I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 723 Welcome Home

"Half a year...LV.6, still barely fast?"

Who is this mocking?

Zeus and Hera were half stunned when they heard this.

Even in the "Heroic Age" they led, not a single family member could reach Level 6 within half a year.

And you must know that the Level 6 who has grown up in the past six months is not an ordinary thing, but can hide his strength and kill a serious Level 7 fairy guardian.

"This kid's growth rate is too weird."

Zeus had been guessing about Bell's strength level before, and also guessed that Bell had reached Level 6, but now he was still speechless in front of him.

"It must have a special skill that accelerates growth, otherwise it would be too fast to grow to a level that threatens Level 7 in half a year."

Hera also felt that this speed was a bit too abnormal. If she were in Orario at this moment, she must dig out the secret of this child's super-speed growth, otherwise she would not worry about this child growing at such a speed.

You know, sometimes too fast growth often has many effects on oneself.

Stabilizing a growth rate is often the best for an adventurer, but growing too fast will often make the body unable to keep up with the speed of improvement, making it more difficult to display the strength of growth.

To put it simply, excessive growth causes instability in one's own foundation.

So Hera is quite worried about Bell's rapid growth, and she doesn't know if he is also in such an unstable situation.

"Zeus, next time you reply to a letter, remember to mention it in your letter, don't let Bell pursue too fast a growth rate.

"I know."

Zeus was naturally worried about this problem. In the previous battle, Bell's instability was almost invisible. Of course, that was because Bell did not use his full strength.

The instability caused by growing too fast is difficult to see without showing full strength, but once full strength is shown, these problems are often easily exposed.

"But those goddesses are really related to Hestia~`.

"Do the gods in Orario have problems with their eyes? Can't they even see such an obvious relationship?"

Hestia, Hephaestus, Loki, Freya and Artemis, except for Hestia who is unknown, the other four goddesses have a full sense of presence in Orario.

But couldn't the gods see the relationship between these four people and the Hestia Familia, or even their relationship with Bell?

Zeus wondered if the eyes of those guys were painted on. It was so obvious that they didn't know anything about it, and even let the goddesses act in front of them very well.

Hera did see something, and she still helped those idiots in Orario to argue a little.

"Zeus, maybe those losers who are not Orario don't want to discover this relationship, maybe it's because they hide it so well."

"Remember how Bell came home?"

Zeus, who was enlightened, couldn't help but start thinking about what happened just now.

"Through a space tunnel."

"So, do you think the place Bell just walked into is Orario? The tribe in that place needs to be entered through a space tunnel?"

Zeus also realized that a normal tribe does not need to enter like this.

Moreover, the surrounding scenery of Hestia Familia's clan is obviously very abnormal. It is as if it is wrapped by a huge barrier, changing the entire internal space.


"That's not right either."

It's a little bit different to say it's a barrier. Zeus doesn't feel like it's a barrier, and the internal environment doesn't look like it's within the barrier at all.

After resting for a while in his personal workshop, Bell began to pack up the things he had acquired this time.

"It's a pity that the divine core of God Dionysus didn't take action."

The practical value of a divine core is actually quite high, and each god only has one divine core, and the divine power contained in it is only this amount, which can be said to be considerable.

The previous divine core was to replenish Artemis's lost divine power. If the divine power of that divine core hadn't helped Artemis replenish it, Artemis probably wouldn't have been able to survive it.

It can be said that things like the divine core are particularly useful when needed.

Therefore, this divine core of God Sanatos must be well preserved, just so that it can be used in case of emergency.

"Although I gave the divine core of God Dionysus to Phil Weiss, I still got what I deserved."

The "big sin" is definitely something Bell will never forget.

The "wrath" carried by the god Dionysus is one of the seven deadly sins, and naturally Bell will not let it go easily.

"The only thing left is "Sloth" on Loki's side. "

Bell, the last one left, was not so anxious.

Things on Freya's side also need to be dealt with. Well, the way Freya is treated in the future still needs to be changed.

At least have the same attitude as Hestia and Hephaestus.

"By the way, do I, an ordinary person, have such charm? How can I attract so many goddesses?"

Bell criticized himself. It seemed that he was only slightly out of control when facing Hephaestus. After all, he was really just a fledgling, and he was even guided by Hephaestus.

Thinking of this, Bell couldn't help but feel sad for himself.

"You, you, how come you never had contact with the opposite sex in your last life?"

"If you have been exposed to it, you should know how to deal with this situation."

"Oh, by the way, she lives in the Tower of Babel."

Sure enough, when Bell arrived on the first floor, Freya had just come down from the second floor.

After specifically feeling the locations of some spatial fluctuations, Bell knew who had returned first.

But what he should do when facing gods, his experience in his previous life never told him.

"Well, I'm back, honey."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Has Freya come back first?"

Looking at wearing a relatively conservative white dress, Bell looked at Freya with a smile.

Bell reacted instantly as soon as he slapped his forehead.

Feeling the fluctuations in the space at home, Bell knew that someone was back.

The more I thought about Bell, the more headache I felt.

Bell quickly prepared and then quickly went from his workshop to the first floor.

But in my previous life, I could only be a scumbag at most.

"Come back so soon?"

Why does it seem that facing the goddess is more troublesome than facing the dark sect?

Hestia, Hephaestus and Artemis all need to go through the passage in Hephaestus's room when they return, but Freya doesn't have to go through Hephaestus's room, so she will naturally have to go through more when returning. Be faster.

"Welcome home, Freya."


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