subsequent upgrades will not continue to be so fast."

This is really a headache. Even Bell, who recorded this, felt a little headache.

"My growth rate is enough. For materials that exceed Level 8, I can just choose the Fairy Spirit. However, the materials that enter Level 9 must be together with "Sword Queen". This is really a trouble. "

Bell can ensure that he grows fast enough. As long as he has the opportunity, it will not be difficult to reach Level 9 in one year. However, the problem is that "Sword Queen" cannot keep up with this speed.

Even the speed at which he crosses Lv.8 is not particularly slow, and can even be said to be quite fast. However, when he crosses from Lv.8 to Lv.9, he is in big trouble.

After all, one of the conditions for him to reach Level 9 is that "Sword Queen" must reach the full accumulation status of Level 7. Otherwise, how can "Sword Queen"'s parents help "Sword Queen"?

Give her the conditions to enter Level 8?

"It seems that the biggest problem in the future is still with "Sword Girl".

"Her growth rate is too slow. I still need to spend some time on her."

But, to be honest, Bell hates wasting time on this kind of thing.

"That's why I hate forming a family."

A group of people who can't keep up can be really troublesome.

If you try to find ways to help your dependents improve, your own improvement speed will slow down.

If you think of ways to help people of your own clan grow, you will give up a lot of precious time. Therefore, no matter how you try to form your own clan, it is a completely "inefficient" thing. It is better to deal with all the troubles yourself.

The strength of a companion is the strength of a companion, not one's own strength.

Bell is a hamster sufferer and also has a phobia of lack of firepower.

For problems that can be solved by oneself, the best way is to solve them alone, because as long as people are involved, changes will happen, and what Bell hates most is changes.

Therefore, Bell is also the person who hates multiple family members the most.

Hestia Familia only needs him alone, and there is no need for anyone else.

After recording the current situation, Bell took the notebook back into the four-dimensional space and lay there lazily.

"Now the gods on the Tower of Babel are still watching the progress of the strategy team.

"Hestia and the others will not come back so early at this time. In other words, I still have some time to rest."

"Hmm~~~Okay, after more than ten days of hard work, I finally settled the matter of the dark faction. Although there is still a small tail left, it's not a big problem.

Fairwest and Lefiya are both "Orange Power", so as long as we deal with Fairways' weird side, she is also someone who can't jump.

"It seems that I can rest for a few days."

The dark faction's matter was settled in this way, and Bell was even more relaxed about it.

Even because he has been dealing with the affairs of the dark faction and the script of the strategy team in the past two days, Bell did not have much rest time in the past two days.

When you suddenly relax, you should take a few days to adjust your state.

But while Bell was relaxing, a village thousands of miles away was not calm.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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